Hey kabam! Bg isnt super fun for accts like mine

I just want you to know i am suffering facing accounts with 2x or 3x my ratings and ive used 5 victory shield's!! Surely theres a way to get these stacked accounts out of my face so i can have a fair and actually enjoyable matchup, i love bgs alot to so what a shame. 

1. This season was especially rough for smaller accounts with the seeding issues that dropped every account back at the base rank of Victory Track, so it should be better next season.
2. With the way that this game and content is shifting, I'd highly recommend pushing story as far as you can possibly go and build up your account before going back into battlegrounds so you have both a higher chance of winning and an improved battlegrounds store.
Those points might not seem like a lot but they add up. Its like why some players didn’t think 750 7* shards a day for Valiant players was any good compared to the rare chance of pulling 5000 7* shards from a daily crystal.
I think it would be nice to have a different queue set up. Similar to most competitive games, you have a casual queue mode. Which i don’t think will solve a lot of the issue as people will be reward hungry and the concept of casual queue is more for non reward based fun. But it’s just a fun thought i’d like to try. You could obviously just find a friend to play against but the essence of a queue is that you can fight someone you don’t have to seek out personally.
But Fox’s was not even the original poster here, so had to read a ways to get to their comment, could read a bit more to see that explanation has already been offered to them.
And FoxHero has indicated (also in other BG threads) that they don’t care about Solo/Ally points, so just let them do as they want.
Knowing the Solo/Ally points, they still want to race thru many matches rapid fire, in hopes of getting 2 in a row against similar or lower opponents (or 3 out of 4 matches, if they are in a 5 medal level). So be it.
But yes, if a player doesn’t care about Solo points, and plays enough matched where they’ll complete their objectives, then yes forfeiting does save some time. I’ve had matches where I’m just trying to complete the completion objective since I got KO’d in 15 seconds, and waiting takes forever.