Has Kabam quietly discontinued the monthly revive and health potion offers that costed 500 units?

I haven't seen the offers a few months, and have not seen an update from Kabam about them. I searched for updated info in the forums, but didn't find anything. I don't use Discord, and I don't tune in to the live streams because of work, so if info was there, I missed it.
Has anyone heard anything? Is there a link with an update? If someone could provide insight, that would greatly appreciated.
Has anyone heard anything? Is there a link with an update? If someone could provide insight, that would greatly appreciated.
I start from thronebreaker downward.
Right now I'm on cavalier.
I use to buy every month upside down so yes that's a good guestion.
Don't really care for normal rev/heals but burning for aw heals
It woud be a fantastic thing!
Afaik most of the members in my alli invested on all or at least one of those whenever they were available. So from where I sitting they would keep being a popular thing.