Week Two of the Crystal Cleanse Event



  • FrostGiantLordFrostGiantLord Member Posts: 2,200 ★★★★
    Jkw634 said:

    Done my part but do people really care. The rewards suck other than the 1 ascension.

    These are literally free rewards. Open 1000 crystals (let's be honest, it isn't difficult at all) is all you need to do to max out this event. This is meant to be a whole community event, with rewards that can be used by players of different progression levels
  • Wu_Bangerz23Wu_Bangerz23 Member Posts: 1,086 ★★★
    Sbkrueb said:

    It is so weird to me how voraciously people hoard useless crystals. It's like a weird compulsion. Do they think if the apocalypse happens that their stash of solo crystals will become the new global currency?

    Smegols.... hahahaha

    And I'm in the opposite camp....I get annoyed by notifications. If I have a red 2 hanging over a column I immediately get rid of it by opening whatever so it goes away lol

  • RapRap Member Posts: 3,234 ★★★★
    edited September 2024
    Please define useless crystals? And what is of real value as rewards for opening them during this event. I have 600 t4c crystals...they are not useless. I have several hundred free I keep for revives , restores, gold and boosts as needed, so I do not need to buy or try to grind up an item I need. I have several thousand t4c shard crystals. Where are these useless crystals we are hoarding?
    What we get in return for em ain't worth cracking them open and having to sell a bunch of overstock.
    My prediction, sans flashy chart, is that it is going to continue to drop.
    The bottom tiers have no crystals hoarded, the top is where all the hoarding resides and there isn't enough of a reward for wasting what's in them.
    There is only 1 completely useless crystals in the game, the quest crystals could go away and I doubt we would miss them.
  • ToniXD_16ToniXD_16 Member Posts: 222
    Sbkrueb said:

    It is so weird to me how voraciously people hoard useless crystals. It's like a weird compulsion. Do they think if the apocalypse happens that their stash of solo crystals will become the new global currency?

    Smegols.... hahahaha

    Im prob one of thoose but still im not standind there opening thousands of useless crystals because I cant be bothered and epsecially with the servers always slowing down when spaming crystals yeah id rather do something else
  • PatientZeroPatientZero Member Posts: 28
    It's kind of sad at how much work this will take for rewards that kind of suck. I opened 1200 crystals, so that will get me top rewards, but I think people in the higher tiers aren't worried about a profile picture or a crystal that MIGHT get you a 7*. I think there should have been more incentive.
  • SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Member Posts: 6,340 ★★★★★
    So, it's joever??
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,461 Guardian
    Rap said:

    Please define useless crystals? And what is of real value as rewards for opening them during this event. I have 600 t4c crystals...they are not useless. I have several hundred free I keep for revives , restores, gold and boosts as needed, so I do not need to buy or try to grind up an item I need. I have several thousand t4c shard crystals. Where are these useless crystals we are hoarding?
    What we get in return for em ain't worth cracking them open and having to sell a bunch of overstock.
    My prediction, sans flashy chart, is that it is going to continue to drop.
    The bottom tiers have no crystals hoarded, the top is where all the hoarding resides and there isn't enough of a reward for wasting what's in them.
    There is only 1 completely useless crystals in the game, the quest crystals could go away and I doubt we would miss them.

    A couple things.

    First, “useless” crystals is a hyperbole, but there are lots of crystals that serve little or no economic purpose when unopened. For example, I opened thousands of gold crystals I was just holding because I don’t need gold. They served no economic purpose sitting there unopened, but they also served no economic purpose to open either, so they just sat there. There are a lot of crystals like that, for which they don’t benefit the player if the player opens them, but they also don’t hurt the player if the player chooses to open them. Another such crystal type for me was T3C. When I went through my roster and looked for T3C opportunities, I discovered that I would never, ever, open those crystals due to need: I earn T3C faster than Kabam adds new champs to the game. So whether they “go to waste” or not is irrelevant.

    Even the four hour crystals is something I’ve been scrutinizing. Sure: they contain revives and health potions, and those are always worth something. But I have literally thousands of them collected over years, and that number continues to grow. I’m certainly not opening all of them, but do I really need to sit on eight thousand of them? Probably not.

    Are the only players opening crystals just the “top tier” players? Absolutely not. Players *earn* crystals at a fast enough rate for every player of moderate activity level to reach the 1000 minimum to max out the milestones, and there are hundreds of thousands of players at that activity level. And the idea that only top tier players *save* crystals is also complete nonsense. Certainly newer casual players haven’t had the time to accumulate tens of thousands of crystals in their inventory, but they are probably sitting on hundreds or thousands of crystals that they haven’t opened for whatever reason.

    Especially champion crystals. There are a lot of players, at all tiers, that save champion crystals. Sometimes for resources management reasons., Sometimes just for collector reasons. But enough players do this to enough crystals that Kabam has to periodically do forced cleanups of those crystals. There are probably a lot of champion crystals that players could open but choose not to, and in fact there are probably a lot of champion crystals that players will decide to hold onto rather than open during the event that will just be forced open after the event ends, making any reason to hold onto them completely moot.

    Everything you say about crystals was true in 2021, when there was no event running. And in that year the players collectively opened about 10 billion crystals. With no one telling them to do so. With the same distribution of new and veteran players. And while there might have been more total active players then, it’s not like there were twice as many players then as now.

    I have no idea if crystal opening rates will continue to fall during the event, or if that trend will reverse towards the end of the event. I do know it comes down to player choice. Some players want to open crystals for the event, and some don’t. But what I do know is the reasons people are giving for why we will fall short are all nonsense. It wasn’t a ridiculously high goal. It isn’t that the crystals aren’t there. It isn’t that players are being asked to waste resources. It isn’t Kabam’s fault for not putting in enough rewards. It is about player choices. The crystals are there, the players are there, and no one is asking anyone to do anything counter-productive.

    If we make it that would be fantastic, but even if we don’t max out the milestones, I’ll be happy with whatever the community manages to accomplish. At least, the portion of the community willing to help the rest.

  • smdam38smdam38 Member Posts: 1,872 ★★★★
    Bro, give up. Nobody is spending that much time in the game to open crystals 10 at a time.

    If i’m in the game I’m playing.

    I say boycott the crystal opening and make them make a change to crystals and stash/expiring items.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,461 Guardian
    edited September 2024
    smdam38 said:

    Bro, give up. Nobody is spending that much time in the game to open crystals 10 at a time.

    If i’m in the game I’m playing.

    I say boycott the crystal opening and make them make a change to crystals and stash/expiring items.

    I’m not sure what you think I’m trying to do, that I can even give up on. I’m offering data, analysis, and opinion. But while I might encourage people to participate, as I would any event, I don’t particularly care if you open crystals or not.

    On the other hand, the idea that you could “boycott” the event to compel Kabam to make changes to crystal opening and inventories is something between comical and deluded. They are not going to spend any valuable time and resources making changes to assist players with an event like this when they are unlikely to ever have an event like this ever again.

    As I write this players are opening about half a million crystals an hour. That’s about 150 per second. That’s much lower than the rate necessary to reach the highest milestone, but it is plenty enough to reach, say, the next set of units. The implication is that at any one moment about a hundred players are simultaneously opening batches of crystals, or thousands of them are spinning crystals out. That’s a lot of nobodys doing what you think nobody is doing.

    You do you. And if when you’re in the game you’re playing, maybe go do that.
  • smdam38smdam38 Member Posts: 1,872 ★★★★
    I have been called comical and deluded before.

    Not trying to compel anyone to do anything.
    I could give an eff less what anyone else does in this game.

    I play for fun and not for drama.
    You have read access to their databases?

    I really do admire and appreciate your amazing mind and insight.
    But I don’t care because this is a mobile game that is supposed to be fun.
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,849 ★★★★★
    smdam38 said:

    I have been called comical and deluded before.

    Not trying to compel anyone to do anything.
    I could give an eff less what anyone else does in this game.

    I play for fun and not for drama.
    You have read access to their databases?

    I really do admire and appreciate your amazing mind and insight.
    But I don’t care because this is a mobile game that is supposed to be fun.

    One who doesn't really care, won't go out of their way and take time to say "I don't care". You always have the choice to not comment or not even click a post you don't care.
  • Maverick75Maverick75 Member Posts: 805 ★★★
    The scale of objectives (in terms of points) has probably been overestimated.

    Reasons: inactive (or almost) players, the need to keep some kinds of crystals, rewards finally not enough motivating…

    This is the first event of that kind, an experience. If there will be another one next year, it should be more in aligned with the players activity.
  • HungaryHippoHungaryHippo Member Posts: 1,092 ★★★★
    Also not opening hoarded crystals on my account. Would take too long without an automated way of doing it.
  • Nameless_IWNameless_IW Member Posts: 1,172 ★★★★
    i dont care about any of those rewards but we gotta do our very best to reach 495 mill milestone cause there's 150 units in there. We can't leave that on the table please.
  • HalleyHalley Member Posts: 575 ★★★
    Main reason is that the rewards are not worthy and attractive enough for most of players now.

    If they are a Titan crystal or 7* something, it'll be a different story, maybe we finished all milestones by now
  • Bugmat78Bugmat78 Member Posts: 2,491 ★★★★★
    Did my part but I am not opening more boosts to expire and it's way too much work to sell them. I also hate to see the red number notifications and would rather not have the number 10,000 next to the items panel reminding me.

    There is no select 100 for items like ISO - if there was it would be much easier. That ability alone would've been incentive to open more.
  • willrun4adonutwillrun4adonut Member Posts: 5,867 ★★★★★
    Bugmat78 said:

    Did my part but I am not opening more boosts to expire and it's way too much work to sell them. I also hate to see the red number notifications and would rather not have the number 10,000 next to the items panel reminding me.

    There is no select 100 for items like ISO - if there was it would be much easier. That ability alone would've been incentive to open more.

    This 👆
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,461 Guardian

    The scale of objectives (in terms of points) has probably been overestimated.

    The *scale* of the objectives has probably not been overestimated for two reasons. First, as I mentioned above one billion crystals in 35 days is not a ridiculous goal as we've basically done it before. Whether the current playerbase can do it now is a separate question, but we're very likely still within a binary order of magnitude of the same number of players.

    And second, even if we end up landing above, say, 500 million crystals (which seems very likely at this point) that would mean we would in fact come within a binary order of magnitude of the maximum milestone.

    There's every reason to believe the devs picked a target that wasn't strictly speaking impossible, but also a target much higher than what we normally would reach. With the target at one billion I was thinking our normal crystal opening rate might be something like 700 million in the same period of time, but it could have been 500-600 million.

    When they created the predecessors of this event, the Road to the Crypt, they significantly underestimated the amount of deaths the players were willing to rack up, which is to say the number of players willing to tackle the Necropolis sooner than later, even under suboptimal conditions. As a result, they had to significantly extend the milestones in that event, lest it get stale. I'm pretty sure they didn't want to do that for this event, which means it isn't beyond the realm of possibility that they set the top milestone to be high enough that only extremely high engagement would be enough to reach it.

    In other words, it is possible that the top milestone isn't significantly higher than what we seem to be trending to because they guessed wrong, but because they guessed right. They wanted a goal we could *barely reach* and only with *maximum effort*. And if we didn't, we didn't, because this is a test, and something they didn't want to fiddle with once it was running.
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