Raids Prowler in the middle path

So the Invisible woman fight was already terrible and 100% untested.
Now there's a Prowler fight on the last node of the middle path where you cna gain charges by punishing his heavies and specials. You can't actually punish his specials tho without a vigilance WHICH YOU GET FOR 10 SECONDS AFTER PUNISHING HIS SPECIALS.
And yes I understand that you can simply bait heavies at first and gain the vigilance but c'mon, it's a 10 second Vigilance. That's outrageous.
You guys really need to actually test these fights before launching them. Give the content creators access to test them or something. This is just insanely dumb.
Now there's a Prowler fight on the last node of the middle path where you cna gain charges by punishing his heavies and specials. You can't actually punish his specials tho without a vigilance WHICH YOU GET FOR 10 SECONDS AFTER PUNISHING HIS SPECIALS.
And yes I understand that you can simply bait heavies at first and gain the vigilance but c'mon, it's a 10 second Vigilance. That's outrageous.
You guys really need to actually test these fights before launching them. Give the content creators access to test them or something. This is just insanely dumb.
But yeah, the only option if you do t have her is punish heavies and then hope that prowler is feeling generous with his special 1 so you can punish it whilst the vigilance is up.
You can refresh it easily by punishing his SP1 which he is prone to use.
If you lose it, bait another heavy and you’re good to go.
Worked for me anyway.
I knew Prowler would be rough because of his bleed immunity.
However knowing I could get a few intercepts in at the beginning to help build charges by punishing the heavy, then get the boon and just punish sp1 and had a decent fight.
It is hard to get the AI to play along for the intercepts, but I did it as well as could be hoped for and got the boon and started punishing sp1.
It worked fine once, but the vigilance falls off too fast. It runs out during his (lengthy) sp1 animation and then I can’t punish the sp1.
Bottom line, in this summoner’s opinion, the vigilance buff needs to be longer to have a chance at maintaining a rotation.
I love White Tiger and chose her. She was completely, utterly useless against IW and now it's the same thing against Prowler. I need armour breaks on prowler so I need to do MM combos, then use an sp1 and only then I can start baiting heavies to get the vigilance. It takes forever to build the charges in this fight.
Terrible design, terrible pool of champions to choose from.
It’s basically sheer luck if you choose the right hero for the first raid.