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Selling Champions

Hello. I was wondering if Kabam could do an update where they bring back the ability to sell Champions. I have some champions that I don't like and I can't sell them. I wish that the ability to sell Champions could come back. Please and thank you.


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    ItalianStallion23ItalianStallion23 Posts: 7
    Whatever little kid.
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    ItalianStallion23ItalianStallion23 Posts: 7
    Grow up you are acting like a little kid stepping up to the grown ups. Just stay in your place and I will report you. Grow up.
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    Ayden_noah1Ayden_noah1 Posts: 1,408 ★★★★

    Grow up you are acting like a little kid stepping up to the grown ups. Just stay in your place and I will report you. Grow up.

    Your other thread says you’re a minor lol
    LOL, someone got caught with their dirty hands in the cookie jar. Selling champ will never be a thing. According to your other post you can't even beat ACT 5 but your are good at playing games. Seems like you are playing mind games right now.
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    Wong_99Wong_99 Posts: 604 ★★★
    Absolutely not
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    BlecskikBlecskik Posts: 29
    After having a 7* I dont need the same 6*r3 version. Waste of resources. So I would sell it, but no. Sad.
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    TerraTerra Posts: 8,128 ★★★★★
    Some people's minds are a enigma to understand, nonsensical in nature.
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    ahmynutsahmynuts Posts: 6,671 ★★★★★
    edited June 13
    Terra said:

    Some people's minds are a enigma to understand, nonsensical in nature.

    I'm convinced 99% of people who want to sell their champions either A:weren't around when we were able to. Or B: were around but somehow dont remember what it was we got for selling a champion lol.
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    MrSakuragiMrSakuragi Posts: 4,537 ★★★★★
    ahmynuts said:

    Terra said:

    Some people's minds are a enigma to understand, nonsensical in nature.

    I'm convinced 99% of people who want to sell their champions either A:weren't around when we were able to. Or B: were around but somehow dont remember what it was we got for selling a champion lol.
    C: Don’t understand how to use filters.
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    felanomafelanoma Posts: 31
    I think you should be able to hide them, not to sell them, i would like to hide some champions in arenas.
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    CaptainaidenCaptainaiden Posts: 850 ★★★
    Selling champs is a noob move
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    Ayden_noah1Ayden_noah1 Posts: 1,408 ★★★★
    I do wish Kabam would allow players to sell champs so the two players that would actually sell their champs will regret it in the future. This way we can laugh at them and say "I told you selling champ is a bad idea". There's so many benefits to keeping all champs like special arenas, arena grinding, getting tons of isos from duping champs and higher star shards form duping champs.
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    Java_JunkieJava_Junkie Posts: 256
    felanoma said:

    I think you should be able to hide them, not to sell them, i would like to hide some champions in arenas.

    you could filter by Rarity, Rank, Class, Sig Level, or specific tags, to include or (I believe?) exclude. that may help you.

    @LexSavi GREAT point. trash pulls eventually turn to resources, with perseverance.
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