Mastery loadout bug

HugeWoodHugeWood Member Posts: 2
Currently if you switch to a mastery loadout that has liquid courage leveled up it wont take effect. This happened to me while is was trying my new loadouts and i checked the stats on my champs. Please fix this kabam.


  • PT_123PT_123 Member Posts: 2
    I agree 100%. There is no change in damage output whatsoever.
  • HugeWoodHugeWood Member Posts: 2
    And i need those benefits and considering i spent thousands of units on those and now cant even acced them is really annoying.
  • o7_Frosto7_Frost Member Posts: 1
    Yes this is happening to me as well. Definitely miss those big PI numbers already :)
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 12,249 Guardian

  • KAPTAN84KAPTAN84 Member Posts: 2
    There is a problem of ingenuity. Bleeding and poison are clear, but the force of the blow is not equal. Regulation required.
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