Can rank up THREE 7*s but don't like any of my options...

Hey guys, looking for some guidance.
My 7*s aren't really what you'd call exciting/interesting/good. I keep waiting for those epic pulls and just not getting them. So I have a rather large 7* graveyard and I need your help sorting out the wheat from the chaff.
In addition to having enough Cats for a Tech and a Mystic rank up, I also have a generic, so I can rank up anyone really. Who do you reccomend? Working my way through Act 8, dipping my toes in Battlegrounds every now and then but not my main emphasis right now.

And here are my current rank 2's and 3 for reference:

I can't keep *waiting* for a Titania or Hulk or Shuri or Juggernaut or Domino or Silk or Photon and never ranking up who I actually have, so I need help figuring out who the best options are.
My 7*s aren't really what you'd call exciting/interesting/good. I keep waiting for those epic pulls and just not getting them. So I have a rather large 7* graveyard and I need your help sorting out the wheat from the chaff.
In addition to having enough Cats for a Tech and a Mystic rank up, I also have a generic, so I can rank up anyone really. Who do you reccomend? Working my way through Act 8, dipping my toes in Battlegrounds every now and then but not my main emphasis right now.

And here are my current rank 2's and 3 for reference:

I can't keep *waiting* for a Titania or Hulk or Shuri or Juggernaut or Domino or Silk or Photon and never ranking up who I actually have, so I need help figuring out who the best options are.
And for mystic, dragon man is great. Plus, he's a big purple robot dragon that breathes fire. How can you go wrong?
Dragon Man For Mystic I guess
Angela or Hyperion for generic
Fr tho if we are going by good champs you have omega red or hyperion, emma frost may not seem like a beyond god tier but watch swedeah's latest videos and see for yourself what a beast she is, cheeilth is a god tier champ on defense and offense, iron man is a god tier champ and also joe and overseer are quite decent to just name a few. Overall good roster, congratz
Omega Red seems pointless without the dupe and stones right now.
Chee'ilth and Dragon Man are high on my list.
Not sure about Angela or Hyperion since they're not duped and I have high sig 6*s that seem to suit me just fine for now.
2nd option would be overseer, is slighty better with the dupe but still puts out massive damage on the sp2-sp1 rotation, plus is annoying on defence still
3rd id choose between elsa, chee,emma or lady death,
the best tech 7* you can get, incredibly high damage very quickly, heal blocks, guaranteed non removable stun on sp3, armour breaks on heavy×5, best red skull counter and decimates path 3 in Aw/very quick attacker/half decent defender in BGs, plus i used him consistently in act 8.4 and all the time in tech EQ
I got mystic rank 3 gem and decided to rank 3 Maw from rank one straight to rank 3 to be Valiant by using the generic rank 2 gem.
I can rank 3 rank 3 7* , but I don't like my options.
I already have 2, so there's no rush for valiant.