What's your most regretted rank up?

Awesomep12Awesomep12 Member Posts: 885 ★★★
The ultimate question


  • Oliver345781Oliver345781 Member Posts: 183
    Maybe gladiator to r2. All of my r3's have been very worth it imo
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 6,269 ★★★★★
    Lokx said:

    I r2’ed patriot. He isn’t bad and r2 is not a big deal, but it was a generic gem and i could have done a more better champ i had. I chose him due to impulse of getting him from titan after crucible lol.

    What other choices did you have besides him?
  • Viper198787Viper198787 Member Posts: 590 ★★★★
    R3 Shuri.
  • BigTuna_2054BigTuna_2054 Member Posts: 86 ★★
    R3 Shuri. Don’t notice that big of a difference when she was R2.
  • NONYABIZZNONYABIZZ Member Posts: 461 ★★★
    edited September 8
  • NONYABIZZNONYABIZZ Member Posts: 461 ★★★
    R3 Prowler
  • Nemesis_17Nemesis_17 Member Posts: 2,195 ★★★★★
    Idk if I “regret it” but gorr was my first r2, and at the time I really didn’t have a better option so I don’t regret taking him up, but if I had a rank down ticket I would take him down. At the time he was the right play but now he just doesn’t hold up in bgs and since I turned on cides I can’t use him for content either.
  • Trek26Trek26 Member Posts: 243 ★★
    R3 kindred, R2 mysterio and R2 Nightcrawler.. would say R5 mojo too but I got masacre and stark enhanced for ranking him
  • SiliyoSiliyo Member Posts: 1,457 ★★★★★
    R5 Mr. Fantastic thinking Scorpion would be banned all season for AW. Never used Fantastic since that rank up
  • SammyDeSammyDe Member Posts: 1,082 ★★★
    I rank up champs for EOP / WOW / SOS and more often then not, didn’t use them because I don’t know their kits / rotation. There’s always a use for most champs no matter how niche afterwards.
    Back in the day my first 4* max rank was phoenix because I used to keep losing to her in story quest / event quest. Then I realised she is not as good in attack (or defence). Had a chuckle when I pulled her as 6* last month, will probably not rank her up this time unless she gets a buff.
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