Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Act 8 Chapter 4: Darkest Dawn - April 10th @ 11am PT! Tune into our livestream April 10 @ 10am PT!



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    jcphillips7jcphillips7 Posts: 1,224 ★★★★
    edited April 8

    My only comment on the rewards is that I don't understand why 8.4 exploration is better than Act 8 completion.

    Wait, you mean to say that just doing 1 play through of Act 8 should get you better rewards than Fully doing everything in Act 8? Is this correct?
    No, he meant 8.4 100% compared to completion of Act 8. So 8.1-8.4...24 maps completed, 4 big final bosses..those rewards being lesser compared to simply 100% 8.4's 6 maps.

    I kinda of get where he's coming from, but then again, it's always kind of been like that with the other acts. And they still want to keep Necro relevant.
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    UsagicassidyUsagicassidy Posts: 1,130 ★★★★

    My only comment on the rewards is that I don't understand why 8.4 exploration is better than Act 8 completion.

    Wait, you mean to say that just doing 1 play through of Act 8 should get you better rewards than Fully doing everything in Act 8? Is this correct?
    No, he meant 8.4 100% compared to completion of Act 8. So 8.1-8.4...24 maps completed, 4 big final bosses..those rewards being lesser compared to simply 100% 8.4's 6 maps.

    I kinda of get where he's coming from, but then again, it's always kind of been like that with the other acts. And they still want to keep Necro relevant.
    I mean, they're just plain wrong.

    Because the most coveted reward - the only thing that will push them from Paragon to Valiant - is in part of the Act 8 Exploration rewards. So they're wrong that the "better rewards" are under 8.4 Exploration rather than Act exploration.
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    Holek96Holek96 Posts: 13
    Hello, may I ask if there are any other top 100 competitions left
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    BlackPhøenix448BlackPhøenix448 Posts: 22

    My only comment on the rewards is that I don't understand why 8.4 exploration is better than Act 8 completion.

    Wait, you mean to say that just doing 1 play through of Act 8 should get you better rewards than Fully doing everything in Act 8? Is this correct?
    No, he meant 8.4 100% compared to completion of Act 8. So 8.1-8.4...24 maps completed, 4 big final bosses..those rewards being lesser compared to simply 100% 8.4's 6 maps.

    I kinda of get where he's coming from, but then again, it's always kind of been like that with the other acts. And they still want to keep Necro relevant.
    I understand, I'm just super excited for tomorrow, all of 8.1-3 for me is done with 1 Necro run complete, R3 Shocker is a different monster. Just recently took up my 7* Gladiator to r2, hoping for Cosmic, Skill, or a different class depending on what champs I get from the 7* crystals.
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    startropicsstartropics Posts: 678 ★★★★
    @Kabam Miike can you please confirm if are we able to open our champ crystals before having to open the 2-3 gem?
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    FolkvangrFolkvangr Posts: 120

    @Kabam Miike can you please confirm if are we able to open our champ crystals before having to open the 2-3 gem?

    The gem is on a crystal
    When have you been forced to open a crystal upon obtaining it?

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    Ghostrunner01Ghostrunner01 Posts: 151 ★★

    @Kabam Miike can you please confirm if are we able to open our champ crystals before having to open the 2-3 gem?

    I believe it is similar to the class 7* crystal from 100% necropolis. If so, then yes. You can open it before the 2-3 gem.
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    startropicsstartropics Posts: 678 ★★★★
    edited April 9
    Folkvangr said:

    @Kabam Miike can you please confirm if are we able to open our champ crystals before having to open the 2-3 gem?

    The gem is on a crystal
    When have you been forced to open a crystal upon obtaining it?

    good point.
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    DingoDangoDingoDango Posts: 1
    @Kabam Miike Super curious.... what percent of the community is valiant at this time? I have one more path of necropolis and I am stuck at 8.2.6. Just wondering if you could give us that answer. Thank you.
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    kenadroidkenadroid Posts: 453 ★★★
    Adrikss1 said:

    Quick question: if I get valiant with the 8.4 rewards, will I be able to get the valiant objectives in Winter of Woe?

    Can someone in the game team confirm this?
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    MrSakuragiMrSakuragi Posts: 4,539 ★★★★★
    kenadroid said:

    Adrikss1 said:

    Quick question: if I get valiant with the 8.4 rewards, will I be able to get the valiant objectives in Winter of Woe?

    Can someone in the game team confirm this?
    People that have become valiant in all other weeks of wow have received valiant objectives as soon as they progressed.
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    willrun4adonutwillrun4adonut Posts: 3,591 ★★★★★
    I'm so ready for tomorrow.

    And so is my stash.
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    ThiartcThiartc Posts: 276 ★★

    I'm so ready for tomorrow.

    And so is my stash.

    but is the game rdy for you?

    masteries? how many extra revives worked in for that?
    dropped inputs, +??
    passive defenders, plus a couple i guess
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    BlackPhøenix448BlackPhøenix448 Posts: 22
    Thiartc said:

    I'm so ready for tomorrow.

    And so is my stash.

    but is the game rdy for you?

    masteries? how many extra revives worked in for that?
    dropped inputs, +??
    passive defenders, plus a couple i guess
    Fair point, I'm ready for everything, except the level up process (I have had no Iso and gold for like 4 months)
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    RoggamRoggam Posts: 84
    You don’t have a 1/2M shards of premium crystals in the stash for emergency use only?
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    Wakandas_FinestWakandas_Finest Posts: 841 ★★★★

    Thiartc said:

    I'm so ready for tomorrow.

    And so is my stash.

    but is the game rdy for you?

    masteries? how many extra revives worked in for that?
    dropped inputs, +??
    passive defenders, plus a couple i guess
    Fair point, I'm ready for everything, except the level up process (I have had no Iso and gold for like 4 months)
    There’s a total of 10.8 million gold in rewards that should help
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    captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Posts: 5,721 ★★★★★
    Can't wait....
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    irsiirsi Posts: 4
    Hi Guys.. Hope you all are well.
    Just wanted to know that what is the issue with path rewards of 8.3 as previously the reward was alot better and higher than the current situation as of now there are only 1K 6* shards with bunch of alpha 2 and tier 5 related stuff.
    Is it an issue/bug?
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    IRQIRQ Posts: 316 ★★
    MCOC Team said:

    As such, we've ratcheted up some of the difficulty and the design of Chapter 4 to present a more appropriate challenge to the Summoners who have made it this far.

    My takeaway is you misspelled "racked up AI reaction times to actually humanely impossible levels". If that's all that's needed to be considered as increased difficulty, just make us play Act 9 at 300% speed and pat yourself on the backs.
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    K3vin34K3vin34 Posts: 2
    If i get valiant with the rewards of act 8, can i get the offer cheaper ? 15000u instead 23000u
    Im french sorry for my english
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    UsagicassidyUsagicassidy Posts: 1,130 ★★★★
    K3vin34 said:

    If i get valiant with the rewards of act 8, can i get the offer cheaper ? 15000u instead 23000u
    Im french sorry for my english

    Nope. It'll stay the same.
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    aurangzeb_878aurangzeb_878 Posts: 5
    Well its been 6 years playing mcoc have played act 6 , 7 and now 8. Act 6 was the hardest one and to be honest a money eating quest. Now act 8 is really a fun and totally skilled base fights. I will say skilled base fights are better than money eating quests.
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