Act 8 Chapter 4: Darkest Dawn - April 10th @ 11am PT! Tune into our livestream April 10 @ 10am PT!

MCOC TeamMCOC Team Administrator, Admin [en] Posts: 630
edited April 2024 in General Discussion
Welcome to the fourth and final chapter of Marvel Contest of Champions' Act 8!

This Chapter is intended to be the exciting conclusion to the adventures of Carina and her battle against the insidious organization Ouroboros. As such, we've ratcheted up some of the difficulty and the design of Chapter 4 to present a more appropriate challenge to the Summoners who have made it this far. Don't worry though! We've made sure to keep the rewarding gameplay and explosive damage that everyone's come to expect from Story Quest fights. So ascend those Champions, rank up those Relics, and see if you have what it takes to overcome ACT 8 CHAPTER 4 - DARKEST DAWN!


As mentioned in the previous release of Act 8 Chapter 3, we've reduced the scope of Story Quest content as outlined below.

1 Act composed of 4 Chapters
Each Chapter consists of 6 Quests
Chapter 4's Quests are composed of…
  • 3 Paths with 6 Encounter per Path
  • 3 Final Bosses (Not Path Dependent)
  • 1-3 Choice Nodes (found just before fighting the Final Bosses)
Choice Nodes located just before the Final Bosses give players a chance to swap out a non-KO’d Champion for another in their roster.

The freshly swapped in Champion will enter the Quest at full health and ready to rumble. Summoners will find these Choice Nodes after the final Path Fight, but just before the Final Bosses, giving players a chance to swap in a Champion better suited for the challenges those Bosses present.


Each quest consists of 3 paths, with an average of 23 nodes per path. Each path also contains 6 fights, plus the Final Boss fight.



Before we start talking about the new Nodes in Act 8, it’s important to mention the Global Nodes in every Quest intended to empower your Champions and Strikers. While these may seem like a lot of effects to consider, many of these occur in the background and shouldn't be causes for concern.

Adrenaline Rush
The Attacker gains up to 100% Damage Reduction at all times, scaling with their current Adrenaline. Adrenaline is gained after being Struck.
Hold the Line
The Attacker gains up to +80% Block Proficiency at all times, scaling with their current Adrenaline. Adrenaline is gained after being Struck.
Pulling Rank - 6-Stars
6-Star Attackers gain a permanent Attack Bonus based on their Rank ranging from +100 to +2000.
Pulling Rank - 7-Stars
7-Star Attackers gain a permanent Attack Bonus based on their Rank ranging from +800 to +2800.
Free Spirited - 4
The Attacker's Spirit Gain Rate is increased 200%.


WEAPON Nodes have been an important mechanic throughout Act 8, with players using their wits and their roster to DISARM opponents and punish them with improved UNARMED damage or by CAPTURING the Weapon Node for themselves. Chapter 4 will see these desperate opponents finally fight back, with the introduction of BERSERK NODES.

Whereas Unarmed and Capture Nodes allow players to turn the powers of Quest Nodes against their opponents, BERSERK NODES unlock dangerous new abilities for the Defender while their Weapon Node is Disarmed or Captured. Players will need to respect these new threats while they strategize on how best to capitalize on the Defender's lost Weapon. Will you forego the advantage of the Weapon for the safer Unarmed option? Or will you risk it all to Capture the Weapon node while your opponent is Berserk? We're excited to see how players handle the final challenge of Weapon Nodes inside Act 8.


For this final Chapter in Act 8, we wanted to diversify the challenges presented in order to really test the limits of a Summoner's skills and roster. With that intent, we've loaded up Act 8.4 with a wide variety of new effects and nodes focusing on broader RPG demands and mechanics.

Rather than constraining ourselves to specific Classes, we've set up a series of nodes looking for niche mechanics to counter daunting Defender threats. But don't worry if you don't have a perfect counter, we've opened up the design of these nodes to allow for alternative mechanics to help bridge the gap.

We know Relics and Strikers are a hot topic for many, but thanks to the extensive feedback from the Act 8.3 Beta earlier this year we have a much better idea as to what players are looking for from Strikers-centric gameplay. While there aren't nearly as many new Striker nodes in Act 8.4 as there were in Act 8.3, we felt compelled to continue to explore the design space they provide us and hope you enjoy the challenges and triumphs they present.

Lastly, there are of course a parade of other new nodes mixed in with existing favorites, but we'll leave you to find them in-game.


Act 8 Chapter 4 features the stunning conclusion to Carina's war against the villainous organization Ouroboros! With the defeat of Cerastes, Carina and her allies delve deeper into Ouroboros's base of operations, uncovering a threat to the Battlerealm beyond their imagination. Armed with this new and terrifying information, it will fall to The Summoner to help Carina prevent a devastating war that would reduce The Contest to ashes.

Standing between our heroes and salvation is none other than the Leader of Ouroboros himself - PUNISHER GLYKHAN! But why has Frank Castle turned against The Battlerealm? What terrible power was able to corrupt one of the most resolute wills in all The Contest? Answers will have to wait, as Glykhan will waste little time devastating anyone who stands between him and his insidious goals. Will you be able to overcome the punishing power of Glykhan, or will this corrupted Frank Castle scratch The Summoner off their hit list? Find out in ACT 8 CHAPTER 4 - DARKEST DAWN!


Act 8 Chapter 4 features Path Rewards, Completion Rewards, and Exploration Rewards. Check them out below!

Chapter 4 Completion Rewards
2x 6-Star Rank Up Gem 3 to 4
1x 6-Star Awakening Gem
60x 6-Star Sig Stone
2x 6-Star Nexus Hero Crystal
1x 5 Star Nexus Relic Crystal
7 500x 7-Star Hero Crystal Shard
10x 25% T6 Class Catalyst Crystal
7x Tier 3 Alpha Catalyst
7x Tier 6 Basic Catalyst
2 000 000x Gold

Chapter 4 Exploration Rewards
1x 6-Star Rank Up Gem 4 to 5
1x 7-Star Rank Up Gem 1 to 2
1x 7-Star Hero Crystal
200x Tier 2 Primordial Dust
1x 6 Star Relic Crystal
5 000x 7 Star Titan Shards
1x Tier 4 Alpha Catalyst
1x 6-Star Relic Rank Up Gem 1 to 2
4 000 000x Gold

Quest Completion and Exploration Rewards
20x Tier 5 Class Iso (different for each Quest)
15x Tier 6 Class Iso (different for each Quest)

Path Rewards
These rewards can only be picked up on paths inside a given Quest once.

800 000x Gold
5 000x 5-Star Relic Crystal Shards
10 000x 6-Star Hero Crystal Shards
5x 5% Tier 6 Class Catalyst Fragment Crystals
1 500x 7-Star Hero Crystal Shards
90x Units

Act 8 Completion Rewards
1x 7-Star Hero Crystal
1x 7-Star Rank Up Gem 1 to 2
2x 6-Star Rank Up Gem 4 to 5
5 000x 7 Star Titan Shards
200x Tier 2 Primordial Dust
1x 6 Star Relic Crystal

Act 8 Exploration Rewards
1x 7-Star Rank Up Gem 2 to 3 Crystal
1x 7-Star Class Hero Crystal
1x 7-Star Nexus Hero Crystal
10 000x 7 Star Titan Shards
20x 7-Star Signature Stone
1x 6-Star Relic Rank Up Gem 2 to 3


We’d like to take a moment to thank everyone who came out for our Act 8 Chapter 4 Beta. Community feedback and support helps us stay the course on keeping Story Quests an exciting, engaging, and exemplary experience for all of our players.

As always, thank you all for your patience, your passion, and your participation.
Good luck Summoners!
Post edited by Kabam Miike on


  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,456 ★★★★★
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  • Scopeotoe987Scopeotoe987 Member Posts: 1,564 ★★★★★
    edited April 2024
    & here we go, 8.4!!! Looking forward to it!!!
  • SecondSkrillerSecondSkriller Member Posts: 1,347 ★★★★★
    Perfect, I love everything! Honestly, that’s even better than I expected, that’s a ton of 7 star stuff!
  • RockyshockyRockyshocky Member Posts: 108 ★★
    its beautiful
  • AvnishAvnish Member Posts: 469 ★★★
    edited April 2024
    Great Reward. One of the best reward I ever seen...well done Kabam..Really looking forward to it...I will do this first then WOW gauntlet..

    I hope reward will not get changed as last time Just before half an hour ago. It got changed 10000 5* relic to 2500. I don't remember something like that happened for act 8.3
  • Rayven5220Rayven5220 Member Posts: 2,548 ★★★★★
    Pumped!!! April 10th can't come soon enough. Yay!!
  • Noob_Master69Noob_Master69 Member Posts: 702 ★★★★
    Very nice! About what I expected to see with a bit extra sprinkled on top!
  • Mostafa_Amr1Mostafa_Amr1 Member Posts: 8
    I’m really excited for the 7* nexus and 2-3 rank up gem! I’ll probably take up shuri for necro.
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  • JLordVileJJLordVileJ Member Posts: 6,072 ★★★★★
  • Chuck_FinleyChuck_Finley Member Posts: 1,605 ★★★★★
    First thing I have looked forward to since the additional completion rewards of necro….
  • Adrikss1Adrikss1 Member Posts: 3

    Adrikss1 said:

    Quick question: if I get valiant with the 8.4 rewards, will I be able to get the valiant objectives in Winter of Woe?

    I believe that they should become available for you if you become Valiant during the event duration.
    Thanks a lot for that quick answer

  • ScottryanScottryan Member Posts: 475 ★★★
    edited April 2024
  • PistolcuApaPistolcuApa Member Posts: 176

    Terrible rewards, why are you soo stingy with 7s resources, all I see is 6s rankups. Should have been a rankup crystal 2-3 7s for completion, and generic for exploration of Act 8. At least I don't have to rush.

    Wait... do you really think that the rewards for Act 8 Exploration should be better than the Necropolis rewards? That's end-game Everest Content, and this is... much easier. And as we said earlier, we're slowing down on 7 Star rewards because we are not keen to get to 8 Stars this year, so that is why we're not going to be giving out more Rank 3s here, and believe that 6 Stars are still very valuable, especially with the introduction of Ascension.
    I did not compare with necropolis, have done one run and that's it, 5h. Running trough Act 8 exploration at the moment, tedious, 8.3 exploration was a breeze, quite enjoyable. Now, because you agreed you guys are not fully focused on 7s, I can be happy r5 my 6s and ascend.
    My initial post was me thinking we are leaning towards 7s this year.
  • Steam97Steam97 Member Posts: 275 ★★★
    @Kabam Miike will we have to choose the class for the 7 star class crystal before opening the 7 star r2 to r3 gem crystal?
  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,422 ★★★★★

    Terrible rewards, why are you soo stingy with 7s resources, all I see is 6s rankups. Should have been a rankup crystal 2-3 7s for completion, and generic for exploration of Act 8. At least I don't have to rush.

    Wait... do you really think that the rewards for Act 8 Exploration should be better than the Necropolis rewards? That's end-game Everest Content, and this is... much easier. And as we said earlier, we're slowing down on 7 Star rewards because we are not keen to get to 8 Stars this year, so that is why we're not going to be giving out more Rank 3s here, and believe that 6 Stars are still very valuable, especially with the introduction of Ascension.
    Have to agerd with that’s I don’t think a 8 star already be fun already.
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