Horrible Change to Champion UI

Pre Update:

Post Update:

A minor but notable and irritating change for seemingly no reason. Why stretch the champion info? Running the game on an iPhone 13 Pro, my notch covers some text on either side depending on screen orientation.
Just a change I believe is unnecessary and looked better before.

Post Update:

A minor but notable and irritating change for seemingly no reason. Why stretch the champion info? Running the game on an iPhone 13 Pro, my notch covers some text on either side depending on screen orientation.
Just a change I believe is unnecessary and looked better before.
This is kinda gross
And not sure if they made an adjustment for certain newer phones or not (is that a newer phone ?), and that may well have been the case here.
But are you sure you’re comparing apples to apples ?
The arrows on sides of champ profile in one pic and not the other tells me that the champ profile from each case was taken from within different parts of game.
(not sure if that matters or not for this, just that it might be why)
ie, was one from your own Roster screen (so has arrows), and another is from clicking on a champ from someone else's roster or defender nodes, or profile ?
Yup. As I go down through star levels, each level pretty much gets progressively worse...
Both are from my own roster. First picture is during reunion event when I pulled t4a to bring Pig up, and I took another today for easy comparison. I noticed the arrows too, which are a fine change, but still doesn’t explain the stretch.
I didn't even notice the off-centered arrows. I was originally talking about the missing stars. Also, I'm using a Samsung galaxy s24+
Lets you go to next/prev champs in that roster.
And without arrows when you are looking at a champ from some other place that does not have a full roster type multi-champ screen beforehand.
That’s not the full point of my post though. The new UI looks bad, and feels bad to look at. There are clear issues that were overlooked and the team needs to take a second look at.
I think complaining about resources being used for UI changes over bug fixes is not productive, as I’m fairly certain there are two separate groups working on these VERY different parts of the game.
I love MCOC to death, and it’s with that love that I am critical. I truly believe this change makes the game look cheaper and less finalized than I know it is.
If I were a new player and I opened the champion info screen, and there was cut off information, I’d likely not continue playing. To me it looks like the art team doesn’t care about the game, which *I* know is untrue, but someone new to the community might not.
I wish for all my feedback to always be positive and thoughtful, and when it isn’t, I aim for it to bring ideas and discussion to how to fix those problems.
With a little more polish this could be a great change! It’s awesome that it stretches across the full screen now! But right now it isn’t. Same as the new events screen, there are bound to be growing pains. I just hope to see this realized out a little further in the next update.
Squarish iPad has same change to profile as 2nd persons pics here (GiantWalrus) where Stars of rarity basically entirely covered up by colored border of champ profile.
Both both before and after, are FULLSCREEN on the squarish iPad.
So Jinx (w/ that widescreen device) Kabam must have had programmed to leave extra border space before, because of device “cutouts” (invalid screen regions).
And now seems like they Full-Screen'd it for at least that specific device to be how other devices have always been (Full Screen).
(Other part, height of Profile, aka STARS, yes looks like changed for EVERYONE, although to different extents)
Since you can't screen shot dynamic island on the phone, this is essentially what it looks like on the Iphone 15 now. Champ screen, champ team selection in EQ and arena.