Account Switching

Recently i have been playing a lot on my two alt accounts and i have noticed that everytime i have to switch between the different accounts i have to write the full gmail and password for all the users every time. I understand this is probably not a problem for many but i think it would be helpfull if the game would add a account switching feature where all your accounts are linked to the device and you can switch between them with the press of a button. Other companies like supercell have implimented this into all of their games so it is absolutely possible.
Then, when you go to log into Kabam using Kabam ID, tap the login name field, and then tap the text entry blank that pops up:
to bring up the AutoFill option:
Tap the AutoFill bubble to bring up the autofill options:
Tap passwords, and you'll get a list of your stored passwords, and the ones most relevant to your current site should be shown at the top:
(don't worry, I made that one up for example purposes)
Select the account you want, and then tap the user name in the password panel. That should autofill that blank with the email address you put in that field. Six taps or so should get you there. The password field itself can be autofilled using the password fill option.
If you already have the passwords saved, just make sure you add the appropriate email account and make sure the site name matches appropriately (if it doesn't you'll have to hunt for the password record among all your other saved passwords, because iOS won't know those are the ones you most likely will want to use in the MCOC login panel).