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If you have enough skill, than who is better between tigra and rintrah

Which should i choose in mystic nexus crystal, somehow they come in it assuming that i have BWCV, kindered and dragon man.


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    Milan1405Milan1405 Posts: 952 ★★★★
    Tigra is also required for Fintech's carina challenge if you ever do them.
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    G-Hun-GearG-Hun-Gear Posts: 1,447 ★★★★
    I’m facing a similar question (who to ascend) but am leaning towards Rintrah, because he is a dual threat, deals with most stuff that Tigra deals with and is quite tanky, which I like on offense…
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    G-Hun-GearG-Hun-Gear Posts: 1,447 ★★★★
    ChaosKing said:

    Which should i choose in mystic nexus crystal, somehow they come in it assuming that i have BWCV, kindered and dragon man.

    Tigra is much better than rintrah as an attacker when played correctly. Rintrah is arguably a better defender than tigra; Overall, i'd go with tigra because she has way more uses.
    What do you mean with “way more uses”?
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    Milan1405Milan1405 Posts: 952 ★★★★

    I’m facing a similar question (who to ascend) but am leaning towards Rintrah, because he is a dual threat, deals with most stuff that Tigra deals with and is quite tanky, which I like on offense…

    I have R5 Tigra and rintrah but chose to ascend tigra over him and no regrets, she's a phenomenal attacker.
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    captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Posts: 5,632 ★★★★★
    Tigra is still the top 5 best attackers in game if you know how to use her.

    I rarely see rintrah nowadays, a lot of champs counter him. Cow is cool but science class is stacked enough to annihilate him.
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    captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Posts: 5,632 ★★★★★

    ChaosKing said:

    Which should i choose in mystic nexus crystal, somehow they come in it assuming that i have BWCV, kindered and dragon man.

    Tigra is much better than rintrah as an attacker when played correctly. Rintrah is arguably a better defender than tigra; Overall, i'd go with tigra because she has way more uses.
    What do you mean with “way more uses”?
    Tigra can miss completely the special attacks of many annoying champs, as long as the opponent don't counter miss. She also ends fight faster, a big nuke like cgr if played correctly.
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    Emilia90Emilia90 Posts: 2,511 ★★★★★

    ChaosKing said:

    Which should i choose in mystic nexus crystal, somehow they come in it assuming that i have BWCV, kindered and dragon man.

    Tigra is much better than rintrah as an attacker when played correctly. Rintrah is arguably a better defender than tigra; Overall, i'd go with tigra because she has way more uses.
    What do you mean with “way more uses”?
    Tigra can miss completely the special attacks of many annoying champs, as long as the opponent don't counter miss. She also ends fight faster, a big nuke like cgr if played correctly.
    I don’t know, I think I’m not convinced…

    Science champs that annihilate Rintrah will annihilate Tigra just the same, even quicker. She brings nothing to the table on defense (if you can evade her SP2).

    On offense they are quite similar in a way: They both can apply a permanent Neutralize (while Rintrah’s is easier to maintain) and then land a massive SP2…

    Also, with Tigra you have to be aggressive. When you have to bait specials, you will lose your 2 senses too quickly, even at Sig 200. And for that you need a cooperative AI.

    And finally: “Learning Tigra” means learning the spacing of heavies and specials of every single champ in the game, because you want to punish those… For me personally, that’s quite a challenge…

    Don’t get me wrong, I love Tigra! I like her playstyle and flow, and she was AMAZING in the Polka Dot BG Meta… But just for general usage, I think I prefer Rintrah…

    Personally. I think. 😂
    She’s not a defender, and yes, she takes a lot of skill. You don’t need a super cooperative AI and it’s pretty easy to keep your senses up if you practice her enough. I’ve taken r5 defenders with her in like 25 seconds if I play it right, and she doesn’t need sp2 crit rng like rintrah
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    G-Hun-GearG-Hun-Gear Posts: 1,447 ★★★★
    edited April 5
    Emilia90 said:

    ChaosKing said:

    Which should i choose in mystic nexus crystal, somehow they come in it assuming that i have BWCV, kindered and dragon man.

    Tigra is much better than rintrah as an attacker when played correctly. Rintrah is arguably a better defender than tigra; Overall, i'd go with tigra because she has way more uses.
    What do you mean with “way more uses”?
    Tigra can miss completely the special attacks of many annoying champs, as long as the opponent don't counter miss. She also ends fight faster, a big nuke like cgr if played correctly.
    I don’t know, I think I’m not convinced…

    Science champs that annihilate Rintrah will annihilate Tigra just the same, even quicker. She brings nothing to the table on defense (if you can evade her SP2).

    On offense they are quite similar in a way: They both can apply a permanent Neutralize (while Rintrah’s is easier to maintain) and then land a massive SP2…

    Also, with Tigra you have to be aggressive. When you have to bait specials, you will lose your 2 senses too quickly, even at Sig 200. And for that you need a cooperative AI.

    And finally: “Learning Tigra” means learning the spacing of heavies and specials of every single champ in the game, because you want to punish those… For me personally, that’s quite a challenge…

    Don’t get me wrong, I love Tigra! I like her playstyle and flow, and she was AMAZING in the Polka Dot BG Meta… But just for general usage, I think I prefer Rintrah…

    Personally. I think. 😂
    She’s not a defender, and yes, she takes a lot of skill. You don’t need a super cooperative AI and it’s pretty easy to keep your senses up if you practice her enough. I’ve taken r5 defenders with her in like 25 seconds if I play it right, and she doesn’t need sp2 crit rng like rintrah
    Thank god you quoted my post before it disappeared! (I tried one too many edits… 😅)

    But ok, I’m starting to get convinced… :) Anybody has some useful “How To” video guides that I can use to get better with Tigra? ^^
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    IlociaM97IlociaM97 Posts: 163
    Tigra is better the cow is safer
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    Jack2634Jack2634 Posts: 858 ★★★
    tigra is one of the most dangerous attacker when being played at her max potential. Rintrah is a decent defender

    Btw, just a personal question, but is anyone still using rintrah on defense in BG mode ? I swear the last time i saw a rintrah defender in my opponent's BG deck is like 3 or 4 months ago.
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    Baron427Baron427 Posts: 80
    Tigra has a higher ceiling for sure, but Rintrah is really reliable with great damage and way more tanky.
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    BeastDadBeastDad Posts: 1,581 ★★★★★
    Rintrah is the better defender.
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    PriyabrataPriyabrata Posts: 1,135 ★★★★
    Whoever told you Rintrah requires skill is lying
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    Noobmaster555Noobmaster555 Posts: 80
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    Legend_WriterLegend_Writer Posts: 20
    Tigra is a very good attacker, and her synergy with kitty is very, very good
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    Gooseman627Gooseman627 Posts: 38

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    EdisonLawEdisonLaw Posts: 3,009 ★★★★
    Tigra if you know how to use her. Rintrah is the better dual threat but nowadays a lot of science champs slaughter him and as such his defensive value isn’t as valued as it once was.
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    baskinrobbinsknowsbaskinrobbinsknows Posts: 267 ★★★
    Ah yes, the old cat vs cow debate.
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    Java_JunkieJava_Junkie Posts: 253

    Ah yes, the old cat vs cow debate.

    lost a local chinese buffet over that.shame. killer crab rangoon.
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    PriyabrataPriyabrata Posts: 1,135 ★★★★
    Jack2634 said:

    tigra is one of the most dangerous attacker when being played at her max potential. Rintrah is a decent defender

    Btw, just a personal question, but is anyone still using rintrah on defense in BG mode ? I swear the last time i saw a rintrah defender in my opponent's BG deck is like 3 or 4 months ago.

    The meta keeps shifting, doesn't mean he is not a good defender , I always keep a red guardian in my roster just in case
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    MagrailothosMagrailothos Posts: 5,566 ★★★★★
    The key point in this debate is within the OP's question: If you have enough skill.

    Tigra has way more potential in the hands of a really skilled user; but needs an intimate understanding of timing, and the spacing of every individual opponent's Heavy and Special Attacks. She is really hard to get the best out of, but if you do, she's amazing.

    Rintrah is incredibly tanky and simple to use; and a weaker player (Hi! I fit into this category, too 😉) will get far more value from Rintrah than Tigra because of his simplicity and durability.

    For 95% of the people who play the game, go for Rintrah. For the 5%, go Tigra, and go nuts!
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