Don't get these top level players crying about Serpent
As an average player who has struggled with lot of tough defenders. And if at times some defender felt too tough, or costed multiple revives, I have let out some frustration in forums as well. I can't deny that.
But then don't forget how us average players get looked down when we rant with
- get counters
- skill issue
- too easy
- but ban it, we do get 3 bans don't we
But seeing all these content creators who are some of the top level players in MCOC cry about serpent, for some reason now I am at peace, all my frustrations are washed away. Does the above response don't apply to them. Just because they have a challenge now, its a problem.
I really wanna see serpent stay the same as it is. We already have counters, took down 2 serpent in war today, 1 death each, have had worse with other defenders, so don't see a problem. We have heard these top players asking for challenge, so there it is - a challenge, now since you can't get a perfect score doesn't suddenly make the challenge unfair. Shoutout to Vega583, his video made most sense.
The game will only progress, we will see more counters and we will see new mechanics to counter as well.
Though side note: Kabam could you please hurry with the AI fix, tough defenders we can handle, AI on top do make things worse.
But then don't forget how us average players get looked down when we rant with
- get counters
- skill issue
- too easy
- but ban it, we do get 3 bans don't we
But seeing all these content creators who are some of the top level players in MCOC cry about serpent, for some reason now I am at peace, all my frustrations are washed away. Does the above response don't apply to them. Just because they have a challenge now, its a problem.
I really wanna see serpent stay the same as it is. We already have counters, took down 2 serpent in war today, 1 death each, have had worse with other defenders, so don't see a problem. We have heard these top players asking for challenge, so there it is - a challenge, now since you can't get a perfect score doesn't suddenly make the challenge unfair. Shoutout to Vega583, his video made most sense.
The game will only progress, we will see more counters and we will see new mechanics to counter as well.
Though side note: Kabam could you please hurry with the AI fix, tough defenders we can handle, AI on top do make things worse.
They're not buffing champs that need it, and they're leaving someone like serpent COMPLETELY UNALTERED but they nerfed bullseye for some reason . What even is the criteria for nerfing a champ?? Was bullseye a harder defender than serpent?
KT1 always points out everything so, him complaining on serpent is consistent and I can't disagree there. Issue happens when people bring their bias and are not consistent.
Also, I have no Idea who Andy is, Vega I only recently saw.
Sooo true. OP gets it. If serpent is obnoxiously difficult, everyone suffers; bad players, good players, the best players, every single one. Now that's what I call UNITY. We can all suffer together as one big happy family. No one saying "git gud", instead we get to see more "I feel u bro, he sucks. Not your fault 💪." See? Very wholesome.
Serpent is easier than most defenders imo, in war.
Only in bgs, He is tough, as there are like only 20 champs who can actually kill him before time out, and none of them do it in less than 60 sec and more than 90% health, unless you play perfect, and even when using counters you are still in a gamble.
But yeah, it is funny to see top players losing their minds once, haha, But their reason is as valid as yours, if not more.
And then if you do get him down there’s a better of good chance of the fight going completely haywire through the most unbalanced powergain we’ve ever seen, one which can be made even more insane through external nodes and one where really only Chavez actually addresses the powergain. In a game of this many champs there is only a single counter to his main threat.,, that’s bananas.
with the ai getting seemingly worse every month is just making him a better defender and worse to face
I don’t think that is a skill issue or aspect in fighting him
You can save energy and the relic to keep him busy during the Immortality also requires skills
Not being able to nuke him , so you want to nuke him in 30 seconds but you don't want to have a challenging fight , I call that skill issue
Y'all want boring defenders and busted attackers , never been so happy for kabam not caring about players opinions