Will you be spending on these "totally fair" offers?

I am so unbelievably disappointed in the 4th of July deals Kabam has put out.
As a paragon, I would never consider any of the lower-tier offers and I have to spend an absurd amount of units to get something that feels like a paragon reward.
All the deals allowed for is for Cavaliers and Thronebreaker to be able to Whale out and get champions way too powerful for their progression.
I would like an official statement from Kabam that addresses these disappointing rewards.
Will you be spending on these rewards?
As a paragon, I would never consider any of the lower-tier offers and I have to spend an absurd amount of units to get something that feels like a paragon reward.
All the deals allowed for is for Cavaliers and Thronebreaker to be able to Whale out and get champions way too powerful for their progression.
I would like an official statement from Kabam that addresses these disappointing rewards.
Will you be spending on these rewards?
The problem with the deals is not that it doesnt cater to paragon. The problem is it gives the same resources to a cav player. Cavalier players shouldn't be able to r2 7*s. That is creating a huge imbalance.
Personally, I'd rather see discounted units without all the extras... or just some potion & revive bundles with better than average value so I can tackle necro and/or Act 8 with a little more confidence. With that said, I got some decent account growth out of my 3750 units, and that'll have to do for now.
I started the game at a really awkward time I guess (early Paragon, active for 7 months)
If I can pull a decent 6* that I want to promote (thinking of Serpent, Bullseye or someone like that) I'll probably get the 750 credit Paragon Tier 1 Bundle C to get them to R4, just to save some resources. Failing that I'll maybe get Bundle B for the 50% Tier 6 class catalyst.
But no more than that.
I am kind of relieved that I finally got Hulk, which was the first crystal I opened before buying these deals…
Paragon is the forgotten. Gonna try for Valiant.
NOTE TO KABAM: I'm using non-vulgar words here, but who knows if you plan to take this post down as well!!
Want to point that I spent just 3375 units, and not be a sucker to spend more. No need to give Kasham my hard earned units. I'll be hoarding them units for next July 4th deals (if they aren't cra.... I meant "unfair)!! 😁
Today at 510 units ,240 to go
The deals may be good for someone, but buying resources I don't need only to unlock meaningful offers is something I don't wanna do.
I have also opened 19 x Paragon Nexus and received a 7* Venom, 2 x 6 stars and mainly 4*.
It was a successful opening for me, but I saw some guys, on YouTube, opening 20 and getting only 4 and 5 stars. The RNG is too big.