Nerf onslaught and bullseye



  • MadGodOryxMadGodOryx Member Posts: 76
    Samanun said:

    Samanun said:

    Samanun said:

    Here before "oNsLuT aIn'T tHaT bAd iF u HaVe sKiLl" comments

    Here before "oNsLuT aIn'T tHaT bAd iF u HaVe sKiLl" comments

    This community cant even bring itself to admit Herc is OP, what hope is there that those same spineless children can admit others might be overturned as well?

    Ultimately this community needs to understand that balance changes are important to game health, just the same way we get buffs to weak champs like Nightcrawler or Iron Man, nerfs to champs like Herc or Onslaught or Bullseye are just as important.

    In LITERALLY in other popular multiplayer competitive game this is accepted as fact, this community however fails to understand such a basic and simple fact
    How about learning to fight a champ before begging for a nerf, onslaught is fine the way he is.
    I learned how to fight him. I learned how to fight bullseye. I learned every champ, every challenge this game has to offer.

    How about instead of labeling it all a skill issue you manage to understand that in multiplayer games overpowered champs exist. And when they exist they need to be nerfed. That is game design 101 and for some reason this community seems incapable of acknowledging such a basic fact.

    “B-b-but people ranked up Shocker for Maestro!”

    And after a literal BUG FIX made the MU less tenable, hes still a top 3 tech champ in the game, a very good dual threat in battlegrounds, and capable of nuking most threats in short order. If you rely on a bug abuse to play the game, thats on YOU.
    If you learned how to fight him you wouldn’t think he needed to be nerfed. i didn't label anything a skill issue i just said learn how to fight him.

    Top 3 tech is certainly questionable and not all that impressive seeing as it falls of pretty hard after about 2 champs, weird to assume that everyone who ranked him knew it was a bug and was intentionally abusing it and obviously it wasn't “on them” because kabam literally gave out rdt’s.
    They gave out RDTs because people wouldn’t stop crying about how he had been ruined. Dont flatter yourself.

    Also Shocker can still nuke 95% of all champs in under a minute with his rotation. I dont see how you try to frame this as “bad” just because glancing works on his heavy outside some immature innane dislike for anything that even looks like a nerf. Hes an amazing champ with great utility praised by every Content creator in the game and youre trying to act like hes hot ass because of a BUG FIX.
    Kabam doesn’t do things because players complain, i didn't call him bad nor do think he’s bad so not sure where you got that from, you’re the only one being immature here throwing out insults left and right.

    You do realize you said skill issue first? I just said learn to fight the champ i didn't say anything about a skill issue, however if you interpreted it that way then i have some bad news for you…
    >Kabam doesn’t do things because players complain

    They literally admitted they arent going to nerf Herc specifically because of the potential blowback, despite acknowledging he should be nerfed.

    >You said skill issue first

    You literally said that the only reason I think he needs to be nerfed is because I havent learned to fight him.

    Try again
  • SamanunSamanun Member Posts: 720 ★★★

    Samanun said:

    Samanun said:

    Samanun said:

    Here before "oNsLuT aIn'T tHaT bAd iF u HaVe sKiLl" comments

    Here before "oNsLuT aIn'T tHaT bAd iF u HaVe sKiLl" comments

    This community cant even bring itself to admit Herc is OP, what hope is there that those same spineless children can admit others might be overturned as well?

    Ultimately this community needs to understand that balance changes are important to game health, just the same way we get buffs to weak champs like Nightcrawler or Iron Man, nerfs to champs like Herc or Onslaught or Bullseye are just as important.

    In LITERALLY in other popular multiplayer competitive game this is accepted as fact, this community however fails to understand such a basic and simple fact
    How about learning to fight a champ before begging for a nerf, onslaught is fine the way he is.
    I learned how to fight him. I learned how to fight bullseye. I learned every champ, every challenge this game has to offer.

    How about instead of labeling it all a skill issue you manage to understand that in multiplayer games overpowered champs exist. And when they exist they need to be nerfed. That is game design 101 and for some reason this community seems incapable of acknowledging such a basic fact.

    “B-b-but people ranked up Shocker for Maestro!”

    And after a literal BUG FIX made the MU less tenable, hes still a top 3 tech champ in the game, a very good dual threat in battlegrounds, and capable of nuking most threats in short order. If you rely on a bug abuse to play the game, thats on YOU.
    If you learned how to fight him you wouldn’t think he needed to be nerfed. i didn't label anything a skill issue i just said learn how to fight him.

    Top 3 tech is certainly questionable and not all that impressive seeing as it falls of pretty hard after about 2 champs, weird to assume that everyone who ranked him knew it was a bug and was intentionally abusing it and obviously it wasn't “on them” because kabam literally gave out rdt’s.
    They gave out RDTs because people wouldn’t stop crying about how he had been ruined. Dont flatter yourself.

    Also Shocker can still nuke 95% of all champs in under a minute with his rotation. I dont see how you try to frame this as “bad” just because glancing works on his heavy outside some immature innane dislike for anything that even looks like a nerf. Hes an amazing champ with great utility praised by every Content creator in the game and youre trying to act like hes hot ass because of a BUG FIX.
    Kabam doesn’t do things because players complain, i didn't call him bad nor do think he’s bad so not sure where you got that from, you’re the only one being immature here throwing out insults left and right.

    You do realize you said skill issue first? I just said learn to fight the champ i didn't say anything about a skill issue, however if you interpreted it that way then i have some bad news for you…
    >Kabam doesn’t do things because players complain

    They literally admitted they arent going to nerf Herc specifically because of the potential blowback, despite acknowledging he should be nerfed.

    >You said skill issue first

    You literally said that the only reason I think he needs to be nerfed is because I havent learned to fight him.

    Try again
    The potential blowback isn't just players complaining, also they have been nerfing herc.

    Saying you don't know how to fight him doesn’t mean that you don't have the skill to, you jumped to that conclusion on your own do not put that on me.
  • Marvelfan30Marvelfan30 Member Posts: 1,175 ★★★★

    Samanun said:

    Samanun said:

    Samanun said:

    Here before "oNsLuT aIn'T tHaT bAd iF u HaVe sKiLl" comments

    Here before "oNsLuT aIn'T tHaT bAd iF u HaVe sKiLl" comments

    This community cant even bring itself to admit Herc is OP, what hope is there that those same spineless children can admit others might be overturned as well?

    Ultimately this community needs to understand that balance changes are important to game health, just the same way we get buffs to weak champs like Nightcrawler or Iron Man, nerfs to champs like Herc or Onslaught or Bullseye are just as important.

    In LITERALLY in other popular multiplayer competitive game this is accepted as fact, this community however fails to understand such a basic and simple fact
    How about learning to fight a champ before begging for a nerf, onslaught is fine the way he is.
    I learned how to fight him. I learned how to fight bullseye. I learned every champ, every challenge this game has to offer.

    How about instead of labeling it all a skill issue you manage to understand that in multiplayer games overpowered champs exist. And when they exist they need to be nerfed. That is game design 101 and for some reason this community seems incapable of acknowledging such a basic fact.

    “B-b-but people ranked up Shocker for Maestro!”

    And after a literal BUG FIX made the MU less tenable, hes still a top 3 tech champ in the game, a very good dual threat in battlegrounds, and capable of nuking most threats in short order. If you rely on a bug abuse to play the game, thats on YOU.
    If you learned how to fight him you wouldn’t think he needed to be nerfed. i didn't label anything a skill issue i just said learn how to fight him.

    Top 3 tech is certainly questionable and not all that impressive seeing as it falls of pretty hard after about 2 champs, weird to assume that everyone who ranked him knew it was a bug and was intentionally abusing it and obviously it wasn't “on them” because kabam literally gave out rdt’s.
    They gave out RDTs because people wouldn’t stop crying about how he had been ruined. Dont flatter yourself.

    Also Shocker can still nuke 95% of all champs in under a minute with his rotation. I dont see how you try to frame this as “bad” just because glancing works on his heavy outside some immature innane dislike for anything that even looks like a nerf. Hes an amazing champ with great utility praised by every Content creator in the game and youre trying to act like hes hot ass because of a BUG FIX.
    Kabam doesn’t do things because players complain, i didn't call him bad nor do think he’s bad so not sure where you got that from, you’re the only one being immature here throwing out insults left and right.

    You do realize you said skill issue first? I just said learn to fight the champ i didn't say anything about a skill issue, however if you interpreted it that way then i have some bad news for you…
    >Kabam doesn’t do things because players complain

    They literally admitted they arent going to nerf Herc specifically because of the potential blowback, despite acknowledging he should be nerfed.

    >You said skill issue first

    You literally said that the only reason I think he needs to be nerfed is because I havent learned to fight him.

    Try again
    Tbh herc ain't all that anymore..... I only use him for incursions
  • JT_SupremeJT_Supreme Member Posts: 1,283 ★★★★
    If we get an onslaught woe type fight one day I better not hear a peep from yall lool
  • ChobblyChobbly Member Posts: 1,022 ★★★★
    edited April 2024
    Yes, Onslaught is a great defender and a pretty good attacker. There are ways around him if you've got the right counters. If you haven't got the perfect counter then there are a number of secondary options which can do the job if you put the work in. For everyone else, it'll be hard but he isn't unbeatable. You may have to change your play style and adapt. He doesn't need nerfing.

    Bullseye on the other hand, I think he needs looking at. Fighting him is about as much fun as repeatedly running into a brick wall. At some point you'll either realise it's just a bad idea or you'll knock yourself out. I'm also not sure if I agree with him being such an incredible defender from a lore perspective. I get the whole 'it's the Battlerealm version' but if it strays too far then is it truly the same character?

    I think most people agree that Hercules really shouldn't have been let out of the gate as he is. If Iron Man's limited health recovery is once per quest then Hercules's Immortality could have been, should have been. I wouldn't object to minor charges to Herc but that's not my call. There's a bigger debate about a rolling balance programme which needs to be had for the good of the game.
  • JT_SupremeJT_Supreme Member Posts: 1,283 ★★★★

    If we get an onslaught woe type fight one day I better not hear a peep from yall lool

    Sorry guys they might have taken a note from this.
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 9,718 ★★★★★
    edited May 2024

    If we get an onslaught woe type fight one day I better not hear a peep from yall lool

    This aged well lol
  • PlsNoBug404PlsNoBug404 Member Posts: 4
    Onslaught is not too bad is your skill is good but Bullseye definitely need a neft like remove slow immunity, countdown time when evade or just reduce bleed damage on defence. I tried using champions than can shutdown his evade but still lost almost 90% health because his bleed.
    This game used to be fun when you can use almost any champions to fight another, now some must required specific champs to counter and that suck!
  • Asher1_1Asher1_1 Member Posts: 907 ★★★

    Nerf them or give everyone them (reference doom). But seriously the passive damage and block damage in bg is enough to pull hair out. Spent all 6 star shards on the featured still don’t have either. I really don’t like banning the 6 stars of them when the opponent has a bunch of 7r3. But they are so annoying that I just have to. Just took 50% block damage from bullseye even tho I played perfect, huge blow, not fun.

    Bullsye : No or no damage on dex
    Onslaught : yes or just remove his crush mechanism

    Imagine sunspot,torch applying incarnates throw block or bleed champ can bleed throw block + passive so I can't even clense it.
  • Kikkis123Kikkis123 Member Posts: 26
    Just bann them or parry bullseye spesial hits. People using hard getting items to r3 them then would nerf after being in game longer is pointless. Rank up mr sinister or negasonic teenage warhead or emma frost great for him or domino even
  • GrO_ot78GrO_ot78 Member Posts: 688 ★★★
    As a owner of a 200 sig 6R5A Onslaught and a 7R3 Bullseye, I strongly disagree 💯‼️

    I rarely get to use them in BG anyway, all you cowards ban them 🥲

  • GrO_ot78GrO_ot78 Member Posts: 688 ★★★
    Giz said:

    Nerf Groot


    To overpowered 🧨💥🔥🔥🔥
  • HungaryHippoHungaryHippo Member Posts: 1,092 ★★★★

    If we get an onslaught woe type fight one day I better not hear a peep from yall lool

    Sorry guys they might have taken a note from this.
    I’m glad they did. It’s a rather easy fight for me (got solos with some very bad champs) but I’m glad to see people squirm. Maybe they’ll learn from this but I doubt it.
  • DaddriedaDaddrieda Member Posts: 1,669 ★★★★
    Oh stop it… this is smart business move as we all need champions to collect and there always will be a counter against something. Kabam will need to release a counter or create an idea that can or will counter those champion(s). There will always be a better champion that can do this and counter that.
  • SecondSkrillerSecondSkriller Member Posts: 1,347 ★★★★★

    Nerf them or give everyone them (reference doom). But seriously the passive damage and block damage in bg is enough to pull hair out. Spent all 6 star shards on the featured still don’t have either. I really don’t like banning the 6 stars of them when the opponent has a bunch of 7r3. But they are so annoying that I just have to. Just took 50% block damage from bullseye even tho I played perfect, huge blow, not fun.

    Shut the vhuck up already.
  • JT_SupremeJT_Supreme Member Posts: 1,283 ★★★★
    edited May 2024

    Nerf them or give everyone them (reference doom). But seriously the passive damage and block damage in bg is enough to pull hair out. Spent all 6 star shards on the featured still don’t have either. I really don’t like banning the 6 stars of them when the opponent has a bunch of 7r3. But they are so annoying that I just have to. Just took 50% block damage from bullseye even tho I played perfect, huge blow, not fun.

    Shut the vhuck up already.
    You good?💀💀
    I think people take these posts too seriously it’s just banter
  • Archit_1812Archit_1812 Member Posts: 623 ★★★
    Just learn to dodge Onslaught's sp1 and you're set. Try to keep stunning to a minimum to avoid more than one Daunted.
    For Bullseye, just practice making sure you dont try to hit the guy when Killer Instinct is on. And bring Bleed Immune champs or those that have bleed resistance. Or yk, someone who counters evade and learn to dodge his sp2.
  • CovoidCovoid Member Posts: 55
    Please nerf Bullseye. I could have paid off my mortgage with the money I spent on boosts and rank ups just to defeat him in AW. Such a broken champ I just want to leave the game entirely whenever I see him in the boss slot.
  • GrO_ot78GrO_ot78 Member Posts: 688 ★★★
    Instead of complaining look for solutions……6R5A Onslaught and 7R3 Bullseye btw…there are good counters out there…

  • Thokk150Thokk150 Member Posts: 107
    edited June 2024
    GrO_ot78 said:

    Instead of complaining look for solutions……6R5A Onslaught and 7R3 Bullseye btw…there are good counters out there…

    And while that may be true, practice fights show champs that aren't even at bgs standards of health, let alone high war healthpools. In these fights all you did was hit them and they died without even getting in an sp1, so while your point could stand, you are not providing valid evidence towards it.
    My thoughts is that onslaught is very fun defensively because he is a huge threat that can be overcome with a lot of skill, and as time passes more and more people will get used to him and counter him better, while bullseye NEEDS a counter otherwise you are taking huge chunks of your health without a chance of retaliation, because yes his sp1 is theoretically dexable(altough not really on the level of onslaught's sp1) even if you do without mtigating or negating his bleed damage you are still taking a lot of damage, punishing you for being far more skillful than you have to be against onslaught which makes 0 sense.
    A defender like bullseye shouldn't rely on specific counters (like negasonic) that are tailor made to deal with them to get countered, a good designed defender requires some skill to play around. I think that onslaught is fine as is and is an excellent defender with a design that promotes a skillful playstyle, while bullseye feels overtuned and not too thought out as he gets countered by a very little handful of champs that don't even counter him fully.
    In conclusion I think that bullseye will become a non threat one year from now with champs that counter him directly being added slowly to the list, while onslaught might remain relevant as for countering him it takes 80% skill and 20% a counter.
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