Wait a minute... I post the olympic thing as a joke... But ... There are gold, silver and bronze coins in that new crystal event...
I thought at first this mcoc wallpaper resembled more of last supper. But after seeing maestro, who somewhat resembled that blue human being, This looks more like a parody of whatever happened in olympics.
Yeah and it's so offensive. They know Sentinel can't eat none of that...it's a robot. And Deadpool only likes Chimichangas, which are nowhere on the table.
As a practicing Christian I also thought it seemed a little disrespectful at first. But looking at the dinner scene more, I’m not seeing many elements of the last supper in here. If the characters had been modelled into similar poses as the disciples, and especially if Maestro was breaking something similar to bread then maybe. But all I’m seeing is a villainous banquet of inter dimensional food, celebrating the beginning of the Glorious Games.
So wait….Maestro is green Jesus now?!?!?! Seriously, can everyone stop being offended by everything? Has it really come to this?? Well, I am tirggered. And offended. And I cancel everything.
The title should be "the first of many suppers" since they are doing a 4 month event to celebrate Kabams 10 year anniversary. Sentine, Kirbyl and the Androids don't need to eat. Not sure if Maestro or Nefarious even needs to eat themselves. According to the comic books most powerful supper hereos don't need food, water or sleep. This feast is for Deadpool, Spiral and Spot. Offerings from Maestro for helping iim.
As a practicing Christian I also thought it seemed a little disrespectful at first. But looking at the dinner scene more, I’m not seeing many elements of the last supper in here. If the characters had been modelled into similar poses as the disciples, and especially if Maestro was breaking something similar to bread then maybe. But all I’m seeing is a villainous banquet of inter dimensional food, celebrating the beginning of the Glorious Games.
but even so.... even if it did represent the last supper. which it clearly does not. using something as reference does not instantly make it disrespectful. my goodness. how many comic characters are based on different religious figures.
But ... There are gold, silver and bronze coins in that new crystal event...
Don't you guys think there's something wrong with Spot?
i think not.......
also i don't think the last supper (or anything biblical) is in anyway important
If this was intentional, it is a creative reference to a longstanding mystery.
Greek gods...
Olympic games....
Or you're mad because they used Drag Queens?
So disrespectful lol.
If the characters had been modelled into similar poses as the disciples, and especially if Maestro was breaking something similar to bread then maybe.
But all I’m seeing is a villainous banquet of inter dimensional food, celebrating the beginning of the Glorious Games.
using something as reference does not instantly make it disrespectful.
my goodness.
how many comic characters are based on different religious figures.