R3 opinion

Soon, as gauntlet is around the corner, i will have a 3rd R3. My current are og black panther and warlock.
My ability to r3 isn’t the fastest so this decision means i will most likely have this be the last r3 till banquet, unless a upcoming event gives me easy access to another r3. My choices are shown below. Who would you choose. My mind is considering r3’ing vox but are there more helpful champs do you lot reckon?

My ability to r3 isn’t the fastest so this decision means i will most likely have this be the last r3 till banquet, unless a upcoming event gives me easy access to another r3. My choices are shown below. Who would you choose. My mind is considering r3’ing vox but are there more helpful champs do you lot reckon?

Would also add Hyperion, Dust, and Titania into consideration. All very powerful, very fun champions. But unlike Vox, they have at least some defensive utility as well (a tremendous amount in Dust’s case).
Do Vox, he's the boss in every part of game.
I would say Titania if it wasn’t for the weird ai going one but you can always just wait that out and rank her later on.
However if i got to choose again with my current roster i probably would not have ranked him up as he didn’t really help in bg this season. He can do about 300 per bleed which isn’t a lot but he can stack them up pretty high. (I don’t run deep wounds)
Overall solid champ but would not have been my r3 if i had my current skill roster. I’d leave him at r2 unless you enjoy playing him.
Edit: that bg comment is a lie, i forget that he completely obliterates the thing. Finish those fights under 30 seconds usually.