Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Exclusive 7* Login Crystal



  • Options
    TV_Addict_2017TV_Addict_2017 Posts: 41
    Pulled my second Venom the Duck from 7* Crystal in a row, What are the Chances??
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    SnizzbarSnizzbar Posts: 2,157 ★★★★★
    Got a new Mr Negative. Don't know much about him or if he needs a dupe 🤷‍♂️
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    JLordVileJJLordVileJ Posts: 1,708 ★★★
    Snizzbar said:

    Got a new Mr Negative. Don't know much about him or if he needs a dupe 🤷‍♂️

    Hes op doesn't need dupe
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    Shadow_ShooterShadow_Shooter Posts: 302 ★★★
    duped spider ham, very happy
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    OakenshieldOakenshield Posts: 1,842 ★★★★
    First dup on my Peni. Not great but not bad either.
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    RenaxqqRenaxqq Posts: 1,607 ★★★★
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    xNigxNig Posts: 7,303 ★★★★★
    First dupe on Photon.
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    M0NKEYNUTSM0NKEYNUTS Posts: 168 ★★
    duped peniparker
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    e_BULKe_BULK Posts: 26
    I got Kushala. Really excited about her, although my 7 star mystic roster seems a little overcrowded now.
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    SkalamenkoSkalamenko Posts: 50
    Got first dupe on Photon. Pretty happy
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    LokxLokx Posts: 649 ★★★
    edited June 27
    Got war machine, probably never gonna use him tbh. Prefight is pretty cool tho. Also had enough to form a second 7* crystal then got maw.
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    DorkyDorky Posts: 185
    I got the greatest ant of all
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    MᗅՏᗅCREMᗅՏᗅCRE Posts: 177 ★★
    Terra said:

    Very good login reward for me.
    How did it turn out for you, are you pleased?

    Lets gooooo. Big congrats!
    Join the Vox cult
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    ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Posts: 4,062 ★★★★★
    Sig 40 Hawkeye lmao
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    PimbechePimbeche Posts: 6
    I got my first dup of morbius im happy
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    RiderofHellRiderofHell Posts: 4,524 ★★★★★
    Pulled Peni on mini account and my main this:

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    SecondSkrillerSecondSkriller Posts: 1,193 ★★★★★
    Hyperion, saw a lot of people in my alli get Photon
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    Dfour24Dfour24 Posts: 79
    First pull of gladiator! Very happy.
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    Shamanriver77Shamanriver77 Posts: 82

    Very very happy with my pull
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    Bugmat78Bugmat78 Posts: 2,239 ★★★★★
    Duped War Machine... :(

    Which gave me enough shards to open a titan and dupe Serpent! B)
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    phillgreenphillgreen Posts: 3,840 ★★★★★

    Duped knull. Not excited.

    I'd be absolutely stoked with duping Knull
    Tell me why?

    And I also dislike Mondays.
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    ArmageddønArmageddøn Posts: 697 ★★★
    20 more sigs on wong, now he's sig40. Immediately went to check his awakened ability and figured it's one of the most garbage one and 20 sig is enough
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    Oliver345781Oliver345781 Posts: 83
    I awakened mantis. I hate using mantis
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