Raids M.OD.O.K still over-tuned?

I’ve tried different champs the last couple of Raid weeks, and this MODOK still just seems far too OP. One missed dex of his SP1 and I go from almost full health to KO. Barely able to get 1% of his health off. I really dislike him as the boss compared to Ultron
His whiff attack prompt is a bit annoying, but if you dodge his sp1 you can safely get 2 wiffs in.
He's not overtuned, just annoying.
Wise up, skill up, turn up.
His sp1 isn't even that difficult
Yeah I can dex his SP1, and have several times during fights. My point is, one slip up on the timing, or the AI is being super twitchy about moving and then throwing his SP1; or holding it, and waiting until he’s Unblockable, then dashing at me, stopping midway and throwing his SP1 to catch me while I’m already in the middle of dashing backward.
I’m not a pro player, but I’m also not a novice. I don’t have all that much problem fighting Medusa or Guardian (and Thor Rags is super easy), but MODOK is still a royal pain. And I know I’m not the only one who feels that way.
You say you routinely get 10%’s on him, well could you be so kind as to say who you’re using against him at least? I’m using OG Storm 7* R1 unduped for Assault role.
P.S. Modok SP1 seems off-timed, animation feels lagging-behind the actual damage hit or vice versa.
So end result we get is random AI doing random things, throwing heavy from other side of screen to punching 2 time on block to throwing special on block "only when he's unblockable ofc" etc etc
But I've just Vox, he was doing ok.
Adam. Surfer.
Iron-Man. Black Panther.
Many options.
Or 15k 6* shards for TBs and below
I've ko'ed him and didn't get anything. Or do you get the rewards once the raid ends?