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What’s an easy animation you simply just can’t dex?



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    PriyabrataPriyabrata Posts: 1,134 ★★★★

    My succes rate against Korg’s SP1 is like 3%. I am probably the only valiant in the game who can’t dex it.

    I can't dex that. My success rate is maybe 0.01% as a Valiant.
    I recently managed to Dex korgs sp1 somehow, I wasn't even practicing or anything, I guess my success rate would be somewhere around 10% cause I just randomly manage to fully Dex them
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    PriyabrataPriyabrata Posts: 1,134 ★★★★

    For me it's cyclops sp1, and both of electro's specials. Bishop sp2 always gets me as well.

    Cyclops sp1 has a good timing element to it, do it too early and you'll get clipped by the last hit
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    AecynAecyn Posts: 86
    Antivenoms sp2. It should be super easy but the GIGANTIC step he takes when he throws his javelin backs up your dash back limit and your window to dex shrinks. Often get hit by it because I "dex too early" whereas any other projectile like that would be fine because my dash back wouldn't actually move me backwards.
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    713_o_f1673r713_o_f1673r Posts: 152
    I always mess up Nebula's sp2 now even if I can dex it no problem when I started the game. Also, Crossbone's sp2

    Also Huge respect to anyone who can dex all 5 hits of doom's sp2😭

    Thank you 😊
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    Rayven5220Rayven5220 Posts: 1,948 ★★★★★
    Mags sp2 still trips me up.
    Nova and CMM sp1 I get clipped by too often as well.
    Electro sp2, screw him.
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    PT_99PT_99 Posts: 3,162 ★★★★★
    Modok sp2
    Like his blade cutters are different paced
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    willrun4adonutwillrun4adonut Posts: 3,560 ★★★★★
    PT_99 said:

    Modok sp2
    Like his blade cutters are different paced

    I can dex his cutter blades, but his sp1 gets me every time. I'll just take the block damage, thank you.
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    phillgreenphillgreen Posts: 3,841 ★★★★★
    Gotta be Strange's SP1.

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    SeyuohSeyuoh Posts: 61
    Schnoodle said:

    For me it’s immortal hulk’s SP2, I don’t have a clue why, but it clips me every time.

    Hulks SP1, that dang ground pound part clips me. Every. Single. Time.
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    ArmageddønArmageddøn Posts: 697 ★★★
    Sauron's and Venom's sp2
    Something about the way they jump at you and cover half screen so you get clipped even when you dashed back
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    DuboisDubois Posts: 73
    Doom's special attacks, bishop's sp2, cyclops sp1
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    QueenMcocQueenMcoc Posts: 1,117 ★★★
    Winter soldier sp2 😤
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    peixemacacopeixemacaco Posts: 1,637 ★★★
    Black Widow in White Sp1

    What a devil girl 😭
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    EdisonLawEdisonLaw Posts: 2,940 ★★★★

    Bishops sp2 is stinky, I have a 75% success rate but that 25% always one shots me, I dex'd war machines special 1 once I was so amazed I took a follow-up combo to the face.

    How do you dex WM's sp1?
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    EdisonLawEdisonLaw Posts: 2,940 ★★★★
    Buttehrs said:

    To this day, I still get clipped by magneto specials

    Especially the sp2 when you're far away.
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    EdisonLawEdisonLaw Posts: 2,940 ★★★★
    QueenMcoc said:

    Winter soldier sp2 😤

    I don't think it's completely dexable unless you use someone like Quicksilver at max momentum or Nightcrawler (i haven't tried it yet)
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    Real_Madrid_76_2Real_Madrid_76_2 Posts: 3,432 ★★★★★
    Groot sp2 and nameless Thanos sp2
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    PriyabrataPriyabrata Posts: 1,134 ★★★★
    Annihilus sp1
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    Potatoslice500Potatoslice500 Posts: 251 ★★
    The second hit of Green Goblins sp2 almost always gets me
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    PriyabrataPriyabrata Posts: 1,134 ★★★★
    Buttehrs said:

    Annihilus sp1

    :# got news for you. Check back in two weeks.
    Gotta learn the hard way I guess💀
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    yossyoss Posts: 31
    Sw and air walker sp1
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    GrO_ot78GrO_ot78 Posts: 653 ★★★
    Korg SP1…1 time have I managed to dex it, 1 time (!!!!) 🥵
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    ShivacruxShivacrux Posts: 415 ★★★
    Imiw sp1
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    KnightOfTheRealmKnightOfTheRealm Posts: 914 ★★★
    Venom's sp2
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    AshyKnucklesAshyKnuckles Posts: 136
    Man Thing's special 1 get's me more often than not lol.. It's so slow and cumbersome, I always swipe too fast and get clipped..
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    obsidimanobsidiman Posts: 838 ★★★
    MODOK's or Yellow Jacket's SP1. I either mis-time it slightly or get the spacing wrong.
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    Cam97Cam97 Posts: 392 ★★
    Viv vision sp1
    Tigra sp2
    The serpent sp 1
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    IggyPopIggyPop Posts: 64
    Silver Centurion Sp2. It’s hard to get, but when you do, it’s just straight up 👉🏽💦
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    ElwindElwind Posts: 370 ★★★
    Magneto SP2
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