BG matchmaking

NarutouzumakiNarutouzumaki Member Posts: 9
This is probably the games biggest issue. Im literally Thronebreaker and I’m getting Valiant players back to back to back. Every time I’m one win away to progressing to the next rank, a Valiant player is throne my way. It’s gets annoying and repetitive and to be fair, makes the game mode itself boring, because it’s not fair. This should be one of the MAIN things y'all work on. Please fix the matchmaking.


  • NarutouzumakiNarutouzumaki Member Posts: 9
    Stop the cap lil bro. This game used to do matchmaking and at some point stopped for no apparent reason. I don’t know where your at in the game but if you was in my position, you’d say the same thing.

  • PantherusNZPantherusNZ Member Posts: 2,038 ★★★★★
    Matchmaking has changed over the seasons.
    Matching based on deck strength wasn't working because people were manipulating the ratings by sandbagging with 1* champs.
    Matching based on progression or overall account strength is far from fullproof as well - there's a player in my alliance who has a significantly higher account rating than me because he ranked up way more lower-tier champions, while my BG deck is noticeably stronger.
    Matching so that stronger players only play stronger players and weaker players only play weaker players completely devalues the competition.

    It is now set that you only match up with players in the same tier - so if you're in Diamond III, you'll be matched against someone else in Diamond III.

    That's all there is to it.
  • LifeswickedLifeswicked Member Posts: 182 ★★
    Once you reach diamond your in open waters sorry it's the way it is
  • NarutouzumakiNarutouzumaki Member Posts: 9
    While I get where YOU are coming from. I can tell you’re not trying to see where IM coming from. And just so you know that part about “if you’re in diamond 3, you’ll be matched against someone else in diamond 3” is absolutely false. Time and time again for some odd reason I'm matched against someone in a different tier as me. So thats not “all there is to it.”

  • Giantwalrus56Giantwalrus56 Member Posts: 931 ★★★★
    In the beginning & early stages of BGs, up until platinum, you used be matched essentially on similar roster. Once you hit platinum, you matched with anyone in your tier. Within a rank or 2. Meaning you'll see matches with platinum 2 against platinum 1, for example. With new matchmaking system, it's the latter. You can match against any roster size with a rank or 2. I understand where you're coming from, yet, the system has changed, so either adapt or build up your roster. Sorry for last part, not trying to be a d**k
  • NarutouzumakiNarutouzumaki Member Posts: 9
    I appreciate the message. And clearly Kabam not gonna see this message so😂. But to be fair though, i think they should at least try one more time to make a fair system but alas, I see where you guys are coming from. Thanks for the reply and bit of understanding🤝.

  • Nemesis_17Nemesis_17 Member Posts: 2,239 ★★★★★
    edited August 5
    We all have a ceiling in bgs where we’re hard stuck either due to a roster or skill issue, usually some combination of the two. As you keep climbing you’re going to face either more skilled or higher level opponents, and eventually you can no longer progress. If you could just continue to win at higher tiers with the same ease as at lower ones, then we’d somehow all simultaneously be celestial 1.
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,058 ★★★★★
    edited August 5
    Took me 23 matches (all fought) to get out of Platinum 1.

    Guess as TB, that is more or less where I will land with my roster and sub-skill (on the rounds I managed to stay alive, my opponent have more points).
  • mgj0630mgj0630 Member Posts: 1,095 ★★★★

    I appreciate the message. And clearly Kabam not gonna see this message so😂. But to be fair though, i think they should at least try one more time to make a fair system but alas, I see where you guys are coming from. Thanks for the reply and bit of understanding🤝.

    @Narutouzumaki For something new and different, what system would you suggest that would be more fair?

    Keep in mind, the operating premise is that everyone is competing for the same rewards as they are today. If you choose to change the premise of that reward system to meet your system of fairness, please specify that.
  • SammyDeSammyDe Member Posts: 1,083 ★★★
    Just wait till the last few days of the season and it will be much easier to move up when the bigger accounts finished with their farming.
    Come back and let us know how you go.
    Also you need to do some story quest and progress. Otherwise BG alone will not help your situation. Become a Valiant yourself, it is easier soon with another rank 3 opportunity via the Crucible.
  • PantherusNZPantherusNZ Member Posts: 2,038 ★★★★★
    It's a competitive game mode, you don't get to demand that "fair" looks like you only getting matched up in winnable matches. If you get to the Olympics, you don't get to complain that you were matched up against faster runners in your heat which meant you missed out on the qualifiers.

    If you are matched up against a stronger opponent in Battlegrounds (who is either in the same tier as you, or 1 higher or lower) then you either have a go and hope it works in your favour, or forfeit and try again. If you're about to advance to the next tier then think about using a Victory Shield to protect you.

    It's how the game mode works. Nowhere has anyone claimed that you should be able to win every match, because every match has to have a winner and a loser.

    I've beaten opponents with stronger decks, and I've lost to opponents with weaker decks - anything can happen.
  • PT_99PT_99 Member Posts: 4,162 ★★★★★
    Same prize
    Same competition

    If you want easy competition then ask Kabam for seperate tier with nerfed rewards.

    We don't have to do this every single week.
  • WednesdayLengthWednesdayLength Member Posts: 1,136 ★★★

    I appreciate the message. And clearly Kabam not gonna see this message so😂. But to be fair though, i think they should at least try one more time to make a fair system but alas, I see where you guys are coming from. Thanks for the reply and bit of understanding🤝.

    The system is fair. You losing matches doesn't make it unfair
  • NarutouzumakiNarutouzumaki Member Posts: 9
    Ngl bro I ain’t reading allat😭😭
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