
Hi, i pulled ironheart from a titan
Should i be happy? Should i be disappointed?
I have never used this pg and i don t know if she is good in anything
Should i be happy? Should i be disappointed?
I have never used this pg and i don t know if she is good in anything
But a solid safe attacker, checkout her showcase videos.
That said, her utility is fantastic. Offensive ability accuracy reduction on the block is such a nice ability to have.
She's not the best at burst damage, nor for longform content, but she is great for questing.
None of us work at Kabam or on the balance team my dude
Larger HP - 2x sp1 & 2x sp2
Also she needs the vision relic.
I personally think she's pretty good overall. Only issue is keeping her armor ups stacked, and keeping her debuffs up for major damage.
Sure, stack debuffs to increase the damage on SP2, but there are far more different things to her playstyle compared to Morbius. Scorpion would be a better comp (prefight to change debuff types, place debuffs with M, do things to pause/extend debuff timer, and use SP2), as that was even called out by the developer in the champion spotlight. She's not as good as Scorpion, but her playstyle is similar.
She has more utility, that is practical, than Morbius. Morbius has the phase ability, but the cooldown timer (if you're not fighting against Mystics) makes it to be something you can't rely on all the time. The only other utility he has is his Undying, which is a pretty niche thing.
Ironheart's utility is pretty much active and accessible in the course of her normal playstyle.
There are more matchups where I think "oh, Ironheart could work here" than I do for Morbius.