Need assistance in understand the SOS (Past is Past) and (Future is Future)

I am confused about how to understand the said objectives. Should I only have the required Champions on my team? eg would be champions that have 2017 OR 2018 OR 2019 OR 2020 tag on them. or only partially have some team members who have that tag but must the champion that defeats Jessica Jones? My discord alliance is in argument because of this.
For example,
Team 1(past is pas) : champ 1 (2020), champ 2 (2017), champ 3 (2020)
Team 2(future is future) : champ 1 (2021), champ 2 (2024), champ 3 (2023)
The teams can be mix and match but only within the year range of their respective objective so a 2020 champ can’t be in a team with a 2021 as they’re both part of different year groups.