Why do they make it seem like the fights are staged?

Someone noticed that a stage light drops on the opponent in Longshot's sp2, so it got me thinking of all the camera screens that cracked in our pov from hitting or dropping it. Does this lowkey establish that the reason why the characters don't move sideways like in Tekken 5 (never played the others) isn't just because of the game design irl, but because it's an in-universe stage with a limited flat space and fake background rather than a real place?? There's lore that tells us these are real fights, but what if the lore is also just canonically them acting? Either these characters are the real deal and everyone are just friends behind the scenes or they're all actors.
The last thing against this that I could think of is that if that's the case, then why is the stage light dropping on someone not taken as a serious emergency and why is it treated like Longshot's actual power? Well, it may be fake as well. It might be the studio's way to break the fourth wall as a gag. That's all folks.
As for the other's where you see camera's, we have seen many videos with symbiotes filming for the Collector back in the day. Maybe they still wander around filming fights?
I'm new here, so I never knew this was a thing. That's interesting and hilarious to think about. I can just imagine a symbiote camera man capturing all these huge, probably world ending fights but the bosses adjust their power to not destroy the camera or kill the symbiote cameraman because they also want to be filmed.