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I Just cannot win Battleground

CerebriumCerebrium Posts: 85 β˜…
Is there some tricks to winning battleground? I seem to keep getting matchups with 7* awakened opponents. Then next are max 6* sig that just totally obliterate me in a few seconds. I have won probably about 3 times this year πŸ˜“

Any tips anyone can give would be much appreciated. For example, are there certain BG tags or something? Or certain Champs class, or do I just keep upgrading up champs.

I only have R4 6* so far. That is, no R5 6* yet


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    SquammoSquammo Posts: 474 β˜…β˜…β˜…
    Are you getting those opponents in lower tiers or have you reached platinum and are now facing those?
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    PT_99PT_99 Posts: 3,187 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…
    Do share your rank also.
    That's the most important part
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    willrun4adonutwillrun4adonut Posts: 3,570 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…
    Cerebrium said:

    Is there some tricks to winning battleground? I seem to keep getting matchups with 7* awakened opponents. Then next are max 6* sig that just totally obliterate me in a few seconds. I have won probably about 3 times this year πŸ˜“

    Any tips anyone can give would be much appreciated. For example, are there certain BG tags or something? Or certain Champs class, or do I just keep upgrading up champs.

    I only have R4 6* so far. That is, no R5 6* yet

    What level are you? Silver, gold, etc. I'm assuming you're starting in bronze if you've only won 3 matches all yeat, and if that's the case, it's purely skill as you're matching people with similar rosters. (But the ruler of Necropolis opponent shouldn't be there). If you are just hyperbolizing and have won more matches than 3 all year and are in a higher level, then you have hit your cap/max and won't be able to progress farther without fighting the heavy accounts.
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    Nono_49Nono_49 Posts: 16 β˜…
    It’s normal, in order to be competitive in BGs you need to be an end game player or close of. You can’t expect to go far with 1/2 6r4’s or 5* champs. It takes time and most of the players you see in the ranked ladder are players who have many years old accounts or big spenders and even spenders are not account created this year
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    DUHveedDUHveed Posts: 353 β˜…β˜…β˜…
    You’ve reached your max for now, OP. I’d focus on using the rewards you’ve gotten thus far and use them to complete story content. As your roster grows it will get easier
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    Rayven5220Rayven5220 Posts: 1,955 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…
    It's not even close to competitive until platinum, so if you've started in bronze and only won 3 matches all season, that's a physical dexterity issue.
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    PurplePajamaPurplePajama Posts: 1 β˜…
    Wong_99 said:

    You hit your cap. You’re at a point where with your current roster and skill level, you really can’t go much further. This is a sign that you should ease back on the battlegrounds, and do other content, such as story, eq, sq etc to improve your roster and skill

    and how is he/she supposed to get the pieces/runestones that Kabam keeps putting at the very end of victory track?!
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    PT_99PT_99 Posts: 3,187 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…
    edited May 5

    Wong_99 said:

    You hit your cap. You’re at a point where with your current roster and skill level, you really can’t go much further. This is a sign that you should ease back on the battlegrounds, and do other content, such as story, eq, sq etc to improve your roster and skill

    and how is he/she supposed to get the pieces/runestones that Kabam keeps putting at the very end of victory track?!
    What makes you think a Cav without godly skills can collect deathless pieces?

    Can MSD, Bero even beat meta 7r3 defenders with 6r3 in BG?
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    CerebriumCerebrium Posts: 85 β˜…
    I start with bronze III. I could never go beyond Bronze II … ever. I sometimes win 1 fight and then will always lose out so just stuck at Bronze II as the ever maximum level.
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    Herbal_TaxmanHerbal_Taxman Posts: 230 β˜…β˜…β˜…
    Post your BG deck
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    CerebriumCerebrium Posts: 85 β˜…
    Here is what I have

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    Wu_Bangerz23Wu_Bangerz23 Posts: 890 β˜…β˜…β˜…
    My advice....if you aren't already doing it anyways....draft for matchups vs who is the ",top pick"....adjust your deck with at least 1/3 of it being your best defenders.....I always look at each round as a "do I have the better matchup?"....when I slow down and don't just pick my highest ranked champs I usually do wayyyyy better
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    Wu_Bangerz23Wu_Bangerz23 Posts: 890 β˜…β˜…β˜…
    Cerebrium said:

    Here is what I have

    And at this tier there's no reason doom and weapon x shouldn't be in your deck.....no need for aegon or an unawakened medusa
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    Wu_Bangerz23Wu_Bangerz23 Posts: 890 β˜…β˜…β˜…
    I'd get rid of 5-6 champs you find yourself NEVER picking and just add 5-6 pain defenders
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    CerebriumCerebrium Posts: 85 β˜…
    Oh yes, you only need 9 champs right. 3 get banned and then we have to pick 6. Maybe I will just remove all the weaker ones and see if that improves my outcome
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    CerebriumCerebrium Posts: 85 β˜…
    I recon the opponents are using a Victory shield ?
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    KeltanKeltan Posts: 500 β˜…β˜…
    Cerebrium said:

    Is there some tricks to winning battleground? I seem to keep getting matchups with 7* awakened opponents. Then next are max 6* sig that just totally obliterate me in a few seconds. I have won probably about 3 times this year πŸ˜“

    Any tips anyone can give would be much appreciated. For example, are there certain BG tags or something? Or certain Champs class, or do I just keep upgrading up champs.

    I only have R4 6* so far. That is, no R5 6* yet

    Set your mindset to just play it for the 48hrs objectives and you won't have such feeling.. else you will be complaining the same issue every season..

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    NightheartNightheart Posts: 1,402 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…
    I am at vibranium 2 and I am still getting destroyed lol
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    SummonerNRSummonerNR Posts: 11,329 Guardian
    (1) Up until Platinum level, you should be able to match against similar roster opponents as yourself.
    You may or may not win them, but the rosters themselves should not be too unfair. Sometimes a little yes, sometimes no. But no too outlandish.
    Cerebrium said:

    Oh yes, you only need 9 champs right. 3 get banned and then we have to pick 6. Maybe I will just remove all the weaker ones and see if that improves my outcome

    (2) You can’t have a deck that is only 10 champs (and it's 3+7, because you pick 7 even though you only use 6). It has to be a 30 champ deck.
    Otherwise, obviously, you could just build it with EXACTLY the ones you only want to use.

    If you get to the point of choosing your 30 deck, and you know any others you will NEVER want to actually pick for the 7, either do 2 things (neither will actually affect the matching process, but just makes it easier for you when selecting your 7).
    Toss in some 3* versions for champs you know you don’t even want to consider if they come up during the selection process. So you can just mentally IGNORE THEM.
    Or, if you have some high ranking champs, but you know you won’t want them, include them anyways, and maybe opponent might pick them as your Banned champs, leaving more of your β€œgood” ones to use for picks.
    Cerebrium said:

    I recon the opponents are using a Victory shield ?

    That has nothing to do with whether you can win or not.
    Victory Shield does NOT cause you to lose just because they are using their protection.
    It just means that if THEY lose, THEY will not go down. Doesn’t affect whether YOU go up or down.
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    CerebriumCerebrium Posts: 85 β˜…
    Thank you for the information and advice all.

    It seems that the times that I actually win is when the opponent β€œbye” i.e. they did the 3 BG for the achievements πŸ₯³

    I just need to be lucky haha 😜
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    EdisonLawEdisonLaw Posts: 3,010 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…
    Step 1: upgrade champs, both attack and defense
    Step 2: Ban Juggernaut, CGR, Serpent, Bullseye
    Step 3: Win the game
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    Aomine_Daiki10Aomine_Daiki10 Posts: 1,642 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…
    Grow your roster and come back strong. Avoid Bgs if you are not grinding mcoc or spending.
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    DiscoNnectKingDiscoNnectKing Posts: 440 β˜…β˜…
    Your roster is fine. My alt roster is way smaller and i'm parked at plat 2. Just improve your skill in other content and watch some youtubers to improve skill
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    PantherusNZPantherusNZ Posts: 1,725 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…

    (1) Up until Platinum level, you should be able to match against similar roster opponents as yourself.
    You may or may not win them, but the rosters themselves should not be too unfair. Sometimes a little yes, sometimes no. But no too outlandish.

    I know the end of the season can be like this, but I feel almost bad for my last 2-3 opponents just today, I have R2 and 3 7*, and several max rank 6* - and was matched up twice with accounts still using 5* champs in their decks.
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    CerebriumCerebrium Posts: 85 β˜…

    (1) Up until Platinum level, you should be able to match against similar roster opponents as yourself.
    You may or may not win them, but the rosters themselves should not be too unfair. Sometimes a little yes, sometimes no. But no too outlandish.

    I know the end of the season can be like this, but I feel almost bad for my last 2-3 opponents just today, I have R2 and 3 7*, and several max rank 6* - and was matched up twice with accounts still using 5* champs in their decks.
    Haha that poor guy must have been me LoL
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