Sentry- One of Earth's Strongest heroes. One of MCOC's weakest?

Ok before I get started, I do NOT have Sentry and I'm basing my information solely off what I've read in his abilities and seen from videos.
What's up with his damage? Is it supposed to be this weak? He looks like he's the new Carnage, with hands as pillowy as Luke Cages. There was so much hype with one of Earth's strongest heroes but what is this?
Is he bugged at the moment or something?
What's up with his damage? Is it supposed to be this weak? He looks like he's the new Carnage, with hands as pillowy as Luke Cages. There was so much hype with one of Earth's strongest heroes but what is this?
Is he bugged at the moment or something?
Credit to DaMunk with his 5* Sentry fight against WS
Credit to Seatin with his 3* Sentry use in quests.
This is not how he works. Having 5 Reality warps does not make his Attack strength stronger. It makes certain effects during certain modes stronger. You have to make sure you're using the correct attacks during the correct phase, if the phase's bonus activates.
His specials or heavy with 5 charges when the increased buff shows aren't that impressive. They are better though.
Even with 5 warps and bonus active, his attack isn't amazing.. Not worth the build up and the low 30% chance for the bonus
You should have read his abilities first. I've always said he was going to be bad. Just a worse version of Storm. The reality warps should increase his attack not the special attacks which are also too random. Lol
Void is much better than him boys, should have waited for him.
1) In case you lose your combo to increase your indestructible timer (Max of 1.5 seconds)
2) To consume using an sp3 to just heal up for a 5% of his health (5 freaking percent? Really?)
3) To increase Sp1 damage by a maximum of 350%
4) Increase heavy attack damage by a maximum of 350%
And those are all dependent on what State of Mind you're in at the moment. So if you want to increase that Sp1 damage by 350%, sucks for you if you're at 2 bars of power. If you want to increase your sp2 by 350% sucks for you if you're at 3 bars of power or 1 bar of power with not enough time to get to an sp2.
That is correct. After 5 charges those will be a little above average IF you crit and have the boost active.
There's a boost for his special 2 also
And they're still nothing impressive considering all the buildup needed
As I've said, reality warp should increase his attack to make him good. Also I think he should at least be poison immune.
Guess someone has to be the worst. He's pretty bad.
That sounds terrible.
It's crazy to me that KABAM would make an average character in the marvel universe like blade so OP but one of earth's MIGHTIEST HEROES, the level of superman for comparison sake so terrible!
I have him at 4/55 and am quite disappointed. A 3/30 SL can down WS quicker than him. What's wrong with the picture? Let me explain.
1. The reality warp percentages of 30% is bogus. A character like him should be at 100% simply because he's so complex to use. Timing is everything and it's already tough to line up his bonuses with the correct phase. Against WS, sure it may be easy. But against nodes like Bane, Buffet, etc.. in regular event quests, that is EXTREMELY challenging. The users should benefit much more from the skill it takes to play him. At least with SL, keeping a combo is decently challenging but you are rewarded for keeping your streak.
2. His regular attacks are just too abysmally weak. He barely crits. The reality warp should kick in WAY EARLIER than 40 hits! The reward the player gains from the additional streak is so shabby, that feature is impractical to players who are playing hard content or AW. It should be 10 hits, given the average duration of quests/aw fights. If kabam was building a character for LOL, sure, make it 40, but make sure the reality warps are actually decently strong to make it worth it for the user. Alternatively, he also needs to have the ability to build more than 5 reality warps if it's not 100% guaranteed to activate. 10 hit combos with 10 max reality warp would make him somewhat relevant. Even then, the crappy odds would make him just very average.
3. His regen needs to be revamped. As one of the best regeneration champions in the marvel universe, it's unruly to give him such a crappy dose of regeneration. Even a wolvie at 4/40 regens more than him. To keep the comparison alive, Blade's regen is almost nerf-worthy yet Sentry's regen is miniscule compared to ALL other regen champs. Even Phoenix's regen is better than his. EWW. Kabam fails to realize that he's not a mystic champ. Getting to L3 takes a long time in an average fight. Being a science, the pay off should be much higher! After all, he's such a powerful figure in the Marvel universe! He's the king of cellular regeneration. His regen should be up to par as that of wolvie - at least.
4. Somehow, kabam needs to buff up this character in general to stay somewhat consistent to the comics world. You can't throw a god-tier champ like blade who's average in the realm of superheroes but completely trash a LEGENDARY champ such as sentry. This character is easily a top 5 champ in the Marvels universe.
I can pinpoint so many atrocities about this character but it would take me several pages to elaborate. I'm a fairly skilled player and trust me, we are not rewarded for properly using his complex style of game play.
He's no luke cage or Spider-gwen. He's a legitimate powerhouse in the marvel universe and kabam should do him a little bit of justice, at the very least.
YES, YES, and YES to literally everything you said. From god-tier basic characters like Blade and SS which in this game **** on Marvel's Superman, to timing being everything about Sentry with it not even being rewarding in the end.
He also lacks of utility but at least in that perspective Void seems to be good, I have great hopes for him.
Hopes that will certainly be crushed by kabam