Alliance war

Since the new war season started my alliance has been screwed out of 2 of the 4 wars so far. We have it set to auto enlist us for wars. What the hell is going on? Fix this **** it’s not fair to my alliance
Did it NOT give you a war ?
Or did it not have your defenders on the map ?
Did people remove their defenders during off-season, and then forget they need to manually add them back into defense map prior to season starting ?
(*the semi-new setting for “Auto Defense Placement” does NOT go out to your member rosters and pull in a defense from there, you still have to place a defense. It just helps carry them along as you move up/down to a different Tier Map)
E quando ti muovi su o giù, usa automaticamente quegli STESSI difensori, sulle STESSE posizioni, come li avevi impostati in precedenza.
In questo modo le persone non devono più posizionarsi su 3 diversi livelli di mappa (e dimenticare di mettere quelli su o giù).
Automatic Defense setting means that you only place defenders on a SINGLE Map.
And when you move Up or Down, it automatically uses those SAME defenders, on the SAME positions, as you had earlier set them.
That way people no longer have to place on 3 different Map Levels (and forget to put in the Up or Down ones).