Rigged Pulls and AI

Literally had a terrible month's experience so far with AI and crystal pulls. I've opened dozens of featured crystals and got only one featured champion and that was Bullseye, and just opened 7 star crystals and an important TITAN that would have been groundbreaking for my account...
Well to no surprise, got all trash from all my openings. Which is crazy to say that even if they argue RNG, all my alliance mates each opened just one featured or titan and instantly got their great featured champion. Kind of heated here since I grinded towards those openings and had to deal with so many **** fights that wasted so much time because of sketchy AI, something that was not observed as much by other players or especially by YouTubers (watching them for playthroughs/strategy/guides). Like a lot of other free to play players, Titan crystals won't come by very often at this point in time, so of course you would like SOMETHING great at least. None of them experience the AI that I faced. I heard there was a data mine that exposed some variance for AI behavior and RNG by player, but seeing this for my experience is kind of a slap to the face. My experience is pretty terrible compared to others at this point, I cannot fathom how much a FtP has lost after doing so much for the game. I was not expecting perfect pulls -- I was expecting a multitude of misses and then maybe a really good hit here and there, but for me it was all misses for the past few months.
After devotedly logging in and doing content for fun, you would expect to get some benefit, something that would assist in the future of your account -- isn't that what progression is for in this game? Well for me, nothing recent has been at all helpful, I have been doing all of that and get nothing. Nada. Zero. A few misses and then maybe a decent champion that would be worth promoting for my account would be understandable, but getting ALL misses is just insane for "random" generated pulls.
Some other FtPs also shared their experience in Global and also went through some similar feats, though interestingly they weren't as shafted as I was in both being rigged against in terms of AI behavior AND crystal pulls. Paid accounts on the other hand, I've seen never a MISS-MISS type situation. Sure, they also have their share of misses, but every account I've come across usually makes it back with a really shining pull.
AI was really the start of it for me. I've seen a lot of discussions and playthroughs on how AI could sometimes mess up your rhythm by acting all weird and then swiftly calculating your next move and punishing it, but I don't see that happening for EVERY FREAKING FIGHT YOU ENTER. Every fight literally I would CONSISTENTLY get either 1. light intercepted at least once before the opponent reaches 50%, 2. special intercepted once before the opponent reaches 30%, or 3. a mix of the first two. I see a lot of videos where AI wreck players by throwing an out-of-nowhere perfect combo and merely reducing their health before being pummeled into a KO, though those situations often just either result in a temporary setback (where if the player got KOed they just bring back the champ or someone else), or just lose a chunk of their HP. For me, this is EVERY FIGHT, something which is crazy especially for AI that has "random deterministic behavior". This month alone (and yes I am talking about the two days of April that have occurred since this post) I have wasted dozens of minutes just waiting for AI to bait a special attack on a node that does not affect their special behavior like special bias nodes. You would think after doing perfect runs while on edge about not messing up due to AI patterns you would AT LEAST get something that would help you, even after tons of misses, but NOPE. Miss->Miss->Miss->Miss->Miss all the way to now. All disappointing pulls. Out of around 6 abyss nexus crystals, I only had one successful one for Kate Bishop, everything else for Hulkling or Photon were complete misses (yes, somehow I still could not draw Hulkling or Photon at all). 40+ featureds resulted in only 2 featured champions (excluding dupes on those two champions), and everything else was non-featured garbage. 7 star crystal: No Hulk, no Shuri, no Titania, no Mantis, no Juggernaut, no Silk, no Storm P90X, no Sunspot, no Venom, but somehow dupes on VtD, Hawkeye, and a bunch of trash champions that somehow make up most of my roster. From this Titan, I would have been extremely ecstatic with a third of the pool, and satisfied with another third, but somehow got trash from the remaining third of the pool pie. Really hitting the target anywhere EXCEPT the 2/3rd pie of the Titan pool which I would have been satisfied with.
So finally leaving this shitshow of a game. It was great until they decided to rig free to play pulls that would have otherwise been something players were looking forward to for a long time.
Maybe you would say this is a rant, and technically and agreeably this most certainly is. But I'm at the end of my rope here after getting shafted THIS MANY TIMES while being so immersed in the game. It was mostly tolerance towards getting shafted by AI or by crystal pulls, but this Titan that was supposed to be somewhat helpful was just the end of it. Respectful yet assertive middle finger to whichever jerk rigged these mechanics so terribly. So sorry that such a thing is in a game with beautiful gameplay mechanics, animations, and characters. Just another thing to pile up after MCU's decline.
Well to no surprise, got all trash from all my openings. Which is crazy to say that even if they argue RNG, all my alliance mates each opened just one featured or titan and instantly got their great featured champion. Kind of heated here since I grinded towards those openings and had to deal with so many **** fights that wasted so much time because of sketchy AI, something that was not observed as much by other players or especially by YouTubers (watching them for playthroughs/strategy/guides). Like a lot of other free to play players, Titan crystals won't come by very often at this point in time, so of course you would like SOMETHING great at least. None of them experience the AI that I faced. I heard there was a data mine that exposed some variance for AI behavior and RNG by player, but seeing this for my experience is kind of a slap to the face. My experience is pretty terrible compared to others at this point, I cannot fathom how much a FtP has lost after doing so much for the game. I was not expecting perfect pulls -- I was expecting a multitude of misses and then maybe a really good hit here and there, but for me it was all misses for the past few months.
After devotedly logging in and doing content for fun, you would expect to get some benefit, something that would assist in the future of your account -- isn't that what progression is for in this game? Well for me, nothing recent has been at all helpful, I have been doing all of that and get nothing. Nada. Zero. A few misses and then maybe a decent champion that would be worth promoting for my account would be understandable, but getting ALL misses is just insane for "random" generated pulls.
Some other FtPs also shared their experience in Global and also went through some similar feats, though interestingly they weren't as shafted as I was in both being rigged against in terms of AI behavior AND crystal pulls. Paid accounts on the other hand, I've seen never a MISS-MISS type situation. Sure, they also have their share of misses, but every account I've come across usually makes it back with a really shining pull.
AI was really the start of it for me. I've seen a lot of discussions and playthroughs on how AI could sometimes mess up your rhythm by acting all weird and then swiftly calculating your next move and punishing it, but I don't see that happening for EVERY FREAKING FIGHT YOU ENTER. Every fight literally I would CONSISTENTLY get either 1. light intercepted at least once before the opponent reaches 50%, 2. special intercepted once before the opponent reaches 30%, or 3. a mix of the first two. I see a lot of videos where AI wreck players by throwing an out-of-nowhere perfect combo and merely reducing their health before being pummeled into a KO, though those situations often just either result in a temporary setback (where if the player got KOed they just bring back the champ or someone else), or just lose a chunk of their HP. For me, this is EVERY FIGHT, something which is crazy especially for AI that has "random deterministic behavior". This month alone (and yes I am talking about the two days of April that have occurred since this post) I have wasted dozens of minutes just waiting for AI to bait a special attack on a node that does not affect their special behavior like special bias nodes. You would think after doing perfect runs while on edge about not messing up due to AI patterns you would AT LEAST get something that would help you, even after tons of misses, but NOPE. Miss->Miss->Miss->Miss->Miss all the way to now. All disappointing pulls. Out of around 6 abyss nexus crystals, I only had one successful one for Kate Bishop, everything else for Hulkling or Photon were complete misses (yes, somehow I still could not draw Hulkling or Photon at all). 40+ featureds resulted in only 2 featured champions (excluding dupes on those two champions), and everything else was non-featured garbage. 7 star crystal: No Hulk, no Shuri, no Titania, no Mantis, no Juggernaut, no Silk, no Storm P90X, no Sunspot, no Venom, but somehow dupes on VtD, Hawkeye, and a bunch of trash champions that somehow make up most of my roster. From this Titan, I would have been extremely ecstatic with a third of the pool, and satisfied with another third, but somehow got trash from the remaining third of the pool pie. Really hitting the target anywhere EXCEPT the 2/3rd pie of the Titan pool which I would have been satisfied with.
So finally leaving this shitshow of a game. It was great until they decided to rig free to play pulls that would have otherwise been something players were looking forward to for a long time.
Maybe you would say this is a rant, and technically and agreeably this most certainly is. But I'm at the end of my rope here after getting shafted THIS MANY TIMES while being so immersed in the game. It was mostly tolerance towards getting shafted by AI or by crystal pulls, but this Titan that was supposed to be somewhat helpful was just the end of it. Respectful yet assertive middle finger to whichever jerk rigged these mechanics so terribly. So sorry that such a thing is in a game with beautiful gameplay mechanics, animations, and characters. Just another thing to pile up after MCU's decline.
Post edited by Kabam Jax on
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Well, I'm sure they'll miss all that your free to play self brought to the game. You probably need to go just to get your mental health together. Best of luck.
Crystals aren't rigged.
The game is rigged, but apparently rigged in a different way for different players such that some get exactly what they wanted and some don't and there's no pattern to it at all, except that paying players apparently always get what the want, some of the time.
I wish I knew how to fix this, I really do, but unfortunately this seems to be something that is just completely broken in an impossible way to fix. In some humans.
I'm going to be on your side and say I believe you. However I need a bit of clarification. Can you explain, please, how exactly Kabam selected your specific account (out of the thousands and thousands) to be the one they'd rig crystal opening against? Or let's narrow it down... Can you shed some light on how Kabam selected your account out of the 30 accounts in your alliance to rig crystal opening against? I believe that your account is being targeted, but I am interested in the process of account selection for it. Please enlighten. Thanks.
The previous round of Featured, I got none. This time around, I've opened 5 as of now, and they were in the following order: Kushala, Captain Britain, Ironheart, White Tiger, Bullseye.
It's just luck man, but hey, farewell I guess.
Sorry you're feeling unhappy about your RNG luck. But there are no secret, dark forces working behind the scenes specifically to target your account and refuse to give you the champs you don't want.
You're free to voice your displeasure with facets of this game, but the forums are not a place for conspiracy theories. Additionally, you're free to voice your dissatisfaction without targeting the team working on it.
Good day.