Dear Kabam a small request from a helpless regular player

Please don't link juicy rewards with summoner market. The latest event has 60k tokens or trophies when signed into summoner market using kabam ID. I forgot my password and unfortunately the ID I linked is no longer active. Tried resetting the ID dozen times but didn't work. There is already login crystals in summoner market I didn't bother about it, but now 60k trophies short of 10k shards makes me feel unhappy, even though I am Valiant I can't get those shards.
If there are any players like me they suffer too. I request you 2 things please don't link juicy rewards to summoner market and please allow players like us to get those 60k trophies by other means. Some of us are valiant and tried to get to this level to get additional rewards but this event is painful for me.
Please Kabam do something .
If there are any players like me they suffer too. I request you 2 things please don't link juicy rewards to summoner market and please allow players like us to get those 60k trophies by other means. Some of us are valiant and tried to get to this level to get additional rewards but this event is painful for me.
Please Kabam do something .
Also this is fishy tbh: I forgot my password and unfortunately the ID I linked is no longer active.
much can be recovered on conditions that it is yours.
I find it interesting, and bizarre, that there are people who think “its just a game” so they don’t have to take care of their account access, but they expect the game operator to somehow magically figure out which accounts belong to which players.