Lets Talk About War Matchmaking

CoołComsCoołComs Member Posts: 29
Hey y’all - Long post incoming, sorry about that.

This is a post because I want to open a line of communication and echo some problems currently standing with matchmaking in war.

Currently there is a 12 war cooldown period to rematch alliances, this means by nature after facing so many alliances, you have to expand further into T1 and you match alliances that are not masters/podium alliances and it shows. This is somewhat fine, because everyone has the same situation, however this season has shown a serious problem with matchmaking.

SSX is currently in 2nd place, while facing no other podium alliances, and other alliances in the top 5. Instead they are matching P1 alliances that have a worse record and rating, and with no disrespect, do not play at that level.
Due to the 12 war cooldown, SSX has had multiple times to match alliances like LVT, Salty, Nefti, and have not matched a single one. Because of this, it has basically killed any chance of podium for LVT. While LVT are matching us (GT), Salty, Nefti, S etc, and because of these matchups and losing, they will lose podium, while SSX are sitting 9-0, will soon be 10-0 without matching other podium alliances.

This is not the first time this has occurred, we’ve seen this with NATH for multiple seasons, last season GT took a break, but because we gave a lot of deaths in wars matchmaking constantly matched us with P1 allies. Last season SSX also took a break and this season they have matched only P1 allies.

This is nothing against SSX, or the people in the alliance, this is not a tin foil hat moment because they have devs in there, and I am not insinuating anything, infact one of the devs in the alliance is a close friend, and other members of the alliance I am close friends with, and they will all agree they have had an easy schedule to 10-0 and matching no one hard.

At a point they can only beat who they face, but the fact an alliance in the #2 spot is not matching alliances in #3 and #4 when they are open, there is a problem. The wars GT had alliances open, we matched them. We have matched LVT, Salty, Nefti in a row, all while knowing they will be open for us. The problem is SSX knows allies are open for them, but they are mot matching the alliances.

I don’t was this post to just be me harping on about the problem with matchmaking, and I would like to offer some potential ideas for fixes.
Kabam made it clear they dont want rematches, so if we still dont want to revert this change, do not make off season wars count to the cooldown, only season wars.
Prioritise podium matchuos always when open, which is how it should be. #1 should match #2 the war they are open, and #2 should match #3 etc.
Introduce rematches just for podium alliances.
SSX are 9-0, and this war instead of matching an ally that is closee to war rating, better AB and higher on the leaderboard, they are facing a P1 ally that they do not deserve to match.

This causes problems with podium and alliances trying to get masters and just high P1. If p1 allies match podium alliances, that is a guarantee loss, and effects their standins, where as if other podium allies do not match SSX in this instance, then they have no way to battle for podium. Because LVT have not matched SSX, they are out of being able to fight for podium finish. SSX should have ended the season with LVT/Salty/GT wars, but have already gotten Vishanti, meaning they have guarantees podium matching lesser allies, and allies that were made to match GT like Salty and LVT, are ruining chances of podium because they cant have a chance to battle SSX.

I really hope we can look into matchmaking and get some things put straight and more fair for all. I want this to be an open tunnel for communication and not to just be “haha kabam bad”. War is a massive part of the game for me, and I want it to be fair.

While it doesn’t have an impact seasons like this typically GT can go 11-0 and have war champ secured, so in the last war we dont need to spend time planning and boosting. But because of the matchmaking, we are forced to try all 12 wars. Not that they trying is an issue, but let it be because of fair and correct matchmaking.



  • danielmathdanielmath Member Posts: 4,106 ★★★★★
    I’ll say this, i was not remotely surprised ssx got another bye this war instead of matching us or anyone at the top
  • ZacTheSwordZacTheSword Member Posts: 63 ★★
    Me when every AW season has drama 🦔
  • Agent_X_zzzAgent_X_zzz Member Posts: 4,498 ★★★★★

    I’ll say this, i was not remotely surprised ssx got another bye this war instead of matching us or anyone at the top

    Dreamin u still play ffs I feel old now
  • ChancellorGrootChancellorGroot Member Posts: 1
    I'm an officer in BOLT and we definitely didn't expect to match SSx War 9. #2 vs #14 on the leaderboard is wild. We were expecting someone 2 above or below us, close in rating and/or points. Seems weird to be #2 and not face anyone else in the top 5 the entire season but this is also our first season really pushing for masters so maybe I just don't know how things work up here. That loss probably cost us our chance at top 10. Matchmaking has definitely been weirder than usual this season. I like your idea of not counting off-season for match up cooldown. Nobody really tries in off-season anyways.
  • Steel_22Steel_22 Member Posts: 40
    hey, we're hard :/
  • Dab_westDab_west Member Posts: 178 ★★
    inshallah for W matchmaking
  • The_AllFather1The_AllFather1 Member Posts: 2
    Im the Leader from Nath_

    and i am enjoing this chat 😅
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,820 Guardian
    edited July 2024
    If indeed it is a coded 12 war cooldown, and if indeed that also includes off-season wars.
    Then, at a minimum, yes, off-season wars should be excluded from that routine.

    (But keep in mind that whenever there is an extension of off-season by a week or 2, that always messes up other season-based routines in the code if they all are not specifically gone back into and “tinkered” with to manually tell them “no, we are NOT in the new season yet”).

    Alternatively, I’ve long held that the top should be structured like EPL in Fútball.
    Each season qualifies you into the *TOP-13* division for following season based on your final War Rating at end of prior season.

    (provided you “commit” to a next season, just in case some alliance knows they want to take a step back instead, else it grabs the next teams down and puts them into the division)…
    Those TOP-13 teams all *FACE EACH OTHER EXACTLY ONE TIME EACH* during the season.

    But whenever it has been suggested, people are all like, “No Way, that is Bad”. (almost as if, no, we want to maybe be the team that gets “Lucky” and be the ones that might get a break with bad matching and face a skewed amount of lower teams).

    That Top 13 division, even if you perform the worst (ie, 13th) during the season, from being matched against all higher teams, would still be getting high rewards, because of Multiplier. Versus teams below them like 14-26, etc, who would have lower multiplier, etc.
  • The_AllFather1The_AllFather1 Member Posts: 2
    But matter of fact is this

    NewN, xk9,Nath, cav, next and DSVG was the Opponents
  • Crys23Crys23 Member Posts: 878 ★★★★
    I see the problem differently. Too much emphasis is put on win-loss record. And what I mean by that is an alliance losing a war with 2-3 deaths gets less points that an alliance winning a war with 15-20 deaths. Heck, you can lose a war with 0 deaths (it has happened).
    There are too many extra points for a win and not enough points for attack bonus. Determining a winner should be more about who gets the single war rewards, but the total season points should be more indicative of an alliance skill and performance. And by that I mean attack bonus (basically who dies the least).

    There are top5-6 alliances who wouldn't lose a war if they only matched Masters 11-20. The only way they'd lose if they matched against each other.
    Even now, top3 order and podiums are decided by attack bonus. GT40 and SSx have same record, but GT40 died less (big surprise🙂). LVT has same record as Salty, but they're not on the podium because they died more. LVT has 2 more losses than SSx, but even if they matched twice in a row and beat them, they still wouldn't automatically overtake them. Order would be decided by attack bonus.
    In T1 wars, the defenses each alliance faces are pretty much the same. Everyone ranks the needed defenders. Even most placements are the same because people in those alliances are smart and convergence happens fast. So it comes down to skill and performance.
    Kabam needs to come up with a points system where that is rewarded at the end of the season and the win-loss matters only to see who gets the single war rewards.
  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,599 ★★★★★
    An ally shouldn’t be able to lock in podium without even matching the 3 or 4 allys closest to them at all, simple as that
  • VernVern Member Posts: 55
    Who plays for SSX? 😮
  • danielmathdanielmath Member Posts: 4,106 ★★★★★
    Looks like whatever they’re doing is working, first place! Big congrats
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