Hyperion is still better than Corvus

If you were an OG player, you'd know this was one of the most classic debates (CMM as well) for top cosmic.
Now that we have them both as 7 stars, do you still give Hype the edge? Corvus probably takes it in war but Hype for BGs
Now that we have them both as 7 stars, do you still give Hype the edge? Corvus probably takes it in war but Hype for BGs
One of best cosmic who aged like fine wine
Aq? Anyone can do that it ain't that hard or something.
Aw? Corvus is ok, he is not the aw god or something.
Even at r3 he suck at battlegrounds. Hyperion can end fights if you blink. He is not dependent of charges or something. He is also a decent defender without a counter. Also whatever corvus can do, hyperion can do as well, except incursions. Y'all cg zombies are funny lol.
(Probably) It was around that time tho.
Had a shiny newly pulled 6* corvus from the basic crystal.
Had hype r4 sig 20.
So during act6 the question was who to R5?
And up went the hype.
4ever and ever.
Hype is by far the better champ overall.