Spring of sorrow point compensation

When are we getting compensation for the spring of sorrow year events?
My username is SpiderMan355 and I'm a paragon player who just did the left path with Torch (2019), Adam Warlock (2023) and Hit-Monkey (2020) for the Clarity and 2017-2020 objectives, but I only received the clarity one.
I'm aware that Adam is a 2023 champ but I dont know how many people including youtubers like Jason Voorhees, my alliance mates, and random members of the MCOC discord server who still got the year points despite not having a full team of 2017-2020 champs.
There are plenty of other people that I have spoken to that are in the same boat as myself, and I'm hoping that Kabam is going to give us compensation as well. It's not fair on all the people that watched those youtube videos where they successfully received the year points, for us to fail to get the same thing despite doing similar things, and then we have to spend more resources to try and complete the spring of sorrow for a 3rd time, Kabam has to issue the point compensation to those summoners as well including myself and if not then that's just completely and utterly abhorrent. It's not fair that we, the community, should be punished for Kabam's mistakes
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IZGxH-rvTIY&t=1485s is the jason voorhess vid where he got ALL objectives including both year ones with a team comprised of a 2019 champ, a 2021 champ and 2022 champ)
My username is SpiderMan355 and I'm a paragon player who just did the left path with Torch (2019), Adam Warlock (2023) and Hit-Monkey (2020) for the Clarity and 2017-2020 objectives, but I only received the clarity one.
I'm aware that Adam is a 2023 champ but I dont know how many people including youtubers like Jason Voorhees, my alliance mates, and random members of the MCOC discord server who still got the year points despite not having a full team of 2017-2020 champs.
There are plenty of other people that I have spoken to that are in the same boat as myself, and I'm hoping that Kabam is going to give us compensation as well. It's not fair on all the people that watched those youtube videos where they successfully received the year points, for us to fail to get the same thing despite doing similar things, and then we have to spend more resources to try and complete the spring of sorrow for a 3rd time, Kabam has to issue the point compensation to those summoners as well including myself and if not then that's just completely and utterly abhorrent. It's not fair that we, the community, should be punished for Kabam's mistakes

I'm not familiar with that youtuber but that is definitely fishy
I've also heard the wording of some objectives was screwing people over in different languages, where it was saying "all" instead of "a" or vice versa, maybe this is another case of that?
My question is if some people are getting these things then why aren't we all? Or rather, why are some people getting it when other people are not? There have been so many issues with these objectives it's ridiculous
As you can probably tell, forums are a pretty new thing for me
Also, I have not heard of a single person on the forums claiming that they have received both objectives for the year tags. This is the first, but at least you submitted video evidence of it. Everyone has complained about not getting the objectives, especially after the the initial bug.
Kabam will mostly likely see this, but not respond to it. Even if they do respond, I'm almost 100% sure that they will not be giving compensation either in the form of potions/revives or 'missing' points.
Problem is, well if they send revive bundle, players like jason will also receive it despite having and advantage over every other player. How are they gonna find which players did completed all objectives in one run and which players didn't? I'm sure they have the data but it will be a hectic task.
All these bugs due to poor playtesting. I hope mcoc will have less "crucial bugs". I don't mind small bugs and visual bugs thay don't affect anyone much, like galan inflicting less incenerates of hidden sersi sig ability.
Akoris MCOC:
And i've attached a photo of conversations with 2 of my friends off discord
Snarz used KP, Bullseye and Herc
derqq used (as mentioned) Adam, Peni and Gwen
And people make videos of it and put on YouTube.
And then Kabam fixes such bug, quite early on.
But people continue to look at prior videos long after it is fixed.
Which, Kabam has no control over removing videos from YouTube that are no longer reflective of current fixes.
People who happen to have got stuff earlier than intended (1 run instead of 2 runs) thru no fault of their own, is different from now explicitly knowing of a bug's existence and trying to EXPLOIT that bug (which in a couple times in the past has actually been frowned upon and action taken against them for intentionally doing an exploit).
Which, while probably no action taken against them here (maybe you intended on that team anyways just to get some other objectives done), still wouldn’t warrant compensation for those people who came afterwards.
What you’re really asking is that Kabam should go into those early run's accounts and take away a certain number of Revives/Heals/etc from them for not having to do an extra run.
Or to go and take away the Objective's Rewards from them, and restore that Objective to be in an UNDONE state. Neither of which affect your own account.
But if people were trying to intentionally use incorrect teams, and then used some potions in the process of “skirting the rules”, don’t see why they should get some potion compensation back.