Role charges dissappeared vs M.O.D.O.K

OurbeeOurbee Member Posts: 92
Not sure what's going on, but we had max role charges vs M.O.D.O.K, then between players it's reset all charges to zero for all roles.

Complete waste of all the resources used thus far by everyone to get to the maximum amount of charges.


  • MrSakuragiMrSakuragi Member Posts: 4,936 ★★★★★
    Someone crashed or force quit. It’s a terrible bug.
  • OurbeeOurbee Member Posts: 92
    That's ridiculous. If someone did disconnect, Internet dropped or the game crashed (as it frequently does), for the game to remove all charges is just ridiculous and a huge bug.

    @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Porthos @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Lyra can someone look into this and feedback.
  • victor158victor158 Member Posts: 106
    Ourbee said:

    That's ridiculous. If someone did disconnect, Internet dropped or the game crashed (as it frequently does), for the game to remove all charges is just ridiculous and a huge bug.

    @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Porthos @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Lyra can someone look into this and feedback.

    It's been a bug for at least 3 years+ now. They just don't care
  • OurbeeOurbee Member Posts: 92
    With raids it's completely different though, and not something that should be left.

    It will affect entire alliances, and undo the work everyone put in/ potentially wast raid tickets too.
  • TikkaMasalaTikkaMasala Member Posts: 367 ★★★
    Yeah it happened in our alliance too. Totally sucks and has taken a lot of effort and many revives to get the charges back up. Yet Modok still blows and it seems nearly impossible to take off 12% for anyone each fight.
  • Cheft78Cheft78 Member Posts: 1
    Happing in my alliance also. Built up 15 charges and then they just disappeared. It is a major problem. I don’t even want to have my alliance waste there resources.
  • NüΚΞNüΚΞ Member Posts: 223 ★★★
    Same happened in our alliance
  • Son_of_Rage1Son_of_Rage1 Member Posts: 51
    edited June 15
    Came here to report same bug. We are back at zero. Need to give back all resources used in this raid including the tickets. This week should have been free.
  • AsgardorAsgardor Member Posts: 3
    Same issue with our alliance
  • IRONHIDE_1IRONHIDE_1 Member Posts: 37
    Same issue here and happened hours before the end of raids so all the resources used to this point were a waste
  • CaptainCavemanCaptainCaveman Member Posts: 34
    Hey did anything come of this? We had a whole BG screwed over because of this?
  • CaptainCavemanCaptainCaveman Member Posts: 34
    Ive submitted a couple tickets and encouraged the rest of the crew who do we tag in here?!

    @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Porthos @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Lyra

    Anyone that can help. People spent recourses and got screwed.
  • CaptainCavemanCaptainCaveman Member Posts: 34
    Anything? Anyone? Hellooo… I hate it when the voices in my head stop speaking to me
  • Son_of_Rage1Son_of_Rage1 Member Posts: 51
    Agree they need to compensate for this Raid week. All resources should be returned including units spent on revives. The main boss being bugged is not the players fault. Might be the time to move on.
  • OurbeeOurbee Member Posts: 92
    The silence is deafening.
  • IRONHIDE_1IRONHIDE_1 Member Posts: 37
    I've sent multiple tickets and had most of my bg submit tickets referencing my ticket number and the only response we got was to watch the forums and look for in game messages, total bs and seriously don't think anything will come of this, at least refund the raid tickets and the last 7 revives
  • OurbeeOurbee Member Posts: 92
    Is there any update on this?

    I know the other issues were acknowledged and compensation referenced, but thus far there's been no response on this loss of charges situation.
  • StartimeStartime Member Posts: 7
    no information on this subject and obviously the bug is not fixed. We'll be skipping this raid.
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