1 alliance, 1 man, 30 accounts

FooxynnFooxynn Member Posts: 19
edited May 2024 in General Discussion
Heylo frends !

While casually playing the game, doing alliance war and stuff, i noticed something odd... The enemy alliance was populated by people with the same name, a bunch of David. Turns out it is a whole 30 members alliance run by a single person !
I'm already wondering how certain people can have the time to play with 2 account, so here i just don't understand... It's not like that's a bunch of tiny accounts, no, they are all at least Uncollected and the main account is Thronebreaker.
I... i just... i need to know... how !?

If you guys are curious, the alliance name is "[=DVA=] David's Alliance" and the main account is "David P 1974".

So here you go, just wanted to share this so you know that it exist.



  • KerneasKerneas Member Posts: 3,882 ★★★★★
    Wow. And I dropped my single alt, because I hated relogging on a single account
  • Doctorwho13Doctorwho13 Member Posts: 600 ★★★
    It’s curiosity sure. 30 is rather large. But not against the rules. I would ask why we ‘need’ to know though?
  • FooxynnFooxynn Member Posts: 19

    It’s curiosity sure. 30 is rather large. But not against the rules. I would ask why we ‘need’ to know though?

    I don't know, David may have found how to slow time, or time travel, or he is the Time Stone owner ?
  • tnair2015tnair2015 Member Posts: 189 ★★
    whats the last login say, is that more than a year ? if so, could be just his alts he created during previous gifting events.
  • M0NKEYNUTSM0NKEYNUTS Member Posts: 266 ★★
    Probably an AI robot.
  • peixemacacopeixemacaco Member Posts: 4,646 ★★★★★
    Now everyone knows David became 50

    Or is on the way to that
  • FooxynnFooxynn Member Posts: 19
    A title like "Hi, i'm David" x)
  • ThomildoThomildo Member Posts: 551 ★★★
    Fooxynn said:

    I don't know, David may have found how to slow time, or time travel, or he is the Time Stone owner ?
    This is the most valid evidence i’ve seen that can prove time travel is real.
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 9,703 ★★★★★
    Is this actually allowed?

    @Kabam Miike
  • PandingoPandingo Member Posts: 1,194 ★★★★
    EdisonLaw said:

    Is this actually allowed?

    @Kabam Miike

    What advantage could this possibly give him 🤔
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 9,703 ★★★★★
    Pandingo said:

    What advantage could this possibly give him 🤔
    I don’t think you’re allowed to have alts in mcoc if I’m correct
  • Khellendros138Khellendros138 Member Posts: 606 ★★★
    Lmao. Can you imagine the time spent just logging in and out of those accounts!
  • Kingering_KingKingering_King Member Posts: 1,415 ★★★

    Damn, that is a lot

    Yeah, that’s crazy lethe
  • rcm2017rcm2017 Member Posts: 667 ★★★
    Wow!!! Dude is a dedicated!!! Thats a nice way to put it across!!!
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,802 ★★★★★
    DNA3000 said:

    There's no specific rule against this sort of thing, and nothing I see looks super sus. The main has a ton of PvP wins, but none of the alts appear to, which means it is not a bot farm. The accounts have a spread of different last login times, suggesting it is the same person playing most or all of them (for a few minutes at a time). Some of the lower rating accounts look like they were created in 2023 based on titles (either created, or not played until then), while other higher rating accounts contain titles from 2022, and the highest alts seem to have been created in 2020 or earlier. The main account dates from at least 2017.

    So this looks like some very long weird experiment of creating alts over time.

    @DNA3000 This just reminds me about your post about creating your own ally to get small amounts of glory. Bud must have taken your idea seriously haha
  • AntsiouAntsiou Member Posts: 191 ★★
    He is Legion (aka David Charles Haller).
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,440 Guardian
    Antsiou said:

    He is Legion (aka David Charles Haller).

    More like Matrox.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,440 Guardian

    @DNA3000 This just reminds me about your post about creating your own ally to get small amounts of glory. Bud must have taken your idea seriously haha
    This was most definitely not what I was thinking about at the time.
  • AntsiouAntsiou Member Posts: 191 ★★
    You mean Madrox aka multiple man? @DNA3000
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