September Side Quest - LUDUM MAXIMUS



  • ButtehrsButtehrs Member Posts: 5,570 ★★★★★

    Why are we returning to these convoluted side quests?

    Do A to get B so you can do C.
    You can't collect your entries all at once because Odin forbid you from doing the side quest in one day.

    Here's two separate but connected resources to keep track of.
    Use these specific champions.

    Don't forget to check the store.

    Quest. Enter. Complete. Rewards. That's it.
    Why are we returning to quests tied to challenges tied to resources tied to other quests tied to ...
    No. I was so happy that the past two months were simple.

    Enter Quest. Complete Quest. Earn Rewards.

    Simple. Linear.

    Why are you intent on creating more opportunities for people to fail?

    Where you been the last few months again? The last few months have all been nearly the same way. Do fights to gain entry items. Use items. Yes this month has one extra step with using the path keys to ensure 100% but it's really not that convoluted as you make it seem.
  • TyEdgeTyEdge Member Posts: 3,085 ★★★★★
    Who decided to be a jerk designing this month’s EQ? The first three chapters all have classes that have a class disadvantage to the boss.

    I’m exploring chapters in order so there might be more, but mystic-morbius, science-Attuma, and skill-sinister are the first three.
  • ThePowerCosmicThePowerCosmic Member Posts: 117
    Stuff like this is gonna kill the game, I read comic books because of the art and not alot of reading, too much damn reading!!!
  • ThePowerCosmicThePowerCosmic Member Posts: 117
    What are the best options and what do I have to do? Yea I need to be spoonfed, I'm 44 years old u think I wanna read all that? I just did the crucible 100% and I'm about done with this game, you need freaking maps guides and youtube videos to keep up, then on top of that, of you want to get any of the new cool stuff it's not like $10 or $20 or even $50 for the stuff you want. It's at $100 or close to it. Games going in the wrong direction FAST!!
  • Darkness275Darkness275 Member Posts: 849 ★★★★
    Buttehrs said:

    Why are we returning to these convoluted side quests?

    Do A to get B so you can do C.
    You can't collect your entries all at once because Odin forbid you from doing the side quest in one day.

    Here's two separate but connected resources to keep track of.
    Use these specific champions.

    Don't forget to check the store.

    Quest. Enter. Complete. Rewards. That's it.
    Why are we returning to quests tied to challenges tied to resources tied to other quests tied to ...
    No. I was so happy that the past two months were simple.

    Enter Quest. Complete Quest. Earn Rewards.

    Simple. Linear.

    Why are you intent on creating more opportunities for people to fail?

    Where you been the last few months again? The last few months have all been nearly the same way. Do fights to gain entry items. Use items. Yes this month has one extra step with using the path keys to ensure 100% but it's really not that convoluted as you make it seem.
    The past two months have been very straightforward.
    Probably the most straightforward in almost a year.

    If this the most convoluted one they've had? No, but it's a more than a gradual step back in that direction and it's pointless. A needless complication to what should be a very straightforward process. Any additional step is creating more opportunities for people to fail.
  • Mixtapevol02Mixtapevol02 Member Posts: 89
    Luckily the exploration rewards are not big.
    Yes, didn’t read it properly and thought the gold coins were also entries as well.

    The SQ is more complicated than it needs to be. Random paths with different defenders that lead to the same rewards. Each path has a defender for the solo objective anyway. So why need to use the gold coin to select paths especially when there is exploration rewards? Just 4 entries and select the paths u want or for fun, 4 entries and 4 random paths and put the exploration rewards along with the solo objective. That would have been much simpler.
  • TyEdgeTyEdge Member Posts: 3,085 ★★★★★

    Pretty upset that I cannot 100% the side quest in week 1. On Wednesday, I previewed the map, and picked a squad. Saw the coin path, (I had a coin) so I figured I'd use it to get it over with. Sent me to the middle and cleared fine. Went the random path 2nd try, sent to middle. I have two entries left from today and third path I take via random - of course sends me to the middle...

    So the fact that I did not fully understand how the coins were to be used and by NOT doing the random path first, you risk not exploring. Extremely lame...

    Not even a mention in the in-game mail that priority of coin usage is VITAL to maximize rewards.

    Side quest failure as it shouldn't have to be this 'complicated'. While not really 'complicated' but simply don't give the gold coins until the 2nd set of entries and not a problem at all. The fact that all paths yield the same rewards, no reason to have the opportunity to fail like this.

    What’s especially frustrating about this is that they already “learned” this lesson with the random portal in Halls of Glory, yet here we are…
  • SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Member Posts: 4,712 ★★★★★
    Just did SQ after watching richs guide.
    Came to forums to see what people are saying about it.
    No disappointment, like usual. Complicated design to screw people with one wrong tap.

    Traps set by devs so people miss out on in game items. Just cuz you don't want to read and understand a quest in a mobile game, you don't get to do it.

    SQ its now bi weekly, the trash designers won't let people do it in a single sitting. They want to make people wait and get entries twice a week.
    What are you smoking?

    Let people live their lives and not make them miserable. They have been playing your game for 10 years and this is how you reward their loyalty.

    Been playing the game about 20-30 minutes a day(outside BG objectives). And half of that time is wasted on researching events and trying to not screw up.

    There are many messups in other arenas of the game too and Rant is not over.
  • UsagicassidyUsagicassidy Member Posts: 1,302 ★★★★
    Avnish said:

    Why win 3 times with saga in this SQ. Last SQ it was only 1 time with saga....I missed this why you guys makes things complicated so that some summoner do mistakes and miss important reward.... really disappointed 😡😡. I thought it is only 1 time same as last SQ...I guess I lost this T4A this week ..

    I already did it 2 time and didn't defeat any of these champion with saga... I play SQ only for T4A...

    Can we defeat the SAME defender 3 times to fulfill the objective if we want to? Or do 1 and 2? It reads like you can, but you know how wording can certainly be misleading or outright wrong sometimes. The full exploration rewards are garbage so if I just decide one particular path is easier for my champions (my saga attackers SUCK for this saga tbh) to just keep running, that's what I'm gonna do.
  • Jazz_MessengerJazz_Messenger Member Posts: 165

    Pretty upset that I cannot 100% the side quest in week 1. On Wednesday, I previewed the map, and picked a squad. Saw the coin path, (I had a coin) so I figured I'd use it to get it over with. Sent me to the middle and cleared fine. Went the random path 2nd try, sent to middle. I have two entries left from today and third path I take via random - of course sends me to the middle...

    So the fact that I did not fully understand how the coins were to be used and by NOT doing the random path first, you risk not exploring. Extremely lame...

    Not even a mention in the in-game mail that priority of coin usage is VITAL to maximize rewards.

    Side quest failure as it shouldn't have to be this 'complicated'. While not really 'complicated' but simply don't give the gold coins until the 2nd set of entries and not a problem at all. The fact that all paths yield the same rewards, no reason to have the opportunity to fail like this.

    Yeah, I agree. This was a terrible design. I picked champions for a specific path in the first two runs. I got lucky with the last random path and was able to explore. You are kind of screwed unless you do random paths first.
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 6,091 ★★★★★
    Not a fan of side quests that require a specific thing to enter
  • altavistaaltavista Member Posts: 1,401 ★★★★
    So right now I have explored 3 paths in Week 1 threat level 5, and have 1 Sestertius coin left.

    Is there any benefit to saving that remaining coin, or should I plan on doing 4 paths each week?
  • ButtehrsButtehrs Member Posts: 5,570 ★★★★★
    altavista said:

    So right now I have explored 3 paths in Week 1 threat level 5, and have 1 Sestertius coin left.

    Is there any benefit to saving that remaining coin, or should I plan on doing 4 paths each week?

    You'll get the completion rewards again. You get enough coins to run more than the 3 paths per week.
  • JRAWESJRAWES Member Posts: 73
    I've done three entries and got lucky and got all three paths. But it says 91% complete.

    So- basically the only thing left to explore is the gold coin because all three paths are done.

    This doesn't really seem fair. Was this intentional by Kabam?
  • PentaxPTPentaxPT Member Posts: 5
    With all this confusion I ended up missing 2.4k t4 alpha cat framents because it need to be one of 3 champs inside the treath in diferent paths and with saga champs🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️ why not with a specific special after a x number in the combo meter and a specific 5 hit combo??? Would it be great 🤡🤡🤡 you're getting to much variables that doesn't make any sense or at least filter champs so we only use saga champs
  • Maverick75Maverick75 Member Posts: 719 ★★★
    edited September 11
    JRAWES said:

    I've done three entries and got lucky and got all three paths. But it says 91% complete.

    So- basically the only thing left to explore is the gold coin because all three paths are done.

    This doesn't really seem fair. Was this intentional by Kabam?

    As the SQ and the 2 associated solo events are designed, the player receives for each of the 4 weeks : 4 silver coins (2 on Wednesday and 2 on Friday) + 2 golden coins.

    To spare the golden coins does not make sense.
    Their only purpose is to enable the path selector, that is a part of the 100% exploration (as any node on a map).
    To 100% explore without the golden coins is a bargain with high rates of fail.

    The only spare can be 1 silver coin if the player doesn’t want to wait for the next friday to complete his/her weekly objective of doing 3 times something in the SQ, or if the current weekly lines were too difficult for another go.
    But this 4th silver coin per week is designed as a joker in case of the player fails.
  • kus234kus234 Member Posts: 270 ★★
    Does the rewards reset on path even after 3 attempts are made?
  • houndogακιhoundogακι Member Posts: 251
    kus234 said:

    Does the rewards reset on path even after 3 attempts are made?

  • SolvseusSolvseus Member Posts: 117
    Can someone maybe clean up the front page? I counted 21 Announcements, some of them don’t really need to be there. Might help reassure people worried the forums are dying too, thanks.
  • FurrymoosenFurrymoosen Member Posts: 2,751 ★★★★★
    Solvseus said:

    Can someone maybe clean up the front page? I counted 21 Announcements, some of them don’t really need to be there. Might help reassure people worried the forums are dying too, thanks.

    Tap the gear icon to the right of the post. Tap dismiss.

    They still need to do some maintenance here, but this will at least clean it up on your end.
  • BloodyRoseBloodyRose Member Posts: 142
    edited September 18
    Grammar matters... Are we locked to the threat level in the special objective? In the past it was "Threat level X or higher" and now it is just "threat level X." Am I locked in to level 4 to get the rewards? I usually complete level 5.
  • ButtehrsButtehrs Member Posts: 5,570 ★★★★★

    Grammar matters... Are we locked to the threat level in the special objective? In the past it was "Threat level X or higher" and now it is just "threat level X." Am I locked in to level 4 to get the rewards? I usually complete level 5.

    It varies from month to month. This month you have to do the specific threat level.
  • SolvseusSolvseus Member Posts: 117

    Tap the gear icon to the right of the post. Tap dismiss.

    Oh, you have to refresh the page. I thought it wasn’t working. Neat.
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