Angela signature fix ever coming??
I have personally loved Angela since the day she released but can we not all agree that her sig is the most pointless in the game? It’s only relevant against five or six champs out of the upwards of 60 plus (I’m not counting) in the game. I have a five star that I use all the time and a cosmic awakening gem and refuse to awaken her. Because I’m not using a cosmic against a mystic in the first place. I feel like this is an overlooked flaw in the game. And can’t understand how people can complain about sentry (they can’t all be good) if an older champ still has a pointless signature. Isn’t awakening a champ supposed to be highly relevant to the whole idea of the game? It does almost nothing for her. (I will concede it makes her a tiny bunny hairs width better as a defender but let’s be real, she’s not getting any defender kills anyway) For those who don’t know she gets the percentage chance to disregard nullify effects for each buff on her. Which is relevant against only magik/ds/sw/dvd/dorm and I suppose iron fist. All champs I’d avoid fighting with her in the first place save IF. Thoughts???
Signature abilities aren't meant to be the most valuable ability of the champion, but rather an extra ability that is only unlocked after the champion is duped.
Good for prestige.. and not much else. She's not the only one with a pretty useless sig though.
Then i don't understand why you are asking for an Angela "fix" when champs like carnage amd joe fixit are much in need of the "fix".
Same difference, you just need to know how to use her sig.
Don't get me wrong, I totally agree that her Sig ability is one of the MOST irrelevant among all other champs in MCoC. I feel that her other pros are good enough to compensate for her irrelevant sig ability. Again, don't get me wrong, I love if she is improved/buffed/changed to be better. For now she is good enough to be my top 3 Cosmic champs.