How many accounts you have? I like to see the number

SagaChampionSagaChampion Member Posts: 1,262 ★★★
edited September 2 in General Discussion
How many accounts you have? I like to see the number

How many accounts you have? I like to see the number 107 votes

Only 1
GroundedWisdomSnakeEyes69Maverick75Sundance_2099NescioOoohydrogohardMqc19Mhd20034NojokejaymGarloFydaneBarrier Reefmbraceblurblotspiderbites0196Lattughinopeixemacacocaptain_rogersSarvanga1_ 64 votes
More than 1 (mention that )
NMEONESBendyTV_Addict_2017zuffymoreap1akanakancaptaincushklobberintymeLittle_Crocodili29Justcause102JimmyBRiderofHellKRANꓘWhoDaPooEwell65SSS69Mughal50XIoniqus_797RiptideGoldenDadTx_Quack_Attack6589 43 votes


  • Nemesis_17Nemesis_17 Member Posts: 2,131 ★★★★★
    More than 1 (mention that )
  • MrSakuragiMrSakuragi Member Posts: 4,824 ★★★★★
    More than 1 (mention that )
    6 that I remember login info for. Only play 2 regularly.
  • captaincushcaptaincush Member Posts: 741 ★★★
    More than 1 (mention that )
    3, one Valiant and 2 Paragon
  • SagaChampionSagaChampion Member Posts: 1,262 ★★★
    Only 1

    6 that I remember login info for. Only play 2 regularly.

    Ooh but the actual number is more than 6 , right ?
  • SagaChampionSagaChampion Member Posts: 1,262 ★★★
    Only 1

    3, one Valiant and 2 Paragon

    That's awesome
  • Sundance_2099Sundance_2099 Member Posts: 3,161 ★★★★★
    Only 1
    One's enough.
  • Dirty_DozzDirty_Dozz Member Posts: 440 ★★★
    Only 1
    I've been wanting to start an alt, I'm just worried something is gonna mess up and I'll lose my main (even though it's tied to its own email).
  • ShashankGuptaShashankGupta Member Posts: 394 ★★

    I've been wanting to start an alt, I'm just worried something is gonna mess up and I'll lose my main (even though it's tied to its own email).

    Same I want to experience the new game again with streaming it on my channel but I don't want to lose my main account at any cost
  • Kingering_KingKingering_King Member Posts: 816 ★★★
    More than 1 (mention that )
    3, just created my third 2 nights ago for kicks and giggles
  • WhoDaPooWhoDaPoo Member Posts: 344 ★★★
    More than 1 (mention that )
    11 technically, but I only make/use them for different challenges like "how fast can I get cav" and then they sit around.
  • SkalamenkoSkalamenko Member Posts: 93
    More than 1 (mention that )
    7-8 i dont remember 🤣
    But i ocasionaly only check in to 2 or 3 for some free rewards or sometime to play some act6 content lol.
  • peixemacacopeixemacaco Member Posts: 2,246 ★★★★
    edited September 2
    Only 1
    1 and at times Im almost crazy with so many things to do haha

    Imagine 2 or more

    And..I don't know how this is accepted by Kabam

    Maybe some alliances have 1 Summoner with multiple accounts.

    "Not from a Jedi meme here"
  • IlociaMIlociaM Member Posts: 105
    More than 1 (mention that )
    6 but play 2
  • Silverbolt69Silverbolt69 Member Posts: 17
    edited September 2
    Only 1
  • Toproller89Toproller89 Member Posts: 790 ★★★
    More than 1 (mention that )
    1 valiant and 2 cavs, one of the cavs is my OG account from years ago
  • Toproller89Toproller89 Member Posts: 790 ★★★
    More than 1 (mention that )
    Main reason I started again is my first account was banned from forums, lol
  • Barrier ReefBarrier Reef Member Posts: 719 ★★★
    Only 1

    4 valiant

    Buddy’s got some time on his hands lmaoo
  • spidyjedi84spidyjedi84 Member Posts: 347 ★★★
    More than 1 (mention that )
    Two. One was started last year to see how fast it could make Thronebreaker and with my knowledge of rosters. It just made Thronebreaker via roster strength, but it's not got enough roster depth to do well in BGs.
  • klobberintymeklobberintyme Member Posts: 1,532 ★★★★
    More than 1 (mention that )
    5 accounts over 5 devices.

    Here's 3:

    Fourth is on the phone taking the pic, the last is on a tablet not pictured.

    I have time to physically play maybe 30 minutes a day, depending on workload. Most of the time these are autoplaying next to my edit bay/workstation. I alternate playing accounts daily to keep it interesting.

    And that's how you barely play a game you have 5 accounts with.
  • zuffyzuffy Member Posts: 2,222 ★★★★★
    More than 1 (mention that )
    3. I play 2 accounts in same alliance. The third account was when gifting was still allowed. I play that account once in awhile when kabam has some great rewards running that require minimum work.
  • SagaChampionSagaChampion Member Posts: 1,262 ★★★
    Only 1

    5 accounts over 5 devices.

    Here's 3:

    Fourth is on the phone taking the pic, the last is on a tablet not pictured.

    I have time to physically play maybe 30 minutes a day, depending on workload. Most of the time these are autoplaying next to my edit bay/workstation. I alternate playing accounts daily to keep it interesting.

    And that's how you barely play a game you have 5 accounts with.

    I appreciate your hard work 👍
  • SagaChampionSagaChampion Member Posts: 1,262 ★★★
    Only 1

    4 valiant

    That's really Big
  • FrostGiantLordFrostGiantLord Member Posts: 1,913 ★★★★
    More than 1 (mention that )
    I have 1 main that's Paragon, and 1 that's UC
  • Soumemiakas1926Soumemiakas1926 Member Posts: 352 ★★★
    543.987 accounts
  • PriyabrataPriyabrata Member Posts: 1,229 ★★★★
    Only 1
    I don't really the time or commitment necessary for more than one account
  • TheshadowTheshadow Member Posts: 146
    More than 1 (mention that )
    5 paragon and 3 valiant
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