BG’s matchmaking is legitimately a joke.



  • Rayven5220Rayven5220 Member Posts: 2,090 ★★★★★
    So wait, I wanna make sure I get this straight...

    These guys in vibranium spend half their lives on the game? That's what you said, right?
    But they're still in vibranium?
    So who's bad at the game, them or you then?
    If they spend that much time to still be in vibranium at the end of the season, they obviously aren't very good at BG's.
    And if you're not beating these clearly bad players that according to you "spend half their lives in the game"...

    I'm sure you can do the math from there.
  • BringPopcornBringPopcorn Member Posts: 4,466 ★★★★★

    So wait, I wanna make sure I get this straight...

    These guys in vibranium spend half their lives on the game? That's what you said, right?
    But they're still in vibranium?
    So who's bad at the game, them or you then?
    If they spend that much time to still be in vibranium at the end of the season, they obviously aren't very good at BG's.
    And if you're not beating these clearly bad players that according to you "spend half their lives in the game"...

    I'm sure you can do the math from there.

    They spend half of their lives in the game; but somehow manage to create income to whale out...
  • Rayven5220Rayven5220 Member Posts: 2,090 ★★★★★

    So wait, I wanna make sure I get this straight...

    These guys in vibranium spend half their lives on the game? That's what you said, right?
    But they're still in vibranium?
    So who's bad at the game, them or you then?
    If they spend that much time to still be in vibranium at the end of the season, they obviously aren't very good at BG's.
    And if you're not beating these clearly bad players that according to you "spend half their lives in the game"...

    I'm sure you can do the math from there.

    They spend half of their lives in the game; but somehow manage to create income to whale out...
    Seems legit... 🤣
  • SeyuohSeyuoh Member Posts: 132 ★★

    Seyuoh said:

    Why do people do this? Why do they say things as they shouldn't be there as if they owned the tier...
    The bigger accounts you faced could say "What is this lower account even doing here..."
    Be happy with what you achieved.

    Because to be honest with you, I’m better than about 90% of the people I play against. I have a vast knowledge of the game, the skills to boot; but am lacking roster wise. BG’s is just incredibly infuriating, when the only reason I’m actually losing; is because my opponents really can’t get a bad draft. Due to them spending half of their life on the game/half of their wallet- in order to stay on top.
    This was more of a rage post to begin with, but Kabam really should do something about the rating system matchmaking. It just gets tiring trying to always beat the people who are 2-3 mill rating higher than me, or who paid their way to valiant and get carried by their roster.
    If this were true you would have all content done and have a competitive roster to play against those huge rosters.
    Must be REALLY LUCKY people to spend half their lifes in the game and also br able to spend half of their wallets in it.. I mean look at you... you don't spend half of your life in the game, meanwhile while you have a "life" can't afford to splurge in the game and on top of that you can't get lucky with drafts... You gotta be the unluckiest guy in the world.
    I’m not even gonna dignify this comment with an actual response, as you’re clearly just trying to rile me up.
    But I will say this, after I made this post- about a day or two later; I started handed people their butts on silver platters. More than a handful of masters level players, and even a few allies you may have seen ranked in the top 10 war ally’s in the game. So, I would guess that would suffice to say… I’m back.
  • SeyuohSeyuoh Member Posts: 132 ★★

    So wait, I wanna make sure I get this straight...

    These guys in vibranium spend half their lives on the game? That's what you said, right?
    But they're still in vibranium?
    So who's bad at the game, them or you then?
    If they spend that much time to still be in vibranium at the end of the season, they obviously aren't very good at BG's.
    And if you're not beating these clearly bad players that according to you "spend half their lives in the game"...

    I'm sure you can do the math from there.

    They spend half of their lives in the game; but somehow manage to create income to whale out...
    This one however I will make a response too, because I think this is a bit more respectful at least a little bit. No, the fact that they spend “half their life on a game” but still generate income doesn’t mean they don’t spend an insane amount of time playing the game consistently/ semi consistently. I know of many many people, who play it almost all day long in their office jobs- so in a way it’s kinda like a side job. Once people have built a BG’s deck that basically can’t have a bad draft, there is almost nothing you can do to compete against that; unless you yourself also have one. So at that point it doesn’t matter how much time they do or don’t spend on the game anymore, their decks will absolutely help them to win; especially if they have skill and game knowledge. Time spent playing doesn’t always equal money spent.
  • SeyuohSeyuoh Member Posts: 132 ★★
    GrO_ot78 said:

    💩 Valiant, GC, 300k+ points, my deck;

    Only R5s and 7R2+. Currently working on max sig’ing my R5 champs, I have invested most of the resources lately to that.

    If your deck is nowhere near this, the road to GC will be tough. In GC you will still struggle, because there this is far below average.

    My deck is sorta near that, but I don’t have my entire deck at R5 quite yet. I’ve also been putting off doing story for a very very long time, and am just now getting around to speed running (basically what I’m doing) through act 8.
  • SeyuohSeyuoh Member Posts: 132 ★★

    If you don't have a great roster and get smashed in vib, stop buying whatever you grab from bg store and invest in victory shields. May not help progress but it stops the backwards slide.

    Play at times when competition is more favourable, there is always a sweet spot where you can grab easier matches.

    Or, build a better roster. I have a decent bg deck, not great but enough. I won't use half the deck anywhere else in the game because we dont do war, but success at bg's means investing for it.

    Bg's have made progression of accounts very easy but spending it all on 6* shards chasing herc (or a select few others) at the expense of rankups will hurt you more than finally pulling the great champs.

    If you're as skilled as you think, you should have no problems with a lesser deck than someone without skill and a better roster.

    You’re right, and I did wind up winning quite a bit against much more stacked and better decks later on too. I believe I was more so just beating down on myself, so I was already going into the matches “beaten” if you will.
    Thank you for the helpful advice though, I hope you have a fantastic day; whenever you get around to reading this.
  • SeyuohSeyuoh Member Posts: 132 ★★
    shield311 said:

    Seyuoh said:

    Why do people do this? Why do they say things as they shouldn't be there as if they owned the tier...
    The bigger accounts you faced could say "What is this lower account even doing here..."
    Be happy with what you achieved.

    Because to be honest with you, I’m better than about 90% of the people I play against. I have a vast knowledge of the game, the skills to boot; but am lacking roster wise.
    If you are that skilled then go explore act 8 and every story act, explore abyss, necro, eop, and grandmaster gaunlet
    the items you get from them will definitely push you to gc. so yeah boasting about skill and then saying you're losing in bgs is skill issue when the way to win is literally in the game.
    I am actually working on these as we speak. Thank you for the advice though.
  • SeyuohSeyuoh Member Posts: 132 ★★

    t123459 said:

    Oh look, another person who thinks they shouldn't face harder competition in BGs 🙄

    stilll dont know how valiant f2p are supposed to defeat valiant p2w players . like f2p have 3 r3 7* and p2w have 7 or 8 a part from the 6* ofc . if you are p2w face p2w and stop saying we should not complain its not fair
    Why should those who pay, which keeps the game going, not get an advantage over those who don't? Otherwise, what is the point of paying?

    I don't spend on the game and don't like facing against people who bought a stacked roster. That being said, many of them that pay for that roster don't have the skills to make full use of it
    You make a very valid point, I’m glad this thread is no longer people dogging on me for raging- and is now coming to more of a (at least sorta) civilized discussion of sorts.
  • SeyuohSeyuoh Member Posts: 132 ★★

    So wait, I wanna make sure I get this straight...

    These guys in vibranium spend half their lives on the game? That's what you said, right?
    But they're still in vibranium?
    So who's bad at the game, them or you then?
    If they spend that much time to still be in vibranium at the end of the season, they obviously aren't very good at BG's.
    And if you're not beating these clearly bad players that according to you "spend half their lives in the game"...

    I'm sure you can do the math from there.

    Funnily enough, I used to be horrible at math. Until I became a machinist/welder/fabricator. I had to learn how to get better at it, really really fast. Lol
  • SeyuohSeyuoh Member Posts: 132 ★★
    OldManHop said:

    A competitive game mode where everyone is equal regardless of time, money and experience is a compete oxymoron

    The important part: I agree with you. The mode is built to take advantage of existing player rosters and, as a result, money spent will always be a factor unless the mode became something completely different - which would upset way more players than it would please. I see nothing wrong with BG's as a mode, the risk/reward is appropriate, I think.

    However, I do think a lot of other players would be excited by a competitive mode that gives them the opportunity to have a similarly-structured PVP mode to BG's that eliminates money spent from the equation. There are a bunch of different ways to accomplish this, but I'm no game designer so I'll spare you my thoughts (level scaling, preset mode-specific rosters, the occasional coin toss... the important part being that players feel like they had an equal chance more often than not and failed on the basis of skill alone.) In any case, I have no idea how difficult coding such a thing might be, nor do I know if it would live up to Kabam's cost/benefit analysis... but I do know that a ton of players would love it.
    I would absolutely love this. This is a phenomenal idea. You should copy and paste this reply to my post, and make it its own discussion. I’m sure many people would agree with you on it.
  • SeyuohSeyuoh Member Posts: 132 ★★
    Seyuoh said:

    Why did I go from 2 wins away from getting into Vibranium 1, to immediately down to 0 and then my very next THREE MATCHES IN A ROW I match people who are on their last win needed, in order to get promoted into vibranium 1. I won’t even get into the fact that the rating discrepancy is ridiculous, my main issue is matching people I should’ve never even been in the game with. Genuinely incredibly annoying going from 3-4 wins to immediately getting slammed 6-7 matches in a row, by people who haven’t missed a second of playing this game.

    Now that this post is front and center of this forum here, I really wish I could’ve worded this differently. As I was more so just making this post to vent out my frustrations, rather than for it to garner this much attention from varying people to comment on it.
    I’m glad it’s becoming more of a respectful (for the most part) thread now though.
  • GrO_ot78GrO_ot78 Member Posts: 688 ★★★
    Seyuoh said:

    GrO_ot78 said:

    💩 Valiant, GC, 300k+ points, my deck;

    Only R5s and 7R2+. Currently working on max sig’ing my R5 champs, I have invested most of the resources lately to that.

    If your deck is nowhere near this, the road to GC will be tough. In GC you will still struggle, because there this is far below average.

    My deck is sorta near that, but I don’t have my entire deck at R5 quite yet. I’ve also been putting off doing story for a very very long time, and am just now getting around to speed running (basically what I’m doing) through act 8.
    Good for you. I only had 6 x 6R5s before I explored act 8, did necro, poolies and omega event. So that is what needs to be done to get there atm.
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