I used to really like side quests…

Chuck_FinleyChuck_Finley Member Posts: 1,647 ★★★★★
And then someone at Kabam decided to make it one of the most obnoxiously annoying and unforgiving modes in the game.

1) let’s take something accessible to the average player and lock entries. That way when we limit rosters and tack on nodes that are as complex as 8.4 bosses, we can have them revive.

2) let’s also put in these objectives in no particular order. So we can go top down paths 1, 2, 3, 4 but we will make the objectives 1, 2, 4, 3! Bwhahaha! The Losers will be drinking their morning coffee on a Saturday and realize they screwed up and will have to wait for the next week. How dare you come to this game for a chill out experience in ANY mode. READ PUPPET! READ! And we will be benevolent and throw you extra keys this month so that we aren’t inundated with help tickets.

At least someone went rogue and didn’t hide the objectives behind that knull fight. As if mysterium could become even more inconsequential. I just exit before that nonsense. Yes, let’s have a protection intercept node …. Where you can’t gain power unless you have buffs - lots of them! And you will most likely be in reverse control mode most of the time! For the grand prize of *checks notes* some mysterium! the worst currency in the game!

Someone go back to 6-12 months ago and find side quests that were actually fun… copy/paste. The new direction continues to be terrible


  • Chuck_FinleyChuck_Finley Member Posts: 1,647 ★★★★★
    obsidiman said:

    I don't delegitimize your complaints, but #2 is easily avoided by 1) not assuming and 2) taking a few seconds to read the objective and look at the map in the preview mode.

    I am not saying it’s not avoidable, it’s just unnecessarily and arbitrarily complex. There is a reason why traffic lights are 3 colors and not 15. “Flash 3 red, 2 yellow, 1 blue, and 4 orange to stop” -> kabams side quest methodology. Maybe things aren’t pumping out endgame rewards like spring of sorrows can just be …. Simple and fun. Like side quests used to be.
  • TikkaMasalaTikkaMasala Member Posts: 652 ★★★

    Always ready to pounce on 1/10th of the post and ignore the rest. Their complaints however are always justified
    Yep. It must make them feel so good about themselves though…

    Until they realize how pathetic they are. But at least they feel good for a minute.

    Of course we can read you imbecile @Rayven5220. It doesn’t forgive the poor deceitful design of the map and reward payout. It’s just dumb. It makes no sense to arrange it like that unless it is to intentionally try to screw people up.
  • Chuck_FinleyChuck_Finley Member Posts: 1,647 ★★★★★

    Objective#3 kill so and so with a team of so and so.

    Map: so and so is on path 4.

    Solution: take team of so and so to path 4, kill so and so and get rewards.

    It's not f&$<=>$ rocket science.

    It's not a flex to be able to read and pay attention, it's a life skill that alot of you very clearly lack.

    This has nothing to do with the multitude of nodes in other areas of the game. You're whining about the side quests, remember?
    You screwed the pooch because clearly you're reading comprehension skills and ability to pay attention are lacking.

    They couldn't have made it anymore simple for you.
    Gold star from Kabam incoming.
  • Chuck_FinleyChuck_Finley Member Posts: 1,647 ★★★★★
    Emilia90 said:

    You’re on a mobile game forum whining about reading 2 sentences. Calling him a loser is a funny choice here
    And now comes the reading comprehension- this was sarcasm in which the “loser” was us… in summary. But you flip it and get defensive. So glad we established both sides don’t read and comprehend perfectly
  • Rayven5220Rayven5220 Member Posts: 2,572 ★★★★★
    Emilia90 said:

    Yeah I’m flexing my elementary school reading skills and the fact that this Knull boss isn’t difficult. Kabam has made everything recent incredibly easy so when people continue to complain about the difficulty, it’s jarring. Do you want everything to be a cakewalk? Cause that’s what it is right now and people still think it’s too hard
    It's considered a flex when you know how to read and pay attention to what you're doing because these clowns didn't and kabam made it so difficult because "omfg they didn't do everything in a specific order and I can't read or pay attention bruh". Their attention span is that of a Squirrel in a room full of nuts.

    But we're "flexing" our ability to read when we call them out on their stupidity.
  • Chuck_FinleyChuck_Finley Member Posts: 1,647 ★★★★★
    edited May 2024

    It's considered a flex when you know how to read and pay attention to what you're doing because these clowns didn't and kabam made it so difficult because "omfg they didn't do everything in a specific order and I can't read or pay attention bruh". Their attention span is that of a Squirrel in a room full of nuts.

    But we're "flexing" our ability to read when we call them out on their stupidity.
    Yeah.. because it’s a side quest and not necropolis. But you keep those strawmen on the ground and beat them repeatedly. Well done
  • TikkaMasalaTikkaMasala Member Posts: 652 ★★★

    Objective#3 kill so and so with a team of so and so.

    Map: so and so is on path 4.

    Solution: take team of so and so to path 4, kill so and so and get rewards.

    It's not f&$<=>$ rocket science.

    It's not a flex to be able to read and pay attention, it's a life skill that alot of you very clearly lack.

    This has nothing to do with the multitude of nodes in other areas of the game. You're whining about the side quests, remember?
    You screwed the pooch because clearly you're reading comprehension skills and ability to pay attention are lacking.

    They couldn't have made it anymore simple for you.
    Again, must make you feel so good about yourself to come on here and trash people for using some common sense. I’m sure the OP and I know how to read. The problem is the design of the quest and the rewards. The path lanes have a sequential order - it makes sense to take those paths in that order. But you just don’t understand what the point is here so it doesn’t really matter. Clearly it doesn’t apply to you so just go away and stfu. You must work for Kabam. Maybe you designed this SQ and the reward payout? You’re not doing a very good job.

  • Rayven5220Rayven5220 Member Posts: 2,572 ★★★★★

    Yeah.. because it’s a side quest and not necropolis. But you keep those strawmen on the ground and beat them repeatedly. Well done
    Exactly, it's a side quest that gave simple and very clear objectives, not necropolis where you have to read a bunch, right?

    So if you chose not to pay attention, that's a YOU issue, not a kabam issue.
  • Chuck_FinleyChuck_Finley Member Posts: 1,647 ★★★★★
    Glad a couple of Kabam apologists at all costs got their morning fix. Happy to help. You guys truly make this a special place
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