Tastiest looking resource in the game?

This question includes nearly all resources, units, gold, battle chips, hell. Even event currency like poolies. And even primordial dust even though idk how the hell you would go around trying to eat that. (Cystals and boosts are off limits because crystals deserve their own thread and talking about the tastiest looking boost sounds boring)
chewing on tech iso sounds like you could either get a blueberry flavor or just plain rock.
chewing on tech iso sounds like you could either get a blueberry flavor or just plain rock.
Battlechips really look like chocolate bars with blue and light brown texture.
Bg tokens looks like lollipops
I also think alpha catalysts could be crushed for a blue mojito.
Also make a Jam with class cats - mutant(lemon), skill (apple), science(watermelon), mystic (strawberries), cosmic ( blueberries) and tech (grapes). Add basic cats as sugar.
And honestly if someone left a bowl of gold on a table I’d snack on it.
Well that only enhances it's taste 😋
Units to buy that ⬆️ one 🤩
The price as Valiant for the resources;
2850 units for 6 x T6, same for 6 T3A.
65 units for 5% T6CC, and its not a selector.
But, as you can see, i’ve already got 2 of ‘em 😉 (Bishop and Corvus, needed a Red Skull killa in BG).
Ummmm. Perhaps not.