My phone has crashed, someone kindly help me communicate to my alliance

Greetings. As I've mentioned in the title, my phone crashed and I'm kindly asking for someone to help me communicate that to my alliance leader/ an officer. Today being Sunday I can't do much to get it fixed as the shops are closed. I'm writing this from my pc and I'm not sure how else to communicate to my alliance. Whoever can help me, please communicate that I'll be back online in a few days as it won't be cheap to repair or likely replace the phone. My in game name is the same as here, please add the leader or an officer and share my message then let me know via commenting on my post or sending me a message in the forums inbox so I can set a reminder with your name as I'll definitely owe you one for the favor.
I sent a friend request to your leader, will let you know if he accepts it. Also tagged him below, assuming that is the same person
If @BeroMan is correct tag here for them, they have been more active in Forum, so may see this.
Really doubt a random “Friend Request” by someone they don’t recognize in game would be acknowledged by them.
📞☎️ @BeroMan
thanks for reaching out… any time frame of when you will get a new phone? this _neal_ from BGBAR