Toad fight proves how bad Deathless Vision is



  • BendyBendy Member Posts: 8,825 ★★★★★
    NBK1999 said:

    No one used him because he's terrible, and not fun at all I don't see nothing funny about hitting 800 damage on mediums with a R2 ,did you know that the quest to get Thanos is going to have the same size heath pool ? maybe even higher , and he's required to get access to this quest, so he should definitely be meant for that kind of health pool but sadly he's not,
    Hopefully he'll get buffed before 2025

    Afaik we haven't heard anything about the size of health pools for that quest, or any other info besides the fact that it'll be locked behind all 4 other deathless champs. Regardless, I've been having fun with him and seen some decent results. I'm not saying that he's anywhere near the top of either the tech class or the game overall, but I do think that he's much better than this hate train that seems to be following him around gives him credit for.
    Considering we are using the fully team the health scaling should be around a mil in scaling since fully deathless synergy guilly and dkg hits too hard for anything lower than a mil
  • AshyKnucklesAshyKnuckles Member Posts: 210 ★★
    I kinda like Deathless Vision.. Just gotta slow play to utilize his kit. Not every fight has to be 30 seconds.. Get those fury's up and hit the special 2.. Decent damage.. Not OP damage but decent.. I might be in the minority but is what it is..
  • SmetiraSmetira Member Posts: 41

    NBK1999 said:

    This fight would be a lot easier for Deathless Vision if the Toad SOS ai wasn't literally hot garbage. my 7* r2 was faster than my r1 guilly 2099 solo, but that was after 2.5 hours of straight attempts with him. He could pretty easily do this fight if the AI acted like it normally did.

    I've been enjoying him otherwise, I use him every day and he's actually quite solid. I use him every day on map 8, he's a ton of fun, a great "flow" champ. Sure he's not at the top of either power control or damage, but he's definitely better than either of the other visions imo.

    "This fight proves how bad he is"... eh. He's clearly not meant for this size health pool. I think there's a large part of the community who haven't touched him until now because of all the bad press around him and aren't comfortable with playing him. Once you get his rhythm down he's much better than people give him credit for.

    (I've had a lot of success with him treating his phase more like a counterpunch than like ghost's phase. Trigger phase with parry and immediately go in LLLMM and you'll get 4 furies in one phase instead of the 3 you'd get going MLLLM).

    No one used him because he's terrible, and not fun at all I don't see nothing funny about hitting 800 damage on mediums with a R2 ,did you know that the quest to get Thanos is going to have the same size heath pool ? maybe even higher , and he's required to get access to this quest, so he should definitely be meant for that kind of health pool but sadly he's not,
    Hopefully he'll get buffed before 2025
    My guy are you playing without any masteries and stat focus? How did you manage to get 800 dmg on M with any R2...
    I use DV in AQ and his hits are defo not 800 on M, did Toad in about 3 revives, did not have problem with the dmg.

    AI was total mess tho
  • BendyBendy Member Posts: 8,825 ★★★★★
    Smetira said:

    NBK1999 said:

    This fight would be a lot easier for Deathless Vision if the Toad SOS ai wasn't literally hot garbage. my 7* r2 was faster than my r1 guilly 2099 solo, but that was after 2.5 hours of straight attempts with him. He could pretty easily do this fight if the AI acted like it normally did.

    I've been enjoying him otherwise, I use him every day and he's actually quite solid. I use him every day on map 8, he's a ton of fun, a great "flow" champ. Sure he's not at the top of either power control or damage, but he's definitely better than either of the other visions imo.

    "This fight proves how bad he is"... eh. He's clearly not meant for this size health pool. I think there's a large part of the community who haven't touched him until now because of all the bad press around him and aren't comfortable with playing him. Once you get his rhythm down he's much better than people give him credit for.

    (I've had a lot of success with him treating his phase more like a counterpunch than like ghost's phase. Trigger phase with parry and immediately go in LLLMM and you'll get 4 furies in one phase instead of the 3 you'd get going MLLLM).

    No one used him because he's terrible, and not fun at all I don't see nothing funny about hitting 800 damage on mediums with a R2 ,did you know that the quest to get Thanos is going to have the same size heath pool ? maybe even higher , and he's required to get access to this quest, so he should definitely be meant for that kind of health pool but sadly he's not,
    Hopefully he'll get buffed before 2025
    My guy are you playing without any masteries and stat focus? How did you manage to get 800 dmg on M with any R2...
    I use DV in AQ and his hits are defo not 800 on M, did Toad in about 3 revives, did not have problem with the dmg.

    AI was total mess tho
    U didnt get the sarcasm thats what his dmaage feels like because he hits so weak even with the fury passives
  • HungaryHippoHungaryHippo Member Posts: 1,092 ★★★★
    PT_99 said:

    Kabam can't make solid attackers anymore.
    What's the point of damageless champs?

    They can, but it costs them too much in revive revenue.
  • NBK1999NBK1999 Member Posts: 39

    I kinda like Deathless Vision.. Just gotta slow play to utilize his kit. Not every fight has to be 30 seconds.. Get those fury's up and hit the special 2.. Decent damage.. Not OP damage but decent.. I might be in the minority but is what it is..

    Right there with you. Not every champ has to be the most broken champ released to date. I wouldn’t mind a value tuneup on his furies but he’s far from unusable in his current state. Tbh you can get solid times on fights once you’re comfortable enough with him.
  • AshyKnucklesAshyKnuckles Member Posts: 210 ★★

    I kinda like Deathless Vision.. Just gotta slow play to utilize his kit. Not every fight has to be 30 seconds.. Get those fury's up and hit the special 2.. Decent damage.. Not OP damage but decent.. I might be in the minority but is what it is..

    Hulking soloed the fight in 3 minutes , no one said it should be a 30 seconds fight , all I am saying it should feel way much easier than it is , not a long boring fight , I had fun using hulk and hulkling, DV was just not fun at all and he's supposed to be an insane champ , did y'all forget we have to play several game modes In Order to get him how can y'all be happy with such a lame champion after spending all that time to have him, I don't want him to be the new herc , just want him to be more useful than he's currently state
    I like a challenge sue me... I like to be able to master a champs abilities in order to get the best out of him.. I like being able to phase hits and get the defender right past a bar of power then power drain that fool lol.. He is useful if you like actually playing the game. Find a way to make him work ya feel meh...
  • BendyBendy Member Posts: 8,825 ★★★★★

    I kinda like Deathless Vision.. Just gotta slow play to utilize his kit. Not every fight has to be 30 seconds.. Get those fury's up and hit the special 2.. Decent damage.. Not OP damage but decent.. I might be in the minority but is what it is..

    Hulking soloed the fight in 3 minutes , no one said it should be a 30 seconds fight , all I am saying it should feel way much easier than it is , not a long boring fight , I had fun using hulk and hulkling, DV was just not fun at all and he's supposed to be an insane champ , did y'all forget we have to play several game modes In Order to get him how can y'all be happy with such a lame champion after spending all that time to have him, I don't want him to be the new herc , just want him to be more useful than he's currently state
    I like a challenge sue me... I like to be able to master a champs abilities in order to get the best out of him.. I like being able to phase hits and get the defender right past a bar of power then power drain that fool lol.. He is useful if you like actually playing the game. Find a way to make him work ya feel meh...
    He has nothing to master he plays same as u would with other visions
  • AshyKnucklesAshyKnuckles Member Posts: 210 ★★
    Bendy said:

    I kinda like Deathless Vision.. Just gotta slow play to utilize his kit. Not every fight has to be 30 seconds.. Get those fury's up and hit the special 2.. Decent damage.. Not OP damage but decent.. I might be in the minority but is what it is..

    Hulking soloed the fight in 3 minutes , no one said it should be a 30 seconds fight , all I am saying it should feel way much easier than it is , not a long boring fight , I had fun using hulk and hulkling, DV was just not fun at all and he's supposed to be an insane champ , did y'all forget we have to play several game modes In Order to get him how can y'all be happy with such a lame champion after spending all that time to have him, I don't want him to be the new herc , just want him to be more useful than he's currently state
    I like a challenge sue me... I like to be able to master a champs abilities in order to get the best out of him.. I like being able to phase hits and get the defender right past a bar of power then power drain that fool lol.. He is useful if you like actually playing the game. Find a way to make him work ya feel meh...
    He has nothing to master he plays same as u would with other visions
    You mean Viv??? The other 2 Visons can't phase.. If you don't like him don't use him.. Problem solved B)
  • MethodMan69MethodMan69 Member Posts: 398 ★★★

    I kinda like Deathless Vision.. Just gotta slow play to utilize his kit. Not every fight has to be 30 seconds.. Get those fury's up and hit the special 2.. Decent damage.. Not OP damage but decent.. I might be in the minority but is what it is..

    Hulking soloed the fight in 3 minutes , no one said it should be a 30 seconds fight , all I am saying it should feel way much easier than it is , not a long boring fight , I had fun using hulk and hulkling, DV was just not fun at all and he's supposed to be an insane champ , did y'all forget we have to play several game modes In Order to get him how can y'all be happy with such a lame champion after spending all that time to have him, I don't want him to be the new herc , just want him to be more useful than he's currently state
    I like a challenge sue me... I like to be able to master a champs abilities in order to get the best out of him.. I like being able to phase hits and get the defender right past a bar of power then power drain that fool lol.. He is useful if you like actually playing the game. Find a way to make him work ya feel meh...
    Bruh stop lying to yourself bro , any champ in The game can do any fight DV is made to easier than he can , just cause u don't care about taking five minutes to do a fight that last one ,doesn't mean a champ is good or useful, I like his kit and design but the lack of damage on basic attacks and the rng on his specials is just not good.

    A 6* R3 superior iron man can do more damage than him both on specials and basic hits with a simple and fun build up , DV build up takes so long and it doesn't pay off at all , you still hitting like a noodle with 14 passive fury's specials that don't crit barely do any damage , plus if the AI decides to me a mofo, ur just not getting any phase charges or playing the game, u just there doing zero damage .

    is okay for him not to be meta , but he can definitely be better , DKG is not meta but has an easy build up and pretty good damage .

  • BendyBendy Member Posts: 8,825 ★★★★★

    Bendy said:

    I kinda like Deathless Vision.. Just gotta slow play to utilize his kit. Not every fight has to be 30 seconds.. Get those fury's up and hit the special 2.. Decent damage.. Not OP damage but decent.. I might be in the minority but is what it is..

    Hulking soloed the fight in 3 minutes , no one said it should be a 30 seconds fight , all I am saying it should feel way much easier than it is , not a long boring fight , I had fun using hulk and hulkling, DV was just not fun at all and he's supposed to be an insane champ , did y'all forget we have to play several game modes In Order to get him how can y'all be happy with such a lame champion after spending all that time to have him, I don't want him to be the new herc , just want him to be more useful than he's currently state
    I like a challenge sue me... I like to be able to master a champs abilities in order to get the best out of him.. I like being able to phase hits and get the defender right past a bar of power then power drain that fool lol.. He is useful if you like actually playing the game. Find a way to make him work ya feel meh...
    He has nothing to master he plays same as u would with other visions
    You mean Viv??? The other 2 Visons can't phase.. If you don't like him don't use him.. Problem solved B)
    No u get sp2 u use it its the same as other visions he has nothing to master oh he has phase it doesnt change he plays as visions og and aou
  • AshyKnucklesAshyKnuckles Member Posts: 210 ★★

    I kinda like Deathless Vision.. Just gotta slow play to utilize his kit. Not every fight has to be 30 seconds.. Get those fury's up and hit the special 2.. Decent damage.. Not OP damage but decent.. I might be in the minority but is what it is..

    Hulking soloed the fight in 3 minutes , no one said it should be a 30 seconds fight , all I am saying it should feel way much easier than it is , not a long boring fight , I had fun using hulk and hulkling, DV was just not fun at all and he's supposed to be an insane champ , did y'all forget we have to play several game modes In Order to get him how can y'all be happy with such a lame champion after spending all that time to have him, I don't want him to be the new herc , just want him to be more useful than he's currently state
    I like a challenge sue me... I like to be able to master a champs abilities in order to get the best out of him.. I like being able to phase hits and get the defender right past a bar of power then power drain that fool lol.. He is useful if you like actually playing the game. Find a way to make him work ya feel meh...
    Bruh stop lying to yourself bro , any champ in The game can do any fight DV is made to easier than he can , just cause u don't care about taking five minutes to do a fight that last one ,doesn't mean a champ is good or useful, I like his kit and design but the lack of damage on basic attacks and the rng on his specials is just not good.

    A 6* R3 superior iron man can do more damage than him both on specials and basic hits with a simple and fun build up , DV build up takes so long and it doesn't pay off at all , you still hitting like a noodle with 14 passive fury's specials that don't crit barely do any damage , plus if the AI decides to me a mofo, ur just not getting any phase charges or playing the game, u just there doing zero damage .

    is okay for him not to be meta , but he can definitely be better , DKG is not meta but has an easy build up and pretty good damage .

    You can't tell me what champs I like to use lol.. Use who TF you want to use and I'll do the same.. Meta or no meta, if I enjoy using him that's my business lol.. Don't be that guy..
  • MethodMan69MethodMan69 Member Posts: 398 ★★★

    Bendy said:

    I kinda like Deathless Vision.. Just gotta slow play to utilize his kit. Not every fight has to be 30 seconds.. Get those fury's up and hit the special 2.. Decent damage.. Not OP damage but decent.. I might be in the minority but is what it is..

    Hulking soloed the fight in 3 minutes , no one said it should be a 30 seconds fight , all I am saying it should feel way much easier than it is , not a long boring fight , I had fun using hulk and hulkling, DV was just not fun at all and he's supposed to be an insane champ , did y'all forget we have to play several game modes In Order to get him how can y'all be happy with such a lame champion after spending all that time to have him, I don't want him to be the new herc , just want him to be more useful than he's currently state
    I like a challenge sue me... I like to be able to master a champs abilities in order to get the best out of him.. I like being able to phase hits and get the defender right past a bar of power then power drain that fool lol.. He is useful if you like actually playing the game. Find a way to make him work ya feel meh...
    He has nothing to master he plays same as u would with other visions
    You mean Viv??? The other 2 Visons can't phase.. If you don't like him don't use him.. Problem solved B)
    So what about the time everyone wasted to get him , now we have him and we know he's trash and don't like him that way , but whatever let's just not use him , who cares about the resources and time we wasted
  • BendyBendy Member Posts: 8,825 ★★★★★

    Bendy said:

    I kinda like Deathless Vision.. Just gotta slow play to utilize his kit. Not every fight has to be 30 seconds.. Get those fury's up and hit the special 2.. Decent damage.. Not OP damage but decent.. I might be in the minority but is what it is..

    Hulking soloed the fight in 3 minutes , no one said it should be a 30 seconds fight , all I am saying it should feel way much easier than it is , not a long boring fight , I had fun using hulk and hulkling, DV was just not fun at all and he's supposed to be an insane champ , did y'all forget we have to play several game modes In Order to get him how can y'all be happy with such a lame champion after spending all that time to have him, I don't want him to be the new herc , just want him to be more useful than he's currently state
    I like a challenge sue me... I like to be able to master a champs abilities in order to get the best out of him.. I like being able to phase hits and get the defender right past a bar of power then power drain that fool lol.. He is useful if you like actually playing the game. Find a way to make him work ya feel meh...
    He has nothing to master he plays same as u would with other visions
    You mean Viv??? The other 2 Visons can't phase.. If you don't like him don't use him.. Problem solved B)
    Thing is i like how cool he is i want to play him but his damage isnt worth the whole fury passives as there too weak they needs to be bumped in 147 hits from my duped vision i did 50% on toad and thats with getting 15 fury keeping them up isnt doable since he has no way to get power if any other id be done almost in that many hits
  • AshyKnucklesAshyKnuckles Member Posts: 210 ★★
    Bendy said:

    Bendy said:

    I kinda like Deathless Vision.. Just gotta slow play to utilize his kit. Not every fight has to be 30 seconds.. Get those fury's up and hit the special 2.. Decent damage.. Not OP damage but decent.. I might be in the minority but is what it is..

    Hulking soloed the fight in 3 minutes , no one said it should be a 30 seconds fight , all I am saying it should feel way much easier than it is , not a long boring fight , I had fun using hulk and hulkling, DV was just not fun at all and he's supposed to be an insane champ , did y'all forget we have to play several game modes In Order to get him how can y'all be happy with such a lame champion after spending all that time to have him, I don't want him to be the new herc , just want him to be more useful than he's currently state
    I like a challenge sue me... I like to be able to master a champs abilities in order to get the best out of him.. I like being able to phase hits and get the defender right past a bar of power then power drain that fool lol.. He is useful if you like actually playing the game. Find a way to make him work ya feel meh...
    He has nothing to master he plays same as u would with other visions
    You mean Viv??? The other 2 Visons can't phase.. If you don't like him don't use him.. Problem solved B)
    No u get sp2 u use it its the same as other visions he has nothing to master oh he has phase it doesnt change he plays as visions og and aou
    EYE LIKE HIM... You don't have to... Use who you want... Simple
  • BendyBendy Member Posts: 8,825 ★★★★★

    Bendy said:

    Bendy said:

    I kinda like Deathless Vision.. Just gotta slow play to utilize his kit. Not every fight has to be 30 seconds.. Get those fury's up and hit the special 2.. Decent damage.. Not OP damage but decent.. I might be in the minority but is what it is..

    Hulking soloed the fight in 3 minutes , no one said it should be a 30 seconds fight , all I am saying it should feel way much easier than it is , not a long boring fight , I had fun using hulk and hulkling, DV was just not fun at all and he's supposed to be an insane champ , did y'all forget we have to play several game modes In Order to get him how can y'all be happy with such a lame champion after spending all that time to have him, I don't want him to be the new herc , just want him to be more useful than he's currently state
    I like a challenge sue me... I like to be able to master a champs abilities in order to get the best out of him.. I like being able to phase hits and get the defender right past a bar of power then power drain that fool lol.. He is useful if you like actually playing the game. Find a way to make him work ya feel meh...
    He has nothing to master he plays same as u would with other visions
    You mean Viv??? The other 2 Visons can't phase.. If you don't like him don't use him.. Problem solved B)
    No u get sp2 u use it its the same as other visions he has nothing to master oh he has phase it doesnt change he plays as visions og and aou
    EYE LIKE HIM... You don't have to... Use who you want... Simple
    Im not telling u who u like im just telling u he doesnt have anything to master
  • AshyKnucklesAshyKnuckles Member Posts: 210 ★★

    Bendy said:

    I kinda like Deathless Vision.. Just gotta slow play to utilize his kit. Not every fight has to be 30 seconds.. Get those fury's up and hit the special 2.. Decent damage.. Not OP damage but decent.. I might be in the minority but is what it is..

    Hulking soloed the fight in 3 minutes , no one said it should be a 30 seconds fight , all I am saying it should feel way much easier than it is , not a long boring fight , I had fun using hulk and hulkling, DV was just not fun at all and he's supposed to be an insane champ , did y'all forget we have to play several game modes In Order to get him how can y'all be happy with such a lame champion after spending all that time to have him, I don't want him to be the new herc , just want him to be more useful than he's currently state
    I like a challenge sue me... I like to be able to master a champs abilities in order to get the best out of him.. I like being able to phase hits and get the defender right past a bar of power then power drain that fool lol.. He is useful if you like actually playing the game. Find a way to make him work ya feel meh...
    He has nothing to master he plays same as u would with other visions
    You mean Viv??? The other 2 Visons can't phase.. If you don't like him don't use him.. Problem solved B)
    So what about the time everyone wasted to get him , now we have him and we know he's trash and don't like him that way , but whatever let's just not use him , who cares about the resources and time we wasted
    Time well spent for me.. Can't speak for anyone else..
  • AshyKnucklesAshyKnuckles Member Posts: 210 ★★
    Bendy said:

    Bendy said:

    Bendy said:

    I kinda like Deathless Vision.. Just gotta slow play to utilize his kit. Not every fight has to be 30 seconds.. Get those fury's up and hit the special 2.. Decent damage.. Not OP damage but decent.. I might be in the minority but is what it is..

    Hulking soloed the fight in 3 minutes , no one said it should be a 30 seconds fight , all I am saying it should feel way much easier than it is , not a long boring fight , I had fun using hulk and hulkling, DV was just not fun at all and he's supposed to be an insane champ , did y'all forget we have to play several game modes In Order to get him how can y'all be happy with such a lame champion after spending all that time to have him, I don't want him to be the new herc , just want him to be more useful than he's currently state
    I like a challenge sue me... I like to be able to master a champs abilities in order to get the best out of him.. I like being able to phase hits and get the defender right past a bar of power then power drain that fool lol.. He is useful if you like actually playing the game. Find a way to make him work ya feel meh...
    He has nothing to master he plays same as u would with other visions
    You mean Viv??? The other 2 Visons can't phase.. If you don't like him don't use him.. Problem solved B)
    No u get sp2 u use it its the same as other visions he has nothing to master oh he has phase it doesnt change he plays as visions og and aou
    EYE LIKE HIM... You don't have to... Use who you want... Simple
    Im not telling u who u like im just telling u he doesnt have anything to master
    Ok pal.. Your opinion is irrelevant to me.. Quote someone that gives a rat's behind about what you talkin bout for me real quick..
  • AshyKnucklesAshyKnuckles Member Posts: 210 ★★

    I kinda like Deathless Vision.. Just gotta slow play to utilize his kit. Not every fight has to be 30 seconds.. Get those fury's up and hit the special 2.. Decent damage.. Not OP damage but decent.. I might be in the minority but is what it is..

    Hulking soloed the fight in 3 minutes , no one said it should be a 30 seconds fight , all I am saying it should feel way much easier than it is , not a long boring fight , I had fun using hulk and hulkling, DV was just not fun at all and he's supposed to be an insane champ , did y'all forget we have to play several game modes In Order to get him how can y'all be happy with such a lame champion after spending all that time to have him, I don't want him to be the new herc , just want him to be more useful than he's currently state
    I like a challenge sue me... I like to be able to master a champs abilities in order to get the best out of him.. I like being able to phase hits and get the defender right past a bar of power then power drain that fool lol.. He is useful if you like actually playing the game. Find a way to make him work ya feel meh...
    Bruh stop lying to yourself bro , any champ in The game can do any fight DV is made to easier than he can , just cause u don't care about taking five minutes to do a fight that last one ,doesn't mean a champ is good or useful, I like his kit and design but the lack of damage on basic attacks and the rng on his specials is just not good.

    A 6* R3 superior iron man can do more damage than him both on specials and basic hits with a simple and fun build up , DV build up takes so long and it doesn't pay off at all , you still hitting like a noodle with 14 passive fury's specials that don't crit barely do any damage , plus if the AI decides to me a mofo, ur just not getting any phase charges or playing the game, u just there doing zero damage .

    is okay for him not to be meta , but he can definitely be better , DKG is not meta but has an easy build up and pretty good damage .

    You can't tell me what champs I like to use lol.. Use who TF you want to use and I'll do the same.. Meta or no meta, if I enjoy using him that's my business lol.. Don't be that guy..
    You just a weirdo , and I will enjoy ignoring you for now on , I never said anything about what champs you like , I said ur lying about him being good
    Weird because I like something you don't? He is good to me Lol.. That's funny.. I'll be a weirdo then.. That's cool.. I won't violate the forum rules and tell you where to stick your opinions of me and my choices.. But here's a hint... Everybody got one, and they stink..
  • BendyBendy Member Posts: 8,825 ★★★★★

    Bendy said:

    Bendy said:

    Bendy said:

    I kinda like Deathless Vision.. Just gotta slow play to utilize his kit. Not every fight has to be 30 seconds.. Get those fury's up and hit the special 2.. Decent damage.. Not OP damage but decent.. I might be in the minority but is what it is..

    Hulking soloed the fight in 3 minutes , no one said it should be a 30 seconds fight , all I am saying it should feel way much easier than it is , not a long boring fight , I had fun using hulk and hulkling, DV was just not fun at all and he's supposed to be an insane champ , did y'all forget we have to play several game modes In Order to get him how can y'all be happy with such a lame champion after spending all that time to have him, I don't want him to be the new herc , just want him to be more useful than he's currently state
    I like a challenge sue me... I like to be able to master a champs abilities in order to get the best out of him.. I like being able to phase hits and get the defender right past a bar of power then power drain that fool lol.. He is useful if you like actually playing the game. Find a way to make him work ya feel meh...
    He has nothing to master he plays same as u would with other visions
    You mean Viv??? The other 2 Visons can't phase.. If you don't like him don't use him.. Problem solved B)
    No u get sp2 u use it its the same as other visions he has nothing to master oh he has phase it doesnt change he plays as visions og and aou
    EYE LIKE HIM... You don't have to... Use who you want... Simple
    Im not telling u who u like im just telling u he doesnt have anything to master
    Ok pal.. Your opinion is irrelevant to me.. Quote someone that gives a rat's behind about what you talkin bout for me real quick..
    U was the one telling me to go play who u want when i was talking about how bad his damage was so how about u keep ur opinions of who to use to urself
  • AshyKnucklesAshyKnuckles Member Posts: 210 ★★
    Bendy said:

    Bendy said:

    Bendy said:

    Bendy said:

    I kinda like Deathless Vision.. Just gotta slow play to utilize his kit. Not every fight has to be 30 seconds.. Get those fury's up and hit the special 2.. Decent damage.. Not OP damage but decent.. I might be in the minority but is what it is..

    Hulking soloed the fight in 3 minutes , no one said it should be a 30 seconds fight , all I am saying it should feel way much easier than it is , not a long boring fight , I had fun using hulk and hulkling, DV was just not fun at all and he's supposed to be an insane champ , did y'all forget we have to play several game modes In Order to get him how can y'all be happy with such a lame champion after spending all that time to have him, I don't want him to be the new herc , just want him to be more useful than he's currently state
    I like a challenge sue me... I like to be able to master a champs abilities in order to get the best out of him.. I like being able to phase hits and get the defender right past a bar of power then power drain that fool lol.. He is useful if you like actually playing the game. Find a way to make him work ya feel meh...
    He has nothing to master he plays same as u would with other visions
    You mean Viv??? The other 2 Visons can't phase.. If you don't like him don't use him.. Problem solved B)
    No u get sp2 u use it its the same as other visions he has nothing to master oh he has phase it doesnt change he plays as visions og and aou
    EYE LIKE HIM... You don't have to... Use who you want... Simple
    Im not telling u who u like im just telling u he doesnt have anything to master
    Ok pal.. Your opinion is irrelevant to me.. Quote someone that gives a rat's behind about what you talkin bout for me real quick..
    U was the one telling me to go play who u want when i was talking about how bad his damage was so how about u keep ur opinions of who to use to urself
    I don't think I will actually.. Good day..
  • MethodMan69MethodMan69 Member Posts: 398 ★★★

    I kinda like Deathless Vision.. Just gotta slow play to utilize his kit. Not every fight has to be 30 seconds.. Get those fury's up and hit the special 2.. Decent damage.. Not OP damage but decent.. I might be in the minority but is what it is..

    Hulking soloed the fight in 3 minutes , no one said it should be a 30 seconds fight , all I am saying it should feel way much easier than it is , not a long boring fight , I had fun using hulk and hulkling, DV was just not fun at all and he's supposed to be an insane champ , did y'all forget we have to play several game modes In Order to get him how can y'all be happy with such a lame champion after spending all that time to have him, I don't want him to be the new herc , just want him to be more useful than he's currently state
    I like a challenge sue me... I like to be able to master a champs abilities in order to get the best out of him.. I like being able to phase hits and get the defender right past a bar of power then power drain that fool lol.. He is useful if you like actually playing the game. Find a way to make him work ya feel meh...
    Bruh stop lying to yourself bro , any champ in The game can do any fight DV is made to easier than he can , just cause u don't care about taking five minutes to do a fight that last one ,doesn't mean a champ is good or useful, I like his kit and design but the lack of damage on basic attacks and the rng on his specials is just not good.

    A 6* R3 superior iron man can do more damage than him both on specials and basic hits with a simple and fun build up , DV build up takes so long and it doesn't pay off at all , you still hitting like a noodle with 14 passive fury's specials that don't crit barely do any damage , plus if the AI decides to me a mofo, ur just not getting any phase charges or playing the game, u just there doing zero damage .

    is okay for him not to be meta , but he can definitely be better , DKG is not meta but has an easy build up and pretty good damage .

    You can't tell me what champs I like to use lol.. Use who TF you want to use and I'll do the same.. Meta or no meta, if I enjoy using him that's my business lol.. Don't be that guy..
    You just a weirdo , and I will enjoy ignoring you for now on , I never said anything about what champs you like , I said ur lying about him being good
    Weird because I like something you don't? He is good to me Lol.. That's funny.. I'll be a weirdo then.. That's cool.. I won't violate the forum rules and tell you where to stick your opinions of me and my choices.. But here's a hint... Everybody got one, and they stink..
    Weird because you don't know how to read
  • AshyKnucklesAshyKnuckles Member Posts: 210 ★★

    I kinda like Deathless Vision.. Just gotta slow play to utilize his kit. Not every fight has to be 30 seconds.. Get those fury's up and hit the special 2.. Decent damage.. Not OP damage but decent.. I might be in the minority but is what it is..

    Hulking soloed the fight in 3 minutes , no one said it should be a 30 seconds fight , all I am saying it should feel way much easier than it is , not a long boring fight , I had fun using hulk and hulkling, DV was just not fun at all and he's supposed to be an insane champ , did y'all forget we have to play several game modes In Order to get him how can y'all be happy with such a lame champion after spending all that time to have him, I don't want him to be the new herc , just want him to be more useful than he's currently state
    I like a challenge sue me... I like to be able to master a champs abilities in order to get the best out of him.. I like being able to phase hits and get the defender right past a bar of power then power drain that fool lol.. He is useful if you like actually playing the game. Find a way to make him work ya feel meh...
    Bruh stop lying to yourself bro , any champ in The game can do any fight DV is made to easier than he can , just cause u don't care about taking five minutes to do a fight that last one ,doesn't mean a champ is good or useful, I like his kit and design but the lack of damage on basic attacks and the rng on his specials is just not good.

    A 6* R3 superior iron man can do more damage than him both on specials and basic hits with a simple and fun build up , DV build up takes so long and it doesn't pay off at all , you still hitting like a noodle with 14 passive fury's specials that don't crit barely do any damage , plus if the AI decides to me a mofo, ur just not getting any phase charges or playing the game, u just there doing zero damage .

    is okay for him not to be meta , but he can definitely be better , DKG is not meta but has an easy build up and pretty good damage .

    You can't tell me what champs I like to use lol.. Use who TF you want to use and I'll do the same.. Meta or no meta, if I enjoy using him that's my business lol.. Don't be that guy..
    You just a weirdo , and I will enjoy ignoring you for now on , I never said anything about what champs you like , I said ur lying about him being good
    Weird because I like something you don't? He is good to me Lol.. That's funny.. I'll be a weirdo then.. That's cool.. I won't violate the forum rules and tell you where to stick your opinions of me and my choices.. But here's a hint... Everybody got one, and they stink..
    Weird because you don't know how to read
    And you don't know how to ignore me like you said you would smh.. That is even more weird to be honest..
  • BigBlueOxBigBlueOx Member Posts: 2,793 ★★★★★
    edited September 2024

    They shouldn't have nerfed his power drain. I don't care bout damage, I really want his utilities.

    But is his damage actually better than an equally ranked AoU Vision? It may peak higher but it’s not all that sustainable and it’s definitely lower then if you consider the power burn damage bursts and total power control I don’t think this really does the one thing he’s supposedly better at
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