Battlegrounds Matchmaking

So as a Summoner from the beginning of the game I have finally decided to share some insight. Now I am not one of the players that Kabam Jax has referenced as thinking I'm better than I am. I know I'm not great I try very hard. I am Paragon I have a decent roster, this being said I match-up with accounts that have a deck full of 7*R3,R2 and ascended R5. I have my first 7* R2 and 3 R5. I am essentially the little fish they get to move on. This is so demoralizing and takes the fun out of the game. There are always post of ohhh we realized an issue so we are sorry. I'll get blasted for my post or I'll get flagged for being negative. As Prof Hoff has said there is a large group of us in between players, not beginner but not end game either that are being left behind. Why is it in the early stages of BG matchmaking was much more fair I could easily climb to GC knowing that I wasn't the best but I'd still try. Now I will say you all have done some great things like the newest daily rewards,the special 7 day calander etc. Keep those up thank you. But for a middle teir player please do something to fix BG because no amount of practice will get past the fact I haven't put thousands of dollars into my account. More money spent in an account doesn't make you a better BG player it makes you weaker because certain champs are just that OP. Here is an idea maybe make GC all 4* 5* only for the climb. Skill vs Skill, then you can use your best roster in GC. This then allows some of us to get there. I don't mind losing to a skilled player however I do have an issue if I can't compete before it starts. Anyways thanks for reading my rant.
A Discouraged and Defeated Paragon Player
A Discouraged and Defeated Paragon Player
What the OP is saying about having to spend excessively to compete is totally 100% my experience. It's killed my enjoyment of the game. Not certain if I will invest my time into the game like BGs so the game is loosing a skilled participant. The game doesn't respect skill. Just say the game prioritizes spenders with mega R3 7* accounts.
New change is great. Everyone is level, so now natural order takes over. Those who got to float on by to platinum facing R4 5* have to grind just the same as I do facing nothing but 7R3 and 6R5a’s. Good. As it should be.
The thing is that that the people who floated by to platinum facing R4 5 stars also had 5 star rank 4s, whilst you versed nothing but 7 star rank 3s and 6 star rank 5s.... get ready.... because you have 7 star rank 3s and 6 star rank 5s!!!!!
You just contradicted yourself, you said: "New change is great. Everyone is level, so now natural order takes over. Those who got to float on by to platinum facing R4 5* have to grind just the same as I do facing nothing but 7R3 and 6R5a’s."
That makes no sense, now they have to grind so much more than you because they are facing players who are several progression stages higher whilst you are still facing people who are in your progression level. Your point doesn't make sense here....
Are you gonna be stuck in bronze or silver for a while longer than you’re accustomed to? Absolutely. But now the other valiants trying to push aren’t stunted at the expense of a lower level like you finishing above them because you got to face those who haven’t even beaten the collector and they had to face Necro explorers every match haha
Just like every [Season] of [Negative Emotion] fight is introduced, we're flooded with claims of how much it sucks.