Champion review: Shathra

EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 6,307 ★★★★★

Greeeeetinngzzz Summonerzzzzz,

A new force has entered the fray in the Contest of Champions, and this isn't just any Champion—this is the newest Summoner's Choice Champion of 2024. Meet Shathra, a formidable and otherworldly addition to the battlegrounds, handpicked by the community to rise as their next champion! We will go over her animations, damage, utility, best matchups and her overall place in the Contest.

Animations: 7/10. Shathra's animations reflect her predatory nature and the eerie elegance of a creature that lurks in shadows before delivering a deadly strike. From her basic attacks to her devastating Special 3, every movement feels fluid, yet filled with menace. Shathra's basic attacks have a very animalistic flair. She leaps and slashes with clawed appendages, delivering blows that feel fast and nimble, much like a spider ambushing its prey. While Shathra’s special attacks may not have the vibrant flair of other Mystic champions, they are fluid and perfectly suit her eerie, predatory style. Her Special 3 stands out from the rest—she conjures a portal and pulls her opponent into an alternate dimension, where she dismembers them with a flurry of precise and lethal slashes.

Damage: 7/10. Shathra's damage output is respectable, but she shines most in short to medium-length fights such as in Battlegrounds or Alliance War. Her Astral Wasp mechanic allows for solid damage over time, but it may take some ramp-up to reach its full potential. In shorter fights, her ability to place loads of Astral Eggs using the Special 1 and quickly hatch them into wasps provides her with a steady flow of energy damage, and her power-stealing mechanics allow for frequent access to her special attacks, maximizing her burst potential in these scenarios. By charging her heavy attack, Shathra sacrifices her Astral Wasps to gain key advantages: she Power steals, taking a portion of a bar from the opponent while gaining a portion of that herself. However she isn’t meant to be a power control champion as her power steal doesn’t drain that much power. Instead she’s more of a power gain champion. Additionally, each wasp sacrificed also grants vulnerability passives, reducing the enemy's resistance to damage. This mechanic, first seen with Absorbing Man, allows for a strategic trade-off between damage output from wasps and control over the enemy's power, making Shathra a versatile champion. One of Shathra’s unique advantages is that no champions are immune to her Astral Wasps, allowing her to consistently apply her damage-over-time effects. However, some champions possess energy resistance, which can reduce the overall damage dealt by her wasps.

Utility: 7/10. Shathra offers a well-rounded utility kit. As mentioned above, she can power steal by sacrificing her Astral Wasp and apply multiple vulnerability passives. Her ability to heal most, if not all, energy damage through her Special 3 gives her strong survivability in matchups against energy-based damage. Her Special 1 inflicts a 70% potency Atrophy passive, reducing the length of buffs. T Additionally, Shathra’s damage output and mechanics don’t rely on debuffs, making her a valuable option in matchups against champions with high purify or tenacity. Since her main damage source, the Astral Wasps, are not affected by debuff-immunity or purify mechanics, she can consistently deal damage without fear of her abilities being cleansed. While Shathra offers solid utility with power steal, vulnerability passives, and atrophy, her versatility doesn’t quite match champions like Enchantress or Kushala. These champions boast a wider array of utility, such as more diverse control mechanisms and defensive options, giving them broader applicability across different scenarios. Shathra excels in matchups focused on energy damage and power control, but lacks some of the more flexible abilities found in top-tier Mystic utility champions. Nonetheless, her unique mechanics make her a strong pick in many situations.

Wasp totem Also another thing I want to talk about is Shathra's wasp totem pre-fight ability. Which not only grants Poison immunity to Spider-Verse champions but also provides various bonuses depending on the specific Spider-Verse champion chosen. By providing immunity and additional buffs, Shathra can create opportunities for her allies, making her a valuable pick for players looking to optimize their team compositions and counter specific threats.

Strengths and Best matchups:

Buff heavy defenders

Serpent: Shathra can effectively reduce Serpent's power gain and negate his death immunity through her Atrophy passive. This allows her to maintain control over his Culforce charges while consistently launching special attacks. While she may not be a hard counter that players may be looking for, she is a decent option if they don’t have a Kushala, America Chavez or another counter.

Maestro: Shathra is a near-hard counter to Maestro and she can handle his challenging abilities, including pierce, glancing, and cosmic radiation ISO-8 buffs. Her Special 1 applies atrophy, effectively lowering the duration of these buffs, Additionally when Maestro is inflicted with atrophy, his cosmic radiation damage is reduced by 50%, his Neutronium charges expire 50% faster, plus he won’t Root the opponent on special attacks when in Superior Rage.

Sersi and Gorr: Shathra is a strong counter to Sersi and Gorr due to her ability to reduce the duration of key buffs like Fury, Glancing, and Regeneration. Against Sersi, her atrophy effect weakens Sersi’s main buff-based mechanics, cutting down the effectiveness of her glancing and regeneration buffs. Similarly, against Gorr, Shathra diminishes his Shadow Magic buffs and regeneration, making her an effective choice in these encounters where buff-heavy champions rely on extended durations for their strength.

Future Ant-Man: Another bug themed champion, (FAM) poses a tough challenge due to his reliance on Nano Armors, which enable attacks to glance, reducing their damage and increasing his survivability. His armor also makes him tankier and allows him to activate his Surging Swarm ability, enhancing his offensive capabilities. Shathra’s ability to reduce buff durations, however, gives her an advantage in countering his temporary Nano Armors, mitigating his damage reduction and allowing her to bypass some of his defensive mechanics.

Energy Damage Matchups:

Domino: Shathra can handle Domino's energy damage from critical failures with her Special 3, healing most of the damage taken from these effects. But beware that she isn’t immune to ability accuracy reduction.
Iceman's Cold Snap

Mephisto's aura of incineration,

Magik’s Limbo energy damage.


Unable to Counter-Evade or Miss: Shathra lacks the mechanics to deal with champions that can evade or miss attacks, making her vulnerable to skilled opponents who can avoid her damage.

No Immunities: Her lack of immunities means she can be affected by standard debuffs, increasing her risk in various matchups.

Energy Resistance: Opponents with energy resistance can mitigate her damage output, especially against champions like Bishop and Photon.

Opponents Without Buffs: Her ramp-up can slow significantly against champions who do not generate or rely on buffs, limiting her effectiveness.

What I would change:
One thing I do want to say about her kit, though, that is also related to utility, is that she has zero immunities, which makes her more vulnerable in matchups where damaging debuffs can play a significant role. While her offensive capabilities and healing from energy damage are strong, her inability to resist standard debuffs means she requires more strategic play and careful matchups, especially when facing champions or nodes that inflict these debuffs consistently, like Hazard shift in Alliance War or any bleed nodes, etc. If I were to add an immunity to her kit, Poison immunity would align well with her wasp and spider background, especially considering her wasp totem pre-fight ability. Additionally, making her specials grant 0 power to the defender could smooth out her gameplay, preventing opponents from gaining power. At the same time, she applies her damage and control mechanics, leading to a more consistent offensive flow. Another change I suggest (but is optional) is implementing a mechanism for Shathra to counter Spider-Verse champions directly, despite her Mystic classification. For instance, her wasps could prevent evading or missing mechanics, enhancing her matchups and aligning with her background as a Totem Hunter. This adjustment would expand her utility against a wider range of opponents and reinforce her thematic connection to the Spider-Verse. While Shathra is a decent champion, implementing these changes would significantly enhance her effectiveness in the long run, especially given her status as the Summoner's Choice champion.

Conclusion: As the first female Mystic Summoner's Choice champion, Shathra brings a unique blend of offensive capabilities and thematic depth to the Contest of Champions. While she has robust utility and healing mechanics, addressing her vulnerabilities and enhancing her kit with immunities and countermeasures against Spider-Verse champions would significantly improve her effectiveness. Overall, Shathra is an exciting, yet unique addition to the contest.
Thoughts? Questions?



  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 6,307 ★★★★★
    edited September 27
    Forgot to include her signature ability

    Shathra’s signature ability enhances her combat effectiveness by providing her with regeneration each time she starts a fight with Vengeance charges. The more Vengeance charges she has, the greater her healing potential, allowing her to sustain herself in battles. Additionally, whenever an opponent's buff expires naturally, she has a chance to inflict a vulnerability passive, further amplifying her damage output against those Buff heavy matchups
  • BendyBendy Member Posts: 5,903 ★★★★★
    I got her 6 took her r3 pretty solid like using my gwen more now with peni symbiote synergy as now she gets 7 spider charges and now hits even more higher numbers which im loving
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 6,307 ★★★★★
    Bendy said:

    I got her 6 took her r3 pretty solid like using my gwen more now with peni symbiote synergy as now she gets 7 spider charges and now hits even more higher numbers which im loving

    Plus the poison immunity, that's gonna be useful for stuff like alliance war
  • BendyBendy Member Posts: 5,903 ★★★★★
    EdisonLaw said:

    Bendy said:

    I got her 6 took her r3 pretty solid like using my gwen more now with peni symbiote synergy as now she gets 7 spider charges and now hits even more higher numbers which im loving

    Plus the poison immunity, that's gonna be useful for stuff like alliance war
    Yeah i was thinking of using that for eq so i can do a full quest with just gwen if i see that might try in war but only 6 r3 will hold off till 7 before war
  • BlackTuranBlackTuran Member Posts: 886 ★★★
    I’ve got 3 or 4 Titans lined up for the next pool. She’s one of the champs I’m hoping to get. She looked soooo dope in the spotlight videos. Hopefully she lives up to the hype in game 🙏
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 6,307 ★★★★★
    edited September 27

    I’ve got 3 or 4 Titans lined up for the next pool. She’s one of the champs I’m hoping to get. She looked soooo dope in the spotlight videos. Hopefully she lives up to the hype in game 🙏

    Yes I heard the next one is gonna be good. Beta Ray Bill, Count Nefaria, Shathra, Enchantress, etc.
  • BlackTuranBlackTuran Member Posts: 886 ★★★
    EdisonLaw said:

    I’ve got 3 or 4 Titans lined up for the next pool. She’s one of the champs I’m hoping to get. She looked soooo dope in the spotlight videos. Hopefully she lives up to the hype in game 🙏

    Yes I heard the next one is gonna be good. Beta Ray Bill, Count Nefaria, Shathra, Enchantress, etc.
    Depending on who the last 2 are, I will have anywhere from 9 to 11 champs that I’d like from the Titan. That’s a decent chance imo, and even the ones I don’t really want aren’t that bad
  • SquidopusSquidopus Member Posts: 287 ★★★

    Pulled a 6*, been messing around with her. Still figuring out how best to manage her wasps and eggs but she seems pretty good. 6* r3, unascended and unawakened, no vengeance. My mystic roster is getting pretty crowded these days but I’m still considering bringing her up higher, she seems like she can pull her weight.
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 6,307 ★★★★★
    Squidopus said:

    Pulled a 6*, been messing around with her. Still figuring out how best to manage her wasps and eggs but she seems pretty good. 6* r3, unascended and unawakened, no vengeance. My mystic roster is getting pretty crowded these days but I’m still considering bringing her up higher, she seems like she can pull her weight.

    If you get up to 200 eggs, you can plant 300 more with the sp1. After the sp3, you'll have plenty of wasps. If you start to run out, plant more using sp1
  • peixemacacopeixemacaco Member Posts: 2,368 ★★★★
    Got Shathra Deathless Wasp 3 stars on arenas...

    Great champ but Im still trying to figure how to reach Sp.3 as it stop at Sp.2 and only at times becomes red, just when you win or lose.

    Some other champs have this, as Air-Walker and Terrax...

  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 6,307 ★★★★★

    Got Shathra Deathless Wasp 3 stars on arenas...

    Great champ but Im still trying to figure how to reach Sp.3 as it stop at Sp.2 and only at times becomes red, just when you win or lose.

    Some other champs have this, as Air-Walker and Terrax...

    She cannot use sp3 if she isn’t holding the heavy
  • PT_99PT_99 Member Posts: 4,079 ★★★★★
    Really underwhelming and subpar.
    Feels like 7* is doing the damage of 6* and 6 is doing of 5*

    It wouldn't hurt to give new 7* attackers a bit of damage in their kit.
    Watch any of her vids
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 6,307 ★★★★★
    PT_99 said:

    Really underwhelming and subpar.
    Feels like 7* is doing the damage of 6* and 6 is doing of 5*

    It wouldn't hurt to give new 7* attackers a bit of damage in their kit.
    Watch any of her vids

    Yeah as @ItsClobberinTime said, they seem to be basing damage off r3 7*s.
  • Java_JunkieJava_Junkie Member Posts: 425 ★★
    @EdisonLaw spot on with the visuals; if you’ve ever had that combo of revulsion and fear of legit harm from coming across (or being chased by) any wasp specie, you get what the design team was reaching for. little visceral body horror, little cosmic terror, they nailed it.
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 6,307 ★★★★★

    @EdisonLaw spot on with the visuals; if you’ve ever had that combo of revulsion and fear of legit harm from coming across (or being chased by) any wasp specie, you get what the design team was reaching for. little visceral body horror, little cosmic terror, they nailed it.

    Yes, visually I really like her looks. I wish her specials were a little bit more vibrant but they are simple yet effective
  • NONYABIZZNONYABIZZ Member Posts: 465 ★★★
    edited September 28
    EdisonLaw said:

    PT_99 said:

    Really underwhelming and subpar.
    Feels like 7* is doing the damage of 6* and 6 is doing of 5*

    It wouldn't hurt to give new 7* attackers a bit of damage in their kit.
    Watch any of her vids

    Yeah as @ItsClobberinTime said, they seem to be basing damage off r3 7*s.
    I was the one who said this multiple times but go off. 😒
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 6,307 ★★★★★
    NONYABIZZ said:

    EdisonLaw said:

    PT_99 said:

    Really underwhelming and subpar.
    Feels like 7* is doing the damage of 6* and 6 is doing of 5*

    It wouldn't hurt to give new 7* attackers a bit of damage in their kit.
    Watch any of her vids

    Yeah as @ItsClobberinTime said, they seem to be basing damage off r3 7*s.
    I was the one who said this multiple times but go off. 😒
    I thought he said it lol
  • NONYABIZZNONYABIZZ Member Posts: 465 ★★★
    EdisonLaw said:

    NONYABIZZ said:

    EdisonLaw said:

    PT_99 said:

    Really underwhelming and subpar.
    Feels like 7* is doing the damage of 6* and 6 is doing of 5*

    It wouldn't hurt to give new 7* attackers a bit of damage in their kit.
    Watch any of her vids

    Yeah as @ItsClobberinTime said, they seem to be basing damage off r3 7*s.
    I was the one who said this multiple times but go off. 😒
    I thought he said it lol
    Ohh he did but I've been going on this rant since May when it was not as extreme as it is now and was the one who first said the "basing damage off r3 7*" line and got a lot of negative reactions for it.
    Just putting it out there
  • ShashankGuptaShashankGupta Member Posts: 414 ★★
    Idk why but I am getting a feeling that she will not be in next Titan maybe kabam will add only enchantress beta ray bill and count nefaria and add 3 different old champ and leave shatra for next batch just to balance out the class in Titan
  • peixemacacopeixemacaco Member Posts: 2,368 ★★★★
    EdisonLaw said:

    Got Shathra Deathless Wasp 3 stars on arenas...

    Great champ but Im still trying to figure how to reach Sp.3 as it stop at Sp.2 and only at times becomes red, just when you win or lose.

    Some other champs have this, as Air-Walker and Terrax...

    She cannot use sp3 if she isn’t holding the heavy

    Maybe the same for the other ones?
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 6,307 ★★★★★

    Idk why but I am getting a feeling that she will not be in next Titan maybe kabam will add only enchantress beta ray bill and count nefaria and add 3 different old champ and leave shatra for next batch just to balance out the class in Titan

    Yeah I think we will have one of each class in the Titan. Who could those three/two others be?
  • OakenshieldOakenshield Member Posts: 2,097 ★★★★
    EdisonLaw said:

    Idk why but I am getting a feeling that she will not be in next Titan maybe kabam will add only enchantress beta ray bill and count nefaria and add 3 different old champ and leave shatra for next batch just to balance out the class in Titan

    Yeah I think we will have one of each class in the Titan. Who could those three/two others be?
    I don’t think so. They have doubled up before and I think they will do it again. Also, the current one is so weak I think they will bring Shathra in because they need all 4 of the newer champs to get the Titan back on track.
  • BlackTuranBlackTuran Member Posts: 886 ★★★

    EdisonLaw said:

    Got Shathra Deathless Wasp 3 stars on arenas...

    Great champ but Im still trying to figure how to reach Sp.3 as it stop at Sp.2 and only at times becomes red, just when you win or lose.

    Some other champs have this, as Air-Walker and Terrax...

    She cannot use sp3 if she isn’t holding the heavy

    Maybe the same for the other ones?
    For Air Walker, you need to win 2 fights in order to access your sp3 (garbage champion).

    For Terrax, I’m guessing you were in your rock field mode, in which you can’t use any special until your power is drained to 0.
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 6,307 ★★★★★
    edited September 29

    EdisonLaw said:

    Got Shathra Deathless Wasp 3 stars on arenas...

    Great champ but Im still trying to figure how to reach Sp.3 as it stop at Sp.2 and only at times becomes red, just when you win or lose.

    Some other champs have this, as Air-Walker and Terrax...

    She cannot use sp3 if she isn’t holding the heavy

    Maybe the same for the other ones?
    For Air Walker, you need to win 2 fights in order to access your sp3 (garbage champion).

    For Terrax, I’m guessing you were in your rock field mode, in which you can’t use any special until your power is drained to 0.
    Air walker needs a buff, he needs to be able to access that sp3 in a single fight.

    Or, in BGs, start with 3 power cosmic
  • BloodreaperBloodreaper Member Posts: 37
    She disgusts me
  • peixemacacopeixemacaco Member Posts: 2,368 ★★★★
    @BlackTuran and @EdisonLaw


    Complicated champs 😅
  • Emilia90Emilia90 Member Posts: 3,375 ★★★★★
    She seems decent. I don’t think her damage is bad at all. The sp2 part is bugged but this is still a pretty good serpent takedown and faster than what you’d get with a r3 Chavez or Kushala
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 8,119 ★★★★★
    Emilia90 said:

    She seems decent. I don’t think her damage is bad at all. The sp2 part is bugged but this is still a pretty good serpent takedown and faster than what you’d get with a r3 Chavez or Kushala

    50s against a r5a? She's good, but not as good as people hyped.

    They consider 100 times before making a OP attacker, but not even once when making a OP defender.
  • BloodreaperBloodreaper Member Posts: 37

    Emilia90 said:

    She seems decent. I don’t think her damage is bad at all. The sp2 part is bugged but this is still a pretty good serpent takedown and faster than what you’d get with a r3 Chavez or Kushala

    50s against a r5a? She's good, but not as good as people hyped.

    They consider 100 times before making a OP attacker, but not even once when making a OP defender.
    Her dot dmg is really great. She's great for bg
  • Emilia90Emilia90 Member Posts: 3,375 ★★★★★

    Emilia90 said:

    She seems decent. I don’t think her damage is bad at all. The sp2 part is bugged but this is still a pretty good serpent takedown and faster than what you’d get with a r3 Chavez or Kushala

    50s against a r5a? She's good, but not as good as people hyped.

    They consider 100 times before making a OP attacker, but not even once when making a OP defender.
    Actual fight time was 43 which is pretty good. Kushala and Chavez are slower as r3’s so it’s still pretty impressive imo
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