Did you use your rank down tickets?

Hey Guys!
Did YOU use any of your rank down tickets? I personally didn't. I've always been very careful with who I rank up and get catalyst fairly often. So the con's out-weighed the pro's to using them for me.
Now with that being said. Had the rank down tickets refunded gold and iso, I would have used all three of them. I'm curious though, what did you guys do???
Did YOU use any of your rank down tickets? I personally didn't. I've always been very careful with who I rank up and get catalyst fairly often. So the con's out-weighed the pro's to using them for me.
Now with that being said. Had the rank down tickets refunded gold and iso, I would have used all three of them. I'm curious though, what did you guys do???
Did you use your rank down tickets? 144 votes
For me it is like getting one of those gaudy knitted sweaters from your grandmother. You say thank you and smile as to not be rude... and then it goes into your closet forever (or in this case our grandmother took it back since we never wore it
But with only 3-4 months of playing you might not have the gold/iso to do that
Newer player with a MASSIVE ISO shortage... I mean massive. I have 1.5 million gold and no ISO. So I cannot afford to waste ISO right now. Also I save up for Level Up Events (I never level without there being an event and/or an advancement even going on... same with opening crystals I never open until an advancement event that I can clear) so they would not hep me with that at all.
But yes if I were a long time player with tons of spare ISO and gold (not to mention tons of highly ranks champs) that would have been a good idea
You lose all ISO and gold from that rank down... you only get catalysts back. So it does matter what your current funds are at.
Used my 4* one on mordo to r4 my 5* voodoo.
Overall very happy with the results.
For sure! Great point!
Ranked down 5* guilly from 4 to 3.
Ranked down 4* x23 from 5 to 4.
2 biggest regrets undone
True but I don't have an unlimited amount of gold and iso, so the one event it wasn't worth it for me. I hit level up and all the class advancements every time.
Preach. Mrchamp
Its called being smart.
That said, why wouldn't you use them? Even if during a level-up solo event you just ranked down a champ to rank them right back up for the easy points? Seems foolish to just let them expire.
I work for a high rating so I'm constantly upgrading 5 stars and don't have double the gold and iso just to re rank a champ for one level up event that I already had done with a new champ.
I used the 5* rank down on my r2 5* Rhino, simply because I could use the T4b elsewhere and he was simply arena fodder.
The 3* wasn't used because... it's a 3* rank down. What's the point?