Is not trying for battlegrounds banable?

CoMinowCoMinow Member Posts: 331 ★★
Kabam in its infinite wisdom and greed doesn’t Grant players that aren’t in alliances enough Elgars marks to get to the 300,000 milestone they set.
If you start in diamond you get
2100 after your first group of matches
1100 for completing all Diamond
0 for anything after that
That’s enough for 35 matches
236,250 points if you go undefeated leaving you 63,750 points from your goal
10 matches if you again go undefeated
However; i suck(according to kabams eloquent thread)
189,000 was my score and I’m in the gladiator circuit with no eldars marks
16 wins with marks
97 wins without marks and a variety of amounts if we include losses
I personally don’t believe the game is such a privilege to play that i should pay $5 for every 20 minutes.
I also don’t know if I’m willing to sit through the monotony of purposely losing either.
But it does make me wonder.
Can i make an all 2* or less roster, lose a match in 1 or 2 minutes total instead of the seemingly never ending process of playing a match while some time vampire is taking every choice to 1 second before deciding.
This would award thousands of points in the same amount of time as getting 1125 for a win or 375 for the loss by playing it out.

I am pretty positive that I don’t have the energy(physically not game energy) to go through 294 matches this way for a few shards.
But i thought I’d ask because i got curious about how this would work?


  • CoMinowCoMinow Member Posts: 331 ★★
    Oh my God i hate the time vampires!!!!
    It’s as bad as fantasy football drafts lol
  • LokxLokx Member Posts: 1,239 ★★★★
    Then join a alliance.
  • CoMinowCoMinow Member Posts: 331 ★★

    You can build your deck however you want. Just don't be one of those turds that lets the timers just run out. If you're know you're going to lose, pay the other player some respect and do it quickly.

    No, furrymoosen. You committed to the fight. You want the win, wait your roughly 10 minutes just like if it was played proper. You still handily win. This is the stupidest argument, especially when OP highlighted the issue - you need every point you can get to get the shard rewards, not fewer. Forfeiting is the moronic choice. Always.
    Explain why it’s the “moronic choice” do you understand time? You’ll never recover your own personal time. Do you understand the points dynamic? 375 for a loss vs only 1125 for a win without eldars marks. 3 times the amount of points for a win. A win takes 10 times as long. You’re getting up to 3 times the points in the same amount of time.

    I don’t think ill personally do either just for the record.
    This thread was a curiosity. Not advice, or a demonstration of what i do.
    Kabam doesn’t want solo players gaining the same rewards as alliance players even for something that’s 100% solo. So i thought I’d ask if there was a way around it.
    I would much rather just play and win 3 out of 4 like usual. But that’s not the question here so, Let’s say i went 85-39 using energy. 90-24 seems too high for the gladiators circuit. At 10 minutes a match that would be 20 hours and 40 minutes of play time. Losing in 2 minutes is less then 10 hours. Neither is worth it for a few shards. Unless you’d pay half a weeks pay for those shards.
    But going 14-7 with eldars marks is only 3 1/2 hours of actual playing enjoyment. Which is $30 to do for a “free to play game” 21 matches at 90 a match is 1890 divided by the 315 you get for $5 equals 6 purchases for $30 since 135 is $5 and each 315 costs 135 units. Even in the online store you would need tony starks briefcase for $30 plus tax to get over the 810 units.
    Choices: forfeit less than 10 hours, play legit more than 20 hours, pay to play or don’t bother.
    I’ll probably do the latter
    But you BELIEVING it’s the “moronic choice” shows that you either don’t value your time and efforts or simply don’t understand the conversation.
    Unless you think spending less time and effort to get to the exact same goal is foolish? Do you earn a magical reward for your hard work? Does your life get extended to get the extra time that you invested back? Do you have a different definition for “moronic” than the world at large?
    Is it simply “moronic” because you don’t like it?

    Who the hell is OP and did they actually calculate anything or just say the more points you get the better? This is about the milestone of 300,000. The rewards for anything solo outside the top 1000 are also meh and unattainable when using energy because out their point value.
    I’d love to see this persons flimsy argument for it being moronic. Since you and whoever that is agree that more effort and more than double the time the “moronic” way instead of the logical opposite
    If you need every point you can get why would you take twice as long to get them, when there is a timer running and you only have so long to get maximum points???
    That’s freaking moronic!!!!
  • CoMinowCoMinow Member Posts: 331 ★★
    I thought Jedi used logic lol
    Apparently, math isn’t part of that
  • PT_99PT_99 Member Posts: 4,162 ★★★★★
    Or you can use 15 energy and in those try not to ban OP defenders, get the practice on fighting those rough fights

    Then win by elder marks Because its STUPID that victory track and GC both gives SAME solo points!?? 🤮
  • BringPopcornBringPopcorn Member Posts: 4,625 ★★★★★
    Meh I queued yesterday in GC with elder marks, didn't find a match for like 7 mins so i gave up...
    They should probably fix that 😤
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 12,352 Guardian

    You can build your deck however you want. Just don't be one of those turds that lets the timers just run out. If you're know you're going to lose, pay the other player some respect and do it quickly.

    No, furrymoosen. You committed to the fight. You want the win, wait your roughly 10 minutes just like if it was played proper. You still handily win. This is the stupidest argument, especially when OP highlighted the issue - you need every point you can get to get the shard rewards, not fewer. Forfeiting is the moronic choice. Always.
    No Spidey.
    He's not saying he would Forfeit (obviously is fast) in order to finish them sooner.

    He is saying that bringing 2* decks will allow the opponent to kill his 2* defender in much shorter time that doing an equal strength fight.

    Even if his side loses his match in only short order by just not blocking or hitting at all, and getting KO fast, the other side (on an equal fight) will still be taking a long time.

    He wants to “lose faster” (NOT Forfeit). And to do that REALLY FAST means bringing really low (aka 2*) defenders for deck.

    And the other point the other person was raising, is that don’t just bring your 2* and set the phone down and walk away.
    Choose your Attacker/Defender quickly each time also.
    So that your opponent (who will obviously win) doesn’t have to suffer through FULL TIMEOUT for all Team / Attacker / Defender selections.
    Which obviously they wouldn’t waste that time anyways, they said they want to get them done as soon as possible and start next match, etc, etc.
  • UsagicassidyUsagicassidy Member Posts: 1,308 ★★★★
    CoMinow said:

    I thought Jedi used logic lol
    Apparently, math isn’t part of that

    Have you *seen* the prequels, sequels, and tv shows? lol

    I feel like the whole point of the prequels was the lack of logic the Jedi used haha
  • Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Member Posts: 7,424 ★★★★★
    I never quit fights no matter how bad the matchup.

    When I run out of Elder Marks, I do something else.

    No reason to freak out about some virtual doodads you might be missing out on. Just a game.
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