Why Is Ghost Rider Not Incinerate Immune???

MutantMutant Member Posts: 6
edited January 2018 in Bugs and Known Issues
Ghost Rider has fire everywhere around why is he not incinerate immune??? Ah yes I will burn the being made of fire.Also poison immunity why doesnt he have that? Can bones get poisoned???


  • MutantMutant Member Posts: 6
    Can someone comment on this pls
  • MutantMutant Member Posts: 6
    I dont understand why he isnt incinerate or.poision immune
  • Feeney234Feeney234 Member Posts: 1,202 ★★★★
    Because kabam lol why else? This has been brought up over and over and nothing will change.
  • FR33_HUG5FR33_HUG5 Member Posts: 1,196 ★★★★
    Mutant wrote: »
    I dont understand why he isnt incinerate or.poision immune

    Because it is fiction. Fiction is not suppose to be understandable in the normal use of the word.
  • DLegendDLegend Member Posts: 745 ★★★
    It's kabam logic
  • Buck_BleedstoneBuck_Bleedstone Member Posts: 58
    When he was released they decided to give him just one immunity because they felt more than that would make him too powerful. So it was a game balance decision. Dormammu should be incinerate immune, and Ice Man should be coldsnap immune, but those won't be happening either. Red Hulk has a better chance of getting incinerate immunity added, since he has less going for him.
  • Mr_mc_person34Mr_mc_person34 Member Posts: 31
    why is this in bugs lol
  • BahamutBahamut Member Posts: 2,307 ★★★★
    Why aren’t Dormammu, Rulk, Ghost Rider or any champs that are on fire incinerate immune? Simple. Kabam is stupid
  • SpiritOfVengeanceSpiritOfVengeance Member Posts: 2,353 ★★★★
    Even if he was supposed to be it would not happen since ghost rider is balanced and they said this themselves he is at a point where he already has enough. I wondered about it as well but when they said it was for balance I understood because if he ever got to a point where he was too good and they wanted to slightly bring him down I would be gutted.
  • KnightarthusKnightarthus Member Posts: 419 ★★★
    If you get slapped hard by 10 lbs of flesh it will damage you. If the logic is the problem here.
  • klobberintymeklobberintyme Member Posts: 1,532 ★★★★
    Only ghost rider's head (skull) is aflame, and it's that mystic fire that doesn't ignite his bitchen' leather jacket. Also, mystic fire for the bike so it doesn't ignite the petrol. Also, the fire is SYMBOLIC of his BURNING RAGE or something.
  • Nexus_UY_ScutiNexus_UY_Scuti Member Posts: 480 ★★
    Some of the traditional oriental poisons inflict the target through the bones.

    Also, GR is not immune to other people's fire, he is only immune to his own flames from hell.
  • adamjakubiadamjakubi Member Posts: 42
    Actually, he’s immune to everything... the whole can’t die thing is pretty handy. Haha.
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