Spring event is way too good for lower progressions, also titan crystals are ****.

SamanunSamanun Member Posts: 720 ★★★
edited April 2024 in General Discussion
You’re giving these players everything we worked hard for, for free. You nerf the content, give the content better rewards, and on top of that you give them better and higher ranked champs to do it… for free, what was all our hard work for, if we know you’e just going to trivialize all progression levels and all content eventually then whats the point of playing the game at all, just log in for a week each year buy a couple deals for free, get to the next progression level then delete the game, and what pisses me off even more is that it’s all “by design” you want this to happen? I had to do i think the first or second summer of pain (content that was way too hard for me at the time) to get thronebreaker, and you’re telling me an uncollected can get that for free? Thronebreakers can get the champ i’ve been trying to get for years for free… times 4 so that’s 4 F*** you’s coming from kabam.
I had to wait 6 months to get a champ for 6.2 medusa, and a completely new player can log on and get that in a week… for free…

That’s enough about lower progression, let’s talk about the valiant offers or more specifically titan shards. Titan shards aren't worth poo and im tired of kabam acting like they are, firstly some of the champs in there just straight up suck, some of the champion need to be duped, some of them are mid, but what really makes me think the crystal isn't worth anything is that the best pulls in that crystal still need to have a balance update, why are you getting players to work hard on content and spend money on stuff that is subject to change, this to me is a real head scratcher why on earth would you do this? because kabam literally will not release any information about future things until they have all the information because things are subject to change yet they have no problem having players spend money on a crystal that is subject to change.

Post edited by Kabam Jax on


  • Emilia90Emilia90 Member Posts: 3,716 ★★★★★
    The game gets easier as time goes on and they have to incentivize newer players to stay. It’s great that they have accelerated progression, but it’s not like they’re handing out 7* champs or anything. I went back to a second account and got a bunch of fresh 6* to progress so this is the perfect time for a new account

    I think it’s smart to give lower tier players more, and just because we worked hard to get something doesn’t mean it should be equally as hard for players now. I had to wait for a champ for CB back in the day, and I wouldn’t want fresh players to have to do the same. It sucked and my interest in the game was at an all time low
  • SamanunSamanun Member Posts: 720 ★★★
    Emilia90 said:

    The game gets easier as time goes on and they have to incentivize newer players to stay. It’s great that they have accelerated progression, but it’s not like they’re handing out 7* champs or anything. I went back to a second account and got a bunch of fresh 6* to progress so this is the perfect time for a new account

    I think it’s smart to give lower tier players more, and just because we worked hard to get something doesn’t mean it should be equally as hard for players now. I had to wait for a champ for CB back in the day, and I wouldn’t want fresh players to have to do the same. It sucked and my interest in the game was at an all time low

    Im not saying it should be equally as hard i don't want it to be equally as hard it was an absolute nightmare that no player should ever have to go through, don't get me wrong im all of for making it easier but there is literally no challenge at all to it anymore, like come on r4 and 5 6 stars for uncollected? Maybe give them a couple 6 stars r5 5 star mats a r2 6 star and get them started or r3 6 stars but r5’s? Last year july 4th people were spending hundreds to get rank 5’s and now they’re giving them away to uncollected for free?
  • Nacho98Nacho98 Member Posts: 397 ★★★
    Touch grass bro it’s the weekend
  • SamanunSamanun Member Posts: 720 ★★★
    Buttehrs said:

    That's how the game operates my man. Work hard for the newest stuff. Later on its east for newer players but guess what, your already working on the next newest stuff. Chill. While they are grabbing an "easy " t4a, the push for t7b will start before you know it. It's how the game goes. And if you don't like that, we'll here's the door.

    You are completely misunderstanding what im saying nothing should be completely trivialized the stuff, should it get easier? Yes. But the problem is it didn't get easier they’re just entirely removing difficulty all together for them.
  • SamanunSamanun Member Posts: 720 ★★★

    I'm pretty sure that's how OG players felt when you started playing the game in2019/2020 and pulled a 4* within a week, and cleared act 4 in 2 weeks, When Og players busted their a** of for 3-4 months for their first 4* only to pull a cyclops.

    I started in 2015 bro
  • ButtehrsButtehrs Member Posts: 7,134 ★★★★★
    edited April 2024
    Samanun said:

    Buttehrs said:

    That's how the game operates my man. Work hard for the newest stuff. Later on its east for newer players but guess what, your already working on the next newest stuff. Chill. While they are grabbing an "easy " t4a, the push for t7b will start before you know it. It's how the game goes. And if you don't like that, we'll here's the door.

    You are completely misunderstanding what im saying nothing should be completely trivialized the stuff, should it get easier? Yes. But the problem is it didn't get easier they’re just entirely removing difficulty all together for them.
    There's nothing wrong with that. Your getting emotional over a game. A game bro. So what if new accounts have it easier to get the stuff? You already have it. It won't affect you at all and you'll start getting even better stuff. Your complaining about something completely pointless. Not to mention your getting the exact same stuff.
  • SamanunSamanun Member Posts: 720 ★★★
    Nacho98 said:

    Touch grass bro it’s the weekend

    It's the same as any other day but alright…
  • PriyabrataPriyabrata Member Posts: 1,391 ★★★★★
    edited April 2024
    Samanun said:

    Buttehrs said:

    That's how the game operates my man. Work hard for the newest stuff. Later on its east for newer players but guess what, your already working on the next newest stuff. Chill. While they are grabbing an "easy " t4a, the push for t7b will start before you know it. It's how the game goes. And if you don't like that, we'll here's the door.

    You are completely misunderstanding what im saying nothing should be completely trivialized the stuff, should it get easier? Yes. But the problem is it didn't get easier they’re just entirely removing difficulty all together for them.
    I mean let's be honest man back in the day the lower progressions were honestly a game of endurance. You would have to sit months on end to make significant progress and that drove a LOT of players away, when I started playing mcoc 7 yrs ago, a bunch of my friends did too, currently I'm the only one in that circle that's still playing. You gotta understand man at the end of the day it's a mobile game, most people wouldn't stick to a game that forces them to invest a ton of time and have patience to wait for months just to take a chance on rng, especially one that's this complex.
  • SamanunSamanun Member Posts: 720 ★★★
    Buttehrs said:

    Samanun said:

    Buttehrs said:

    That's how the game operates my man. Work hard for the newest stuff. Later on its east for newer players but guess what, your already working on the next newest stuff. Chill. While they are grabbing an "easy " t4a, the push for t7b will start before you know it. It's how the game goes. And if you don't like that, we'll here's the door.

    You are completely misunderstanding what im saying nothing should be completely trivialized the stuff, should it get easier? Yes. But the problem is it didn't get easier they’re just entirely removing difficulty all together for them.
    There's nothing wrong with that. Your getting emotional over a game. A game bro. So what if new accounts have it easier to get the stuff? You already have it. It won't affect you at all and you'll start getting even better stuff. Your complaining about something completely pointless.
    Yes there is something wrong with that and if you cant see that then you should probably stop playing the game because you obviously don't care about it. It doesn’t matter if it’s a game or not, if i’ve been working at a company for 9 years and they gave all the benefits that you have to someone who just started it wouldn’t feel very good would it, you’d kinda feel like all the time you spent there is pointless wouldn’t you.
  • SamanunSamanun Member Posts: 720 ★★★

    Samanun said:

    Buttehrs said:

    That's how the game operates my man. Work hard for the newest stuff. Later on its east for newer players but guess what, your already working on the next newest stuff. Chill. While they are grabbing an "easy " t4a, the push for t7b will start before you know it. It's how the game goes. And if you don't like that, we'll here's the door.

    You are completely misunderstanding what im saying nothing should be completely trivialized the stuff, should it get easier? Yes. But the problem is it didn't get easier they’re just entirely removing difficulty all together for them.
    I mean let's be honest man back in the day the lower progressions were honestly a game of endurance. You would have to sit months on end to make significant progress and that drove a LOT of players away, when I started playing mcoc 7 yrs ago, a bunch of my friends did too, currently I'm the only one in that circle that's still playing. You gotta understand man at the end of the day it's a mobile game, most people wouldn't stick to a game that forces them to invest a ton of time and have patience to wait for months just to take a chance on rng, especially one that's this complex.
    There’s a difference between making it easier and making it auto
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,787 ★★★★★
    Samanun said:

    I'm pretty sure that's how OG players felt when you started playing the game in2019/2020 and pulled a 4* within a week, and cleared act 4 in 2 weeks, When Og players busted their a** of for 3-4 months for their first 4* only to pull a cyclops.

    I started in 2015 bro
    You started in 2015 but still it took you Summer of pain (may 2021 right) to reach TB? TB was released around mid 2020 if I'm not wrong, So it took you one literal year to reach the title? You could've done abyss, or Act 6 exploration or even parts of act 6 to reach TB. You struggling your way through summer of pain as a cavailer to become a TB is a you issue. There were kany alternative at that time to become thronebreaker. You chose to ignore all of them. I donno bout your circumstances but When you got TB by completing summer of pain, which is miles easier than Act 6 exploration or abyss completion, would definitely triggered a lot of other players who earned the title via Act 6/abyss.

  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,784 ★★★★★
    Samanun said:

    Buttehrs said:

    That's how the game operates my man. Work hard for the newest stuff. Later on its east for newer players but guess what, your already working on the next newest stuff. Chill. While they are grabbing an "easy " t4a, the push for t7b will start before you know it. It's how the game goes. And if you don't like that, we'll here's the door.

    You are completely misunderstanding what im saying nothing should be completely trivialized the stuff, should it get easier? Yes. But the problem is it didn't get easier they’re just entirely removing difficulty all together for them.
    They completely removed the difficulty in Acts 7 and 8 and that content is for people that have played for 9 years.
  • SamanunSamanun Member Posts: 720 ★★★

    Samanun said:

    I'm pretty sure that's how OG players felt when you started playing the game in2019/2020 and pulled a 4* within a week, and cleared act 4 in 2 weeks, When Og players busted their a** of for 3-4 months for their first 4* only to pull a cyclops.

    I started in 2015 bro
    You started in 2015 but still it took you Summer of pain (may 2021 right) to reach TB? TB was released around mid 2020 if I'm not wrong, So it took you one literal year to reach the title? You could've done abyss, or Act 6 exploration or even parts of act 6 to reach TB. You struggling your way through summer of pain as a cavailer to become a TB is a you issue. There were kany alternative at that time to become thronebreaker. You chose to ignore all of them. I donno bout your circumstances but When you got TB by completing summer of pain, which is miles easier than Act 6 exploration or abyss completion, would definitely triggered a lot of other players who earned the title via Act 6/abyss.

    I didn't have the roster the resources or cash to do either of those, and actually no i think i lied i didn't get thronebreaker from summer of pain i just had to slowly form one t5cc and it was whatever champion i got from summer of pain i took up to r3
  • MrSakuragiMrSakuragi Member Posts: 6,070 ★★★★★
    Samanun said:

    Buttehrs said:

    Samanun said:

    Buttehrs said:

    That's how the game operates my man. Work hard for the newest stuff. Later on its east for newer players but guess what, your already working on the next newest stuff. Chill. While they are grabbing an "easy " t4a, the push for t7b will start before you know it. It's how the game goes. And if you don't like that, we'll here's the door.

    You are completely misunderstanding what im saying nothing should be completely trivialized the stuff, should it get easier? Yes. But the problem is it didn't get easier they’re just entirely removing difficulty all together for them.
    There's nothing wrong with that. Your getting emotional over a game. A game bro. So what if new accounts have it easier to get the stuff? You already have it. It won't affect you at all and you'll start getting even better stuff. Your complaining about something completely pointless.
    Yes there is something wrong with that and if you cant see that then you should probably stop playing the game because you obviously don't care about it. It doesn’t matter if it’s a game or not, if i’ve been working at a company for 9 years and they gave all the benefits that you have to someone who just started it wouldn’t feel very good would it, you’d kinda feel like all the time you spent there is pointless wouldn’t you.
    That’s exactly what happens. What kind of company do you work at 👀
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,787 ★★★★★
    Samanun said:

    Samanun said:

    I'm pretty sure that's how OG players felt when you started playing the game in2019/2020 and pulled a 4* within a week, and cleared act 4 in 2 weeks, When Og players busted their a** of for 3-4 months for their first 4* only to pull a cyclops.

    I started in 2015 bro
    You started in 2015 but still it took you Summer of pain (may 2021 right) to reach TB? TB was released around mid 2020 if I'm not wrong, So it took you one literal year to reach the title? You could've done abyss, or Act 6 exploration or even parts of act 6 to reach TB. You struggling your way through summer of pain as a cavailer to become a TB is a you issue. There were kany alternative at that time to become thronebreaker. You chose to ignore all of them. I donno bout your circumstances but When you got TB by completing summer of pain, which is miles easier than Act 6 exploration or abyss completion, would definitely triggered a lot of other players who earned the title via Act 6/abyss.

    I didn't have the roster the resources or cash to do either of those, and actually no i think i lied i didn't get thronebreaker from summer of pain i just had to slowly form one t5cc and it was whatever champion i got from summer of pain i took up to r3
    Now you're contradicting yourself. Lemme tell you one thing.

    Newbies have stuff easier, yeah, but you had the stuff easy as well at some point when you was a newbie, same for me as well. I don't think we are qualified to complain
  • SamanunSamanun Member Posts: 720 ★★★

    Samanun said:

    Samanun said:

    I'm pretty sure that's how OG players felt when you started playing the game in2019/2020 and pulled a 4* within a week, and cleared act 4 in 2 weeks, When Og players busted their a** of for 3-4 months for their first 4* only to pull a cyclops.

    I started in 2015 bro
    You started in 2015 but still it took you Summer of pain (may 2021 right) to reach TB? TB was released around mid 2020 if I'm not wrong, So it took you one literal year to reach the title? You could've done abyss, or Act 6 exploration or even parts of act 6 to reach TB. You struggling your way through summer of pain as a cavailer to become a TB is a you issue. There were kany alternative at that time to become thronebreaker. You chose to ignore all of them. I donno bout your circumstances but When you got TB by completing summer of pain, which is miles easier than Act 6 exploration or abyss completion, would definitely triggered a lot of other players who earned the title via Act 6/abyss.

    I didn't have the roster the resources or cash to do either of those, and actually no i think i lied i didn't get thronebreaker from summer of pain i just had to slowly form one t5cc and it was whatever champion i got from summer of pain i took up to r3
    Now you're contradicting yourself. Lemme tell you one thing.

    Newbies have stuff easier, yeah, but you had the stuff easy as well at some point when you was a newbie, same for me as well. I don't think we are qualified to complain
    Again in started in 2015
  • ZuroZuro Member Posts: 2,932 ★★★★★
    This argument makes no sense btw. This argument is like when old people complain that the younger generation has it easier due to stuff like the internet. No matter the topic, as time passes things will always become more convenient for beginners so I have no idea why you're so mad lmao.
  • SamanunSamanun Member Posts: 720 ★★★
    Zuro said:

    This argument makes no sense btw. This argument is like when old people complain that the younger generation has it easier due to stuff like the internet. No matter the topic, as time passes things will always become more convenient for beginners so I have no idea why you're so mad lmao.

    If you’re just going to ignore everything i type then why to you keep coming to this thread? I never said it shouldn't get easier in fact i think it should get easier my problem is that it didn’t get easier they just removed difficulty entirely.
  • ZuroZuro Member Posts: 2,932 ★★★★★
    Samanun said:

    Zuro said:

    This argument makes no sense btw. This argument is like when old people complain that the younger generation has it easier due to stuff like the internet. No matter the topic, as time passes things will always become more convenient for beginners so I have no idea why you're so mad lmao.

    If you’re just going to ignore everything i type then why to you keep coming to this thread? I never said it shouldn't get easier in fact i think it should get easier my problem is that it didn’t get easier they just removed difficulty entirely.
    It hardly "removed" difficulty at all, you act like ranks up are the only prerequisites to reach Cav/Paragon/etc. New players still have to acquire the proper skills to beat the story bosses. Who cares if they have 1 or two champs above their skill level. It's such a non-issue that literally affects you in no way, as you're still far ahead of them lmao
  • SamanunSamanun Member Posts: 720 ★★★
    Zuro said:

    Samanun said:

    Zuro said:

    This argument makes no sense btw. This argument is like when old people complain that the younger generation has it easier due to stuff like the internet. No matter the topic, as time passes things will always become more convenient for beginners so I have no idea why you're so mad lmao.

    If you’re just going to ignore everything i type then why to you keep coming to this thread? I never said it shouldn't get easier in fact i think it should get easier my problem is that it didn’t get easier they just removed difficulty entirely.
    It hardly "removed" difficulty at all, you act like ranks up are the only prerequisites to reach Cav/Paragon/etc. New players still have to acquire the proper skills to beat the story bosses. Who cares if they have 1 or two champs above their skill level. It's such a non-issue that literally affects you in no way, as you're still far ahead of them lmao
    Nobody’s so bad at the game that they cant get through that content with r4’s and 5’s you would literally have to be an infant or 153 years old and even then if you breathed hard enough in the general direction of that content It’d probably just complete itself
  • shield311shield311 Member Posts: 1,365 ★★★★
    Samanun said:

    You’re giving these players everything we worked hard for, for free. You nerf the content, give the content better rewards, and on top of that you give them better and higher ranked champs to do it… for free, what was all our hard work for, if we know you’e just going to trivialize all progression levels and all content eventually then whats the point of playing the game at all, just log in for a week each year buy a couple deals for free, get to the next progression level then delete the game, and what pisses me off even more is that it’s all “by design” you want this to happen? I had to do i think the first or second summer of pain (content that was way too hard for me at the time) to get thronebreaker, and you’re telling me an uncollected can get that for free? Thronebreakers can get the champ i’ve been trying to get for years for free… times 4 so that’s 4 F*** you’s coming from kabam.
    I had to wait 6 months to get a champ for 6.2 medusa, and a completely new player can log on and get that in a week… for free…

    That’s enough about lower progression, let’s talk about the valiant offers or more specifically titan shards. Titan shards aren't worth poo and im tired of kabam acting like they are, firstly some of the champs in there just straight up suck, some of the champion need to be duped, some of them are mid, but what really makes me think the crystal isn't worth anything is that the best pulls in that crystal still need to have a balance update, why are you getting players to work hard on content and spend money on stuff that is subject to change, this to me is a real head scratcher why on earth would you do this? because kabam literally will not release any information about future things until they have all the information because things are subject to change yet they have no problem having players spend money on a crystal that is subject to change.

    Honestly waiting 6 months for champs that counter 6.2 is crazy, there's just 2 acrually hard and challenging quests there when someone does it first try, 6.2.2 and 6.2.5, the mordo is just wild and sinister needs a fury champ.

    Also the medusa is 6.3 and isn't even close to how difficult some 6.2 bosses are, one bleed champ is all you need, most champs that have bleeds can actually do it well unless its a weak one which isn't that common i.e. claire, etc

    Also all thia stuff doesn't just boost anyone's progression in quests, you still need skills and revives to clear act 5 and act 6 by learning nodes and everything.

    And like most of the summoners here have mentioned, it isn't that deep at all, yes its a huge bump to 70% of accounts but really tho, if someone who started late gets a bump which you didn't isn't really unfair, its a singleplayer game outside of BGs and everyone progresses differently on the basis of RNG and luck, those players just got lucky with their time.
  • Longshot_33Longshot_33 Member Posts: 374 ★★★
    @Samanun ....you've just realised what most already knew. Its like you've been living in the matrix the whole time and just woke now seeing the game for what it really is. A never ending of spiral of frustration and expense held together by addiction and dependency. We are all addicted with you in this digital casino and just get on with it. Now be quiet buddy and get back in the dinner line for the free sandwiches until you have gathered enough chips together for another spin. There is no escape and you know it.

    If MCOC was a place it would actually be one of those disheveled streets in america where everyone is leaning over and shambling around addicted on some new substance.
This discussion has been closed.