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How is 7 star spider punk

AddictorAddictor Posts: 420 ★★★
Pulled him as 7 from Titan. What I got is he is kinda trash! What do you guys think of him? Any real opinions from real test?

How is 7 star spider punk 77 votes

He is new and cool but he is mid
53% 41 votes
He is actually very good
15% 12 votes
He is only good for defense
1% 1 vote
He is trash
29% 23 votes


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    Heruzu369Heruzu369 Posts: 117 ★★
    I haven’t played spider punk yet so I haven’t voted but I’m 100% not surprised he’s “new and cool but mid” to the community cause that’s honestly how every 2024 offensive champ feels so far… not one champ has left any significant mark in the contest offensively or generated real hype. Design wise the champs are for the most part pretty good(except bullseye, he’s cancerous) but they output baby damage and all feel weaker than last year champs imo
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    SecondSkrillerSecondSkriller Posts: 1,193 ★★★★★
    His damage unawakened is absolute trash. 1:40 to take down 550k hp. In line with Arcade’s, actually.
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    Emilia90Emilia90 Posts: 2,473 ★★★★★
    He hits decently hard at sig 200 but his damage unawakened is awful. Great utility though and one of the coolest designs of 2024
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    Needs awakening and high sig unfortunately so he probably won't be of much use for now. You can still use him as a defender and have success tho, my rank 4 ascended gets kills often in diamond. Awakened, he does have decent damage and control over the fight and its actually hard to get hit with him, feels so fun to play as well. I'd consider it a win as its the first step to awakening him, definitely a much better pull than the silver sable I got yesterday. Hope this helps you feel better about him :)
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    GenericForumsNameGenericForumsName Posts: 3
    U get punked by the titan
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    MagrailothosMagrailothos Posts: 5,556 ★★★★★
    edited June 25
    His damage really isn't that bad at all. Watch some of Alison/MSD's videos:




    There are synergies at play; and you can't necessarily do any of this in Battlegrounds.

    But anyone saying he's trash clearly just hasn't learned how to play him like Alison/MSD can...
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    ahmynutsahmynuts Posts: 6,618 ★★★★★

    His damage really isn't that bad at all. Watch some of Alison's videos:




    There are synergies at play; and you can't necessarily do any of this in Battlegrounds.

    But anyone saying he's trash clearly just hasn't learned how to play him like Alison can.

    So.. in all areas where we would consider if a champion is good or not, he fails?
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    psp742psp742 Posts: 2,425 ★★★★
    A 6* rank5 sig200 ascend probably is better than low sig 7* Spider-punk.. but you do have to start somewhere, right?! rank up the 7* and slowly put sigs in him if you can.
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    Emilia90Emilia90 Posts: 2,473 ★★★★★

    Man why do some people keep trying to sugar coat the horrible new champ releases this year 💀
    The champ is garbage for one of if not the most relevant game mode in the game. It's like some people here want to keep getting garbage for the rest of the year lol.
    We even have people like Karatemike being absolutely clueless about where to use the new champs like Northstar because they're so mid and we still have a few people here huffing copium due to the fact that they're mid trash that's borderline useless and irrelevant for the most part... B- but he's good for questing and AW, yeah I can use Cyclops in questing and Sandman in AW almost any champ in the game can be used in those game modes who cares 😂😭

    I think a 6* sig 200 would be a decent attacking option for bgs. Extremely safe and decent damage at that level. He still needs a damage bump though and he’d be perfect. Pretty much applies to a lot of champs this year
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    ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Posts: 4,063 ★★★★★
    Emilia90 said:

    Man why do some people keep trying to sugar coat the horrible new champ releases this year 💀
    The champ is garbage for one of if not the most relevant game mode in the game. It's like some people here want to keep getting garbage for the rest of the year lol.
    We even have people like Karatemike being absolutely clueless about where to use the new champs like Northstar because they're so mid and we still have a few people here huffing copium due to the fact that they're mid trash that's borderline useless and irrelevant for the most part... B- but he's good for questing and AW, yeah I can use Cyclops in questing and Sandman in AW almost any champ in the game can be used in those game modes who cares 😂😭

    I think a 6* sig 200 would be a decent attacking option for bgs. Extremely safe and decent damage at that level. He still needs a damage bump though and he’d be perfect. Pretty much applies to a lot of champs this year
    He definitely has utility, just don't think he'd be quick enough to be worth running in your deck. Everyone but Prowler needs a damage bump honestly.
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    psp742psp742 Posts: 2,425 ★★★★
    Why doesn't kabam just make every champion a nuke.. is that what you are suggesting?

    Some are defender, thru and thru, they can have ability to limit the attack damage % into a miniscule manageable figure thus prolonging the fight.

    I agree that Spider-punk damage % could be scaled up a bit.. but I disagree that each and every new champion need to be a nuke, Hercules 2.0, CGR 2.0.. etc etc.

    Lady Deathstrike damage is sub-par, Spiderman OG is ok, Ironman IW is ok but no one is using him much.
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    ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Posts: 4,063 ★★★★★
    psp742 said:

    Why doesn't kabam just make every champion a nuke.. is that what you are suggesting?

    Some are defender, thru and thru, they can have ability to limit the attack damage % into a miniscule manageable figure thus prolonging the fight.

    I agree that Spider-punk damage % could be scaled up a bit.. but I disagree that each and every new champion need to be a nuke, Hercules 2.0, CGR 2.0.. etc etc.

    Lady Deathstrike damage is sub-par, Spiderman OG is ok, Ironman IW is ok but no one is using him much.

    What is it with you people thinking that when we call the new champs mid (which they are) we are basically asking for broken champs only lmao no that is not what I said at all, let me spell it out for you real quick: we haven't had a good attacker in six months (other than Prowler). By good I mean good, not Hercules level just good, all the newer champs other than Prowler are either pure defenders OR have mediocre damage.
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    SecondSkrillerSecondSkriller Posts: 1,193 ★★★★★
    psp742 said:

    Why doesn't kabam just make every champion a nuke.. is that what you are suggesting?

    Some are defender, thru and thru, they can have ability to limit the attack damage % into a miniscule manageable figure thus prolonging the fight.

    I agree that Spider-punk damage % could be scaled up a bit.. but I disagree that each and every new champion need to be a nuke, Hercules 2.0, CGR 2.0.. etc etc.

    Lady Deathstrike damage is sub-par, Spiderman OG is ok, Ironman IW is ok but no one is using him much.

    No one is asking for nukes, we’re asking for champs that don’t take more than a minute to finish their ideal bg fights…
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    WednesdayLengthWednesdayLength Posts: 284 ★★
    I think he could be better if his ruptures lasted a little longer, and possibly have his physical vulnerability scale based on crowd? Also wouldn't mind something like gaining a little burst of power when he triggers his counterattack. I like the idea of his rotation, but it's so tight trying to get the sp1 with multiple ruptures at a decent level of remaining duration and the damage just don't worth the headache right now
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    WednesdayLengthWednesdayLength Posts: 284 ★★

    psp742 said:

    Why doesn't kabam just make every champion a nuke.. is that what you are suggesting?

    Some are defender, thru and thru, they can have ability to limit the attack damage % into a miniscule manageable figure thus prolonging the fight.

    I agree that Spider-punk damage % could be scaled up a bit.. but I disagree that each and every new champion need to be a nuke, Hercules 2.0, CGR 2.0.. etc etc.

    Lady Deathstrike damage is sub-par, Spiderman OG is ok, Ironman IW is ok but no one is using him much.

    What is it with you people thinking that when we call the new champs mid (which they are) we are basically asking for broken champs only lmao no that is not what I said at all, let me spell it out for you real quick: we haven't had a good attacker in six months (other than Prowler). By good I mean good, not Hercules level just good, all the newer champs other than Prowler are either pure defenders OR have mediocre damage.
    Have you just not played destroyer then? His damage is bonkers
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    Emilia90Emilia90 Posts: 2,473 ★★★★★

    psp742 said:

    Why doesn't kabam just make every champion a nuke.. is that what you are suggesting?

    Some are defender, thru and thru, they can have ability to limit the attack damage % into a miniscule manageable figure thus prolonging the fight.

    I agree that Spider-punk damage % could be scaled up a bit.. but I disagree that each and every new champion need to be a nuke, Hercules 2.0, CGR 2.0.. etc etc.

    Lady Deathstrike damage is sub-par, Spiderman OG is ok, Ironman IW is ok but no one is using him much.

    What is it with you people thinking that when we call the new champs mid (which they are) we are basically asking for broken champs only lmao no that is not what I said at all, let me spell it out for you real quick: we haven't had a good attacker in six months (other than Prowler). By good I mean good, not Hercules level just good, all the newer champs other than Prowler are either pure defenders OR have mediocre damage.
    Have you just not played destroyer then? His damage is bonkers
    His ramp is too long for battlegrounds
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    MagrailothosMagrailothos Posts: 5,556 ★★★★★
    Emilia90 said:

    psp742 said:

    Why doesn't kabam just make every champion a nuke.. is that what you are suggesting?

    Some are defender, thru and thru, they can have ability to limit the attack damage % into a miniscule manageable figure thus prolonging the fight.

    I agree that Spider-punk damage % could be scaled up a bit.. but I disagree that each and every new champion need to be a nuke, Hercules 2.0, CGR 2.0.. etc etc.

    Lady Deathstrike damage is sub-par, Spiderman OG is ok, Ironman IW is ok but no one is using him much.

    What is it with you people thinking that when we call the new champs mid (which they are) we are basically asking for broken champs only lmao no that is not what I said at all, let me spell it out for you real quick: we haven't had a good attacker in six months (other than Prowler). By good I mean good, not Hercules level just good, all the newer champs other than Prowler are either pure defenders OR have mediocre damage.
    Have you just not played destroyer then? His damage is bonkers
    His ramp is too long for battlegrounds
    You might want to try attacking with him this season, since he completely shuts down (and powers up from) the armour node.

    He may not be fast in other seasons, but in this meta he's definitely got attacking value.
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    NightheartNightheart Posts: 1,398 ★★★★
    Needs sig 200 so you're better off investing on 6 star
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    ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Posts: 4,063 ★★★★★

    psp742 said:

    Why doesn't kabam just make every champion a nuke.. is that what you are suggesting?

    Some are defender, thru and thru, they can have ability to limit the attack damage % into a miniscule manageable figure thus prolonging the fight.

    I agree that Spider-punk damage % could be scaled up a bit.. but I disagree that each and every new champion need to be a nuke, Hercules 2.0, CGR 2.0.. etc etc.

    Lady Deathstrike damage is sub-par, Spiderman OG is ok, Ironman IW is ok but no one is using him much.

    What is it with you people thinking that when we call the new champs mid (which they are) we are basically asking for broken champs only lmao no that is not what I said at all, let me spell it out for you real quick: we haven't had a good attacker in six months (other than Prowler). By good I mean good, not Hercules level just good, all the newer champs other than Prowler are either pure defenders OR have mediocre damage.
    Have you just not played destroyer then? His damage is bonkers
    Good luck ramping up for 45 seconds in the higher tiers and then winning the match when players are nuking everything in 30.
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    pseudosanepseudosane Posts: 3,887 Guardian

    psp742 said:

    Why doesn't kabam just make every champion a nuke.. is that what you are suggesting?

    Some are defender, thru and thru, they can have ability to limit the attack damage % into a miniscule manageable figure thus prolonging the fight.

    I agree that Spider-punk damage % could be scaled up a bit.. but I disagree that each and every new champion need to be a nuke, Hercules 2.0, CGR 2.0.. etc etc.

    Lady Deathstrike damage is sub-par, Spiderman OG is ok, Ironman IW is ok but no one is using him much.

    What is it with you people thinking that when we call the new champs mid (which they are) we are basically asking for broken champs only lmao no that is not what I said at all, let me spell it out for you real quick: we haven't had a good attacker in six months (other than Prowler). By good I mean good, not Hercules level just good, all the newer champs other than Prowler are either pure defenders OR have mediocre damage.
    Have you just not played destroyer then? His damage is bonkers
    Good luck ramping up for 45 seconds in the higher tiers and then winning the match when players are nuking everything in 30.
    Every champ doesnt have to be relevant in BGs. There are other gamemodes.
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    ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Posts: 4,063 ★★★★★

    psp742 said:

    Why doesn't kabam just make every champion a nuke.. is that what you are suggesting?

    Some are defender, thru and thru, they can have ability to limit the attack damage % into a miniscule manageable figure thus prolonging the fight.

    I agree that Spider-punk damage % could be scaled up a bit.. but I disagree that each and every new champion need to be a nuke, Hercules 2.0, CGR 2.0.. etc etc.

    Lady Deathstrike damage is sub-par, Spiderman OG is ok, Ironman IW is ok but no one is using him much.

    What is it with you people thinking that when we call the new champs mid (which they are) we are basically asking for broken champs only lmao no that is not what I said at all, let me spell it out for you real quick: we haven't had a good attacker in six months (other than Prowler). By good I mean good, not Hercules level just good, all the newer champs other than Prowler are either pure defenders OR have mediocre damage.
    Have you just not played destroyer then? His damage is bonkers
    Good luck ramping up for 45 seconds in the higher tiers and then winning the match when players are nuking everything in 30.
    Every champ doesnt have to be relevant in BGs. There are other gamemodes.
    Right but every champ also doesn't have to be relevant for everything other than BGs, we haven't had a single BGs relevant attacker in six months. Prowler is decent but he's not meta and the rest are either defender OR all utility no damage.
    Same logic you're using right now can be applied to the fact that we haven't had anything relevant in six months.
  • Options
    Emilia90Emilia90 Posts: 2,473 ★★★★★

    psp742 said:

    Why doesn't kabam just make every champion a nuke.. is that what you are suggesting?

    Some are defender, thru and thru, they can have ability to limit the attack damage % into a miniscule manageable figure thus prolonging the fight.

    I agree that Spider-punk damage % could be scaled up a bit.. but I disagree that each and every new champion need to be a nuke, Hercules 2.0, CGR 2.0.. etc etc.

    Lady Deathstrike damage is sub-par, Spiderman OG is ok, Ironman IW is ok but no one is using him much.

    What is it with you people thinking that when we call the new champs mid (which they are) we are basically asking for broken champs only lmao no that is not what I said at all, let me spell it out for you real quick: we haven't had a good attacker in six months (other than Prowler). By good I mean good, not Hercules level just good, all the newer champs other than Prowler are either pure defenders OR have mediocre damage.
    Have you just not played destroyer then? His damage is bonkers
    Good luck ramping up for 45 seconds in the higher tiers and then winning the match when players are nuking everything in 30.
    Every champ doesnt have to be relevant in BGs. There are other gamemodes.
    Right but every champ also doesn't have to be relevant for everything other than BGs, we haven't had a single BGs relevant attacker in six months. Prowler is decent but he's not meta and the rest are either defender OR all utility no damage.
    Same logic you're using right now can be applied to the fact that we haven't had anything relevant in six months.
    Eh I’d argue Prowler is pretty meta. He’s no cgr or Hulkling but bittersteel showed that he can do Sassy and a bunch of other meta defenders pretty quickly. His only downside is his sig reliance
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    ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Posts: 4,063 ★★★★★
    Emilia90 said:

    psp742 said:

    Why doesn't kabam just make every champion a nuke.. is that what you are suggesting?

    Some are defender, thru and thru, they can have ability to limit the attack damage % into a miniscule manageable figure thus prolonging the fight.

    I agree that Spider-punk damage % could be scaled up a bit.. but I disagree that each and every new champion need to be a nuke, Hercules 2.0, CGR 2.0.. etc etc.

    Lady Deathstrike damage is sub-par, Spiderman OG is ok, Ironman IW is ok but no one is using him much.

    What is it with you people thinking that when we call the new champs mid (which they are) we are basically asking for broken champs only lmao no that is not what I said at all, let me spell it out for you real quick: we haven't had a good attacker in six months (other than Prowler). By good I mean good, not Hercules level just good, all the newer champs other than Prowler are either pure defenders OR have mediocre damage.
    Have you just not played destroyer then? His damage is bonkers
    Good luck ramping up for 45 seconds in the higher tiers and then winning the match when players are nuking everything in 30.
    Every champ doesnt have to be relevant in BGs. There are other gamemodes.
    Right but every champ also doesn't have to be relevant for everything other than BGs, we haven't had a single BGs relevant attacker in six months. Prowler is decent but he's not meta and the rest are either defender OR all utility no damage.
    Same logic you're using right now can be applied to the fact that we haven't had anything relevant in six months.
    Eh I’d argue Prowler is pretty meta. He’s no cgr or Hulkling but bittersteel showed that he can do Sassy and a bunch of other meta defenders pretty quickly. His only downside is his sig reliance
    He definitely can but I don't see him being meta tbh, at least not here in Vibranium haven't seen a single one yet, we'll see when I get to GC maybe it'll be different.
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